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Based on the Sunday liftout/supplement baring the same name, body+soul has a team of presenters - (see below)... and is a holistic approach to health covering a variety of issues relating to health, beauty, fitness, alternative therapies and relationships. It is also the "..first 'on-air' collaboration between a major metropolitan newspaper group and television network".

The cast, from left: Karina Brown, Toby Allen of Human Nature, model Erica Heynote and Perth actor Paul Mercurio)


body+soul has been on our screens for over a month now (6 episodes) and seems to be proving popular so far, with 1.2 million viwers tuning in to the first episode! It is a health and lifestyle show, covering issues relating to the mind and body - a 'do it yourself' kind of show... and has already dealt with a range of issues such as laughter therapy, dust mites and salsa dancing! It also 'makes over' a different person each week.

Although Toby is by far my favourite presenter (guess that was a given tho) ;) and he has certainly taken to the job naturally (we won't let him give up his day job tho!!) *lol* - I really enjoy the show overall. It is interesting, fun and simple...easy to watch and enjoy, and gives us some great hints at the same time.

As this is a Toby site, and therefore my focus is solely on him...the following topics are those that have already been featured by Toby on the show:


Episode 1 - 7/2/02
-Laughter Therapy ("Laugh Elixir")
-Decaf Coffee

Episode 2 - 14/2/02
-voiceover for an interview with David Hird (footballer)
- Feng Shui ("Room of Love")

Episode 3 - 21/2/02
- Water Hydration
- Exercise 'Fit' Balls
--and the makeover of a teenage girl (Samantha)

Episode 4 - 28/2/02
-Golden Door Health Retreat
-Interview with Richard Sanson

Episode 5 - 7/3/02

Episode 6 -14/3/02
- Makeover of Maxine Whalin
- Sports Drinks

Episode 7 - 21/3/02
- Intro by Toby, Napolean & Josephine :)
- The Beach
- Home Gym

Episode 8 - 28/3/02 - Season Final
- Leanne & Petrina's reunion
- Story on Danielle Spencer

Here's Toby with fellow presenter, Karina..


- Screens @ 8pm Thursday nights, Channel 9.
- body+soul first screened February 7th, 2002.
- based on the 'body+soul liftout/supplement in Sunday's paper.
- the other presenters are Karina Brown, Erica Heynatz and Paul Mercurio.


For the official body+soul site

The Sunday Telegraph Body + Soul Website


and here's what some of the fans have had to say about the show... body+soul

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