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Toby Moments


Here is where you can share with us any of your special Toby moments. Do you have any funny experiences or stories involving a time you met Toby? Did he do s'thing funny on stage? or maybe how did u feel the first time you got to meet him? Whatever you're's sure to be special to you and therefore we'd all love to hear about it! :) Just e-mail it to me at the address below.

Amy (turtle):

Toby Moment Number 1.
It was during the Last to Know promo tour and i won a competition to go and spend the nite with Toby, Mike and 10 other girls at pmfm in Perth. So off i went not really too worried about Toby cos my eyes were set on Mike but when i got there Toby was soo sweet! we were walking down a passage way and he was signing coke bottles and garlic bread wrappers and then i asked him to sign my arm and he looked at me and said dont be silly it'll wash off....I was sooo heart broken.

Toby Moment 2.
This one was at the Counting Down promo tour in Perth and it was during the signing afterwards. Anyway, there was a guy saying that you could only take one thing up on stage to get signed so clutched in my lil hands was a bunch of pics that i had taken with Mike and Toby at pmfm during the last to know tour. Some of them had been blown up in fact- the ones of toby and me and the ones of mike and me. I was going to ask anyway- not let an opportunity like that pass me by, so i got to Mike and he smiled and said i am soo sorry i cant - cos a stupid security person was standing next to him but by the time i got to Toby he just looked at his bald head in the pic and said oh wow, when were these taken? and he signed away.. while the security guy was giving him evils- i walked off absolutely beaming- i was floating for the rest of my day- for the rest of my life!!!!!!!!!! I have the pic framed!!!!!

Kristy B:

well, my wittle toby thing is..... it was at whitfords city, in a games place called Intencity!! umm, five girlies got to bring one friend each and we just hung out with the guys for about 2 hours, so basically, in the place was, toby, mike, andrew, phil, 10 gals and the radio dj, and my wittle buddy byte boy! okay, yeah, back to TOBY!.... well, me and my friend megan were TRYING to play the pinball game, hahah, i didn't know how to flick the ball to actually get the game started, and we were just standing there looking like total idiots, and Megan was elbowing me in the ribs, and i was just like, what do u want?
and hehe, i didn't realise Toby was standing behind me watching me TRY to play pinball *goes red* hahah, i looked at him, so then he goes, well, you gotta turn the machine on first *shamo* then flick the ball with this button!! and then he started laffing, but it was in a nice way! :)

okay.. *tries to fink of more stuff that happened* ummmmm, ohh yesh, well, another embarrasing story for me!! okay, me, my sis and my friends carri anne and cara lee went to the perth last to know instore, and waited like 5 hours, then, when we got to go up to da counter, toby started talking to me. I had my fan club magazine, so he said, how do u like the fan club? but i was too awestruck that he was actually talking to me, that i couldn't answer, so he said it again, and again i couldn't answer! Then my friend had to answer for me.. how embarrasingggggggggggggg!!

Amy W (AnDyShAgGeR):

Okies here are a couple!...
* From the first time i met him in March 97..
Me- "Wow your pen is great"(it was a green texta and it wasn't running out like mike's dodgy gold one)
Toby- "Green is good!, Remember that!"

* Me to Toby in Sept 97..
"I love your hair!" (it was the really spiky bleach blonde job for the 97 tour)
"Thanks *beautiful grin* I love it too, when its not falling out!"

* Then at the John Farnham tour Toby and i were getting a photo and someone commented on how i was almost as tall as Toby. He replied "Well we can't have that!"and stood on his tippy toes, i responded by standing on my tippy toes and stretching as high as i could, then so did he, so for a few moments we were trying to outdo each other getting taller and taller, while we had our arms around each other and Teegan was trying to take the photo! He then ended it by saying, "Give up, you'll never win *grin*" and we got the photo taken. This is my fav tobes moment! :)

* In Robina Nov 99..
Me- "Hey Tobes, guess how much this CD costed", Toby- *shrugs* I dunno, Me- Well guess! Toby- Ummm $5??? Me- Nup! 20 cents!!!!, Toby- Go u for making me feel good :P

*lol* That was a promotional wishes single that a friend of mine from Hungary had sent to me that i was getting signed! *lol*

Kat O:

Toby Moment Number 1.
My mum, sister, my sister's friend, her mum and me had front row seats at the Human Nature Tour 2000 concert in Perth and Toby had all this sweat on his T-shirt. Anyway, my mum noticed all the sweat on him and pointed at him and said "look at all the sweat on Toby's shirt!" and he heard her!! He just smiled shyly at us though. HE'S SO ADORABLE!!

Toby Moment Number 2
After that concert, the musicians came out to pack up all the gear and I shouted out "can I have one of their towels??" and one of them said that they'd use them again. Then the guitarist came out and I shouted out "can I please have one of those water bottles that they used??" and the nice guitarist handed me it!! Unfortunatly it was Phil's and not Toby's (Which I would have much preffered!!) but at least I have Phil's water bottle standing proud in my Human Nature shrine!!


My fave toby experience would have to be...
*when i was lining up for autographs - finally got to the front and couldn't find where in the telling everybody slick he was - his page wouldn't open :( He pulled this really sad face and said - don't you know where i am? mike just laughed cos he'd just signed it and i found him straight away. Plus he sweated on me :)


ok, well, first of all, i'm in a wheelchair, and, i was granted a wish from the starlight children's foundation.

the lady that was organising my wish, sent me out the forms, and i had to list my 3 top wishes, one of which was to meet the boys (at the time, i hadn't been lucky enough to meet them).

well, as we all know, around the time that tobes was doing cabaret, the boys weren't touring, and they weren't sure when they'd b touring next, so the lady got back to me, and said "they're not touring, atm, but did u know that one of them is in a musical?", which of course, i did. so she said, "would you like to go and see the show, and meet him afterwards?", well, i nearly jumped outta my skin with excitement.

so, after everything had been organised, we went to see the show. as we were waiting around, b4 we went into the theatre, we saw a guy run right past us, and mum said to me, "did u recognise who that was?", and i said, "sure did". it turned out to be ben tari from all saints (or "fallover boy", as i call him, hehe, long story). so, we went in, and saw the show, and, as all of u that saw the show, would know, close to interval, the tobemeister walked up the side of the theatre, with a feather boa in his hands, and as he walked back down towards the stage, he chose an unsuspecting female, and rubbed the feather boa behind her neck. well, guess who he just "happened" to choose, the night we saw the show, hehe. i thought he chose me, because i was wearing one of my HN shirts. when he did it, i started to look towards him, saw the trenchcoat that he was wearing, and instantly looked at my friend, who after the show, rubbed it in by tellin me that at the time, my face looked like i'd seen a ghost. well, then interval came, and the lady that had given us the tickets, came and spoke to us, and asked if we were enjoying the show, which of course we all were, and then she told me that b4 the show, toby had been told where i was sitting, so i thought, "damn, and here i was thinking that he chose me for my shirt", hehe, oh well.

well, after the show, we were taken backstage to an area that had a couch on either side, and a chair at either end, and my mum, dad and grandmother sat on one couch, and my friend sat on the other, and i sat next to my friend. well, i reckon my friend and i said to each other, "is that him?", "no", "damn", about 50 times, b4 we said it the last time, hehe. the last time, i said it to my friend, and she said, "no", and then i said, "then y is he heading straight for us?" well, when he came down, he introduced himself, gave me a hug, and all i could say to him was "i'm shaking", and he asked me y, and i couldn't answer him, hehe, (he'll do that to ya, won't he, with those baby blues, hehe). then, i thought that he'd sit on the chair that was next to me, but instead of sitting on the chair, he got down on his knees, next to me, and stayed there, the entire time, which ended up being about 30 mins, and i thought, "hang on a second, what's wrong with this picture..., oh i know, u've got a knee that sometimes gives u trouble, u've just done an entire show, including a kickline, and now ur on ur knees, next to me... ru MAD?????", hehe, but of course i didn't say ne of that. then he said that he had some presents for me, the first of which was to be a program, but then he said, "i see u've already got one, do u want me to sign it for u?", and i thought, "what a dumb question, hehe, of course i do", so of course i said "yes please", polite girl that i am. then he gave me the gorilla, and asked if i wanted him to sign it, (again, "what a dumb question, of course i do", hehe), so he signed the shirt, and then we just sat and talked, for about half an hour. at one point, we started talkin about the dvd, and with one of the comments that my grandmother made, i wanted to crawl under a rock, and just DIE, she embarrassed the living daylights outta me, but of course, she didn't mean to. what happened was, toby asked if i'd listened to the audio commentary, from the guys, and my grandmother said that i could say it, word for word.

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