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The body +soul Fans speak...


Emma - "Well, all those body and soul watchers would have seen toby do that story on exercise's at work.Anyway, I get a really sore back when I'm on the computer. Or at a desk. So when I saw toby recommend sitting on that ball - I bought one. $45 - a bit rich but I thought - what the hell - I'll try anything.So, I bought it and it's great. Watching TV, doing homework, on the computer. It's really comfy too. So - toby saved my butt. Or lower back anyway. And what's funny is - had paul mecurio said that it was good. I wouldn't have listened to him. It's great :) Anyone else had good solutions from that show? Thanks body and soul :)

Natty - "...while it's great Toby is on it, I'm trying to get myself fitter and healthier, so I think it's a great show to help me achieve this- it's just a bonus it's got Toby :o) "

Alison- "I've gotten so many tips, they let you know of fun ways to keep fit."


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