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It's not just the magazines that have singled Toby out for those special Toby moments! He has also been the 'star' *grins* on a few television shows as well...

Here are the TV shows that Toby has featured on solo (meaning without those other gorgeous nature boys!) ;)

GNW Nitelite - 7/10/99

This was the first show to guest star our Toby. Not only was he on one of the 'teams' in which he did a number of memorable toby moments (most importantly his 'blowfish' trick whilst in the Scattegories bubble) but the other guys soon joined him and we were treated to a fantastic performance of 'Earth Angel' by our talented four!!

Harry's Practice - 5/3/00

Harry's Practice featured not only Toby but also his two gorgeous little dogs Napolean and Josephine! It was only a brief appearance but very sweet and Toby fans everywhere were left thinking "awww..." and of course "I'd kiss ya Tobes!" *grins*

House Of Hits - 18/3/00

House Of Hits starred Toby as co-host while Molly was away in Japan... He fitted in well and looked great in a funky orange shirt! We also had double the excitement when the other guys appeared to perform BTWY! ...

more toby on tv