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"No." He firmly stated. When he talked like that, he meant business. For a moment, I felt a twinge of anger-not towards him, but to myself. I had lied to him, betrayed his trust, and I expected him to forgive me for it. I gave him another pleading look. His stony expression stayed the same as his shaking hand raised and pointed towards the door. "Leave." He icily stated. That one word made me break down. I started to cry as I gathered my clothes off of the floor and carelessly threw them into the bag I had opted to bring with me. I gave him one last look as I opened the door, but he avoided my eyes and turned away. I had never felt this lonely in my life. Walking down the hall of the posh hotel in New York that we were staying in, I looked at the walls and saw an ugly, swirling mass of colors and shapes as my tears ran down my face. I thought back of all the time we had spent together. Of his peircing deep brown eyes and strong arms that I always thought could protect me from any harm. Then, I thought about the night I had spent with the guy I drunken-ly picked up outside of that club in New York. In a stupid blindness, I changed my life forever. It will never be the same, and there's no one to blame but myself for that. It sucks-alot. As the elevator went down, I thought about the guy I had found. I didn't even remember his name. The only thing I remember were his clear blue eyes and the long blond hair that I found so attractive in him. I remember his aggressiveness...even though he was drunk out of his mind, he was good. I grinned in spite of myself, remembering the feel of the muscles in his chest against me, and the feel of his lips against mine. Even though the lobby was warm, I shuddered at the thought of where I was to stay until my plane left-next week. I looked up at the instinctive feeling of someone watching me. When I did, I met a pair of crystal-blue eyes, and it all came rushing back at me. I saw the look of astonishment of my face reflected in those eyes. He ran up and hugged me. I was amazed that he actually remembered me. His long blond hair was pulled back in a low ponytail. When he smiled at me, I noticed for the first time, the sexy little curve of his top lip and the little dimple in his cheek. His face showed all of his emotions so clearly. He looked at me, starting to talk, and me, in my loving blindness-I wasn't even paying attention to the golden words falling out of his mouth. When I realized he was talking, I shook my head and quickly fell out of the daze he had me in. My eyes transfixed on his beautiful face, I chose my words carefully, so as not to sound stupid. I cleared my flustered mind and slowly said, "I'm sorry...what did you say?" He grinned and I felt my knees go weak under me. I struggled not to fall down in the crowded lobby. He took a deep breath, inhaling the sweet fragrance of New York at Christmas, then looked straight into my eyes. The gorgeous deep, soulful blue enveloped me and I almost didn't catch what he was saying once again. "I'm Taylor. Are you staying here?" His voice was perfect too. I struggled to find an answer for him. "Ummm...well, yeah...kinda. I was. No, not anymore. is, but..." My eyes filled up with tears that just wouldn't come out earlier. Taylor told me to sit down on the bench in the lobby. He sat next to me, and held my hands in his, with his right thumb gently massaging the top of my hand. It was more of a comfort than an annoyance, and it was even more of a comfort when he looked ino my eyes again. He then spoke, using a very soft tone. "Just...tell me what's wrong. Just tell me the whole story. It's alright." I started to cry again and he enveloped me with a warm hug. I took a shuddering breath as he drew away, knowing that I was ready to tell him the story. So I did. From the very beginning-when I met...'him', until the very ending-the present time. Taylor looked into my eyes the whole time and I felt so safe, sitting there in the bustling, noisy, smelly lobby of that hotel. We sat for awhile, without saying anything, and not really feeling the need to. After about 10 minutes, he turned to me with a thoughtful expression on his face. "What's your name?" He asked me. I had forgotten that he didn't even know my name. "Helen." I quietly replied. He smiled and wrapped me in yet another hug and stood up. Looking down on me, he said, "So, Helen, do you have somewhere to stay tonight?" I shook my head and tried to avoid those eyes. He then took both of my hands into his and pulled me up, so that I was standing in front of him, not 2 inches away from him. He pulled me closer to him and whispered in my ear. "You're coming with me." I smiled as he kissed my neck a little. Suddenly, a hand shot out from behind him, grabbed his shoulders and spun him around so that his back was facing me. Looking over his shoulders in a frightened manner, I saw the same peircing deep brown eyes as...him. But when Taylor moved aside to introduce me, I realized that those eyes weren't as menacing, and the face wasn't the same. These eyes, at a second glance, were much gentler, and showed more wisdom than Taylor's did. His face, more chiseled, mature, manly, and tan, was spellbinding. When the hand that belonged to the radiant face reached out to greet mine, I didn't notice it. I was lost in his eyes.

chapter 2