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Tobacco Addiction and Use Among Teens


1.Smoking kills more people each year than alcohol, cocaine, crack, heroin, marijuana, car accidents, homicide, guns, bike accidents, suicide, fires, sexually transmitted diseases, airplane crashes and AIDS...COMBINED.

2.The Tobacco Industry wants you to think of smoking as a hobby. Collecting baseball cards is a hobby. Collecting diseases is not.

3.Smoking helps lose wight. So does cancer.

4.The Tobacco Industry wants you tho think of smoking as a sign of strength. Smoking is actually a sign of self-indulgence. Quitting is a sign of strength.

5.Just because society rejects smoking and you reject society doesn't mean you have to smoke to prove it.

6.Smoking causes cancer. Cancer cures smoking.

7.If you're free, they're not. If they're free, you're not. Cigarettes are distributed free of charge to all prisoners in federal penitentiaries.

If you want to quit or have a friend who wants to quit, there are ways to do it that are easier than just throwing away your cigerettes. You can go to your doctor and ask for a prescription for the nicotine patch or go to your locol drugstore and buy a gum that has nicotine in it to help with the cravings. There are ways to successfully quit and improve your chances of NOT dying of cancer or emphyzema.

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