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Opening Ceremony

The flame of Moltres blazed wildly in Indigo Stadium. The crowd was deafening, even though they had to sit through a display of badly made floats that vaguely looked like Pokemon. It was time for the competitors to enter.

All of the old League favorites were entering in different sides of the stadium, with Ash, Gary, Richie, Janette and countless others leading. They were waving to their fans, but the unknowns that followed them were shaking under the eyes of tens of thousands of people. Lance and the president of the Pokemon League made their way to the podium in the center to give the speech.

Lewis, Mike, and Bridget walked just inside Indigo Plateau. "We made it!" Bridget said.

"Yep. Lewis and I should check in at the Indigo center and see who we're battling." Mike said.

"You two are sure you won't end up battling each other?" Bridget asks.

"Of course! Like we said on the way, we'll be put in different tournament brackets. I'll be in the 7+ badges bracket because I have 9 badges. Mike will be put in a smaller bracket because he has 4 badges." Lewis explains.

"Well, we should first get our Pokemon checked in at the center." Bridget said. They walked to the Indigo Plateau Pokemon Center, and it was jammed with trainers.

"Wow, this is major." Mike says.

"Yah. Let's get our Pokemon in fast before anyone else does." Lewis says.

They quickly managed to get their Pokemon checked in, and they left the center for the main hall of the League. Lewis handed the person there his upgraded pokedex, which she didn't recognize. It took about ten minutes for them to figure out how to get it into the slot. Mike had an average everyday pokedex, which got put in much easier.

" Nicky, look up, I don't think this is Viridian City, are you SURE that map's correct?" Kelly asked.

" Not anymore, this is were Trainers go before battling the Elite Four." Nicky says.

" Oh, well, then how ‘bout we head over to the East and try to find the correct city?" Kelly asks.

" Naw, I want to watch how everyone does in the League Games." Meeko says.

" Ok, it says here there are some different brackets, let's see which one we want to watch..." Meeko says.

" Excuse me," a lady said, " You need to check in over here if you want to battle."

" Oh no, I'm already a Master, Nicky." he held up his PokéDex with his information.

" Oh, alright."

" ( Those people look familiar, Kelly. )" Venus said.

" The two boys and girl turned from hearing Eevee talk.

" Kelly, Nicky!" Lewis and Mike yelled.

" Who?" Bridget asked.

" They're some old friends of ours!"

" Who's your girlfriend?" Nicky asked, Lewis face faulted with a big sweat drop on his head and Bridget blushed and laughed.

" What?"

" She's not my girlfriend!"

" Oh...ehehehe... Well, you guys are trying to become Masters huh?"

" Yep, are you two, er, four going to watch us?"

" The best we can, it's hard with the different brackets."

" Well, we gotta go, see ya around!"

"Ok. Who will I be battling against?" Lewis asks.

The person pressed a few buttons, and a person appeared, he had black hair, and wore some kind of robe.

"His name is Atoshi." the attendant said.

Lewis went over to the field randomizer and checked which field he would battle upon. It spun around the 4 fields 6 times, and finally landed on the grass field.

"Ok. Alakazam and Lickitung should be perfect for this. Now I'll have to choose between Charmander and Bulbasaur. Oh well, I'll see what happens when I get there." Lewis said.

Mike went over to the second bracket option, and saw his opponent. "His name is Gads Trisan." the attendant said. Mike walked over and selected his field, it finally ended on the water field.

"Well, we should probably get ready for out matches. Dragonair, Kabutops, and another one of my Pokemon should be enough to face Gads." Mike said.