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Campus Radio 89.3 (The largest and biggest TV/Radio network in the Philippines) celebrated its 3rd Anniversary on February 8, 2001.  DJ Van Murphy (Program Director) held the Rob Rock “Rage Of Creation” album On-Air Radio Promo for a week during the said event under the program “Campus Rock Box” held everyday at 5-6 PM.  The featured single was “Beautiful Lady”.  The FM Radio station also conducted an exclusive Rob Rock interview.  

Campus Radio 89.3:  Now that it is done, how do you see Rage Of Creation?

Rob Rock:  Well, I believe “Rage Of Creation” is the best album I have ever recorded.  It was a great experience . . . as I look back and listen to the album and reflect on it, I am very very happy with the results, I am very pleased with the production and the mixed is definitely the best mixed I have ever had in any of the albums I have done.  So I think is my greatest works so far.

Campus Radio 89.3:  Since this is your first solo album, did you feel more pressure in the studio?

Rob Rock:  Well, there was definitely added pressure because for the first time I was in charge in everything.  My opinion was the most important opinion, so what I want I got and when you’re making an album and you know people are waiting to hear it and you’re making all the decisions, it tends to put a lot of pressures on you because you’re hoping that you’re making right decisions and that people will like the album.  When the album was done I felt great about the album …it didn’t really matter what people thought about it because I was happy with it but now that people have reacted in a strong and positive way, it’s just a great blessing to have an album that everybody loves and an album that I personally really love and think it’s great.

Campus Radio 89.3:  How do you feel about working with Roy Z as your producer, considering that you have been with Chris Impellitteri for quite some time?

Rob Rock:  Roy Z and Chris Impellitteri both have two completely different styles of producing.  I feel really comfortable with Roy Z, I have known him for over 10 years, Roy Z is just a lot of fun, and we have a lot of fun making this record.  We went for live performances, we tried to captured the real Rob Rock, the real sound of Rob Rock singing live and so we didn’t spend a lot of time trying to make everything perfect in a technical sense but we spend more time in just trying to capture a great honest vibe and that to me was like…..that to me makes the record because it is so honest and awesome in that way.  Working over the past on Impellitteri records, we try to get the best performance we can on tape but Chris Impellitteri is more technically oriented…he wanted everything to be technically perfect, what I mean ‘technically’…..i mean sound wise, level wise, phrasing, and rhythm..cause when we work with Chris, we didn’t used a lot of technology…we just aah!……something hasn’t quote un-quote perfect.  We sing in parts so that makes a lot harder to record to keep singing parts over and over again to get that same honest vibe to it and so it’s quite different approaching my solo album, Roy Z is just trying to capture it live showing the true side of my performance, so I feel great about working with Roy Z as my producer and I really enjoyed the album more because of that. 

Campus Radio 89.3:  Did any song challenge you or give you more trouble than the others?

Rob Rock:  There was really no song in particular that gave me a special challenge.  I mean I basically took it one song at a time when I was recording it and so if there was any problem…we just fixed it…re-sing it.  It’s just a over-all great experience.

Campus Radio 89.3:  What song came out most quickly to you?

Rob Rock:  “Beautiful Lady” was a very quick song.  That is basically a live take.  I mean I just sing the song 3-4 times live and that’s what we used on the song.  We just took the best section from each of the live takes aand compiled it together to make a great song.  That was definitely the quickest song that we did recording wise cause it’s really no harmonies to it….it’s just me singing alone in the mike with the acoustic guitar.  The other thing about the song that Roy recorded the acoustic guitar at the same time that I was singing so it was very live felt to it.

Campus Radio 89.3:  Please tell us something about the songs “Eagle” and “Beautiful Lady”.

Rob Rock:  While “Eagle” is actually a pop rock song from the band called ABBA.  One of my friends suggested that song and I didn’t really want to do a pop song but once I have heard the song I thought that if I approached it in a way the Black Sabbath “Heaven and Hell” and add this atmospheric metallic vibe to it that would really make the song better than the original and I believed that whenever you’re doing a cover song that you should try to make it better and stronger than the original by taking it from a pop rock vein…I believed I have achieved it and also I got a great performance on “Eagle” and also the guitar performance on “Eagle” is great very live too and even the end solo all the way on that is one live take from Roy Z.

Like I said, “Beautiful Lady” again was just an acoustic guitar with my voice as we recorded it and we added some keyboards after it.  That song “Beautiful Lady” is actually about a homeless person and about how God loves everybody on earth even the homeless people and even though humans may look down on those people that they are loved and that they are people too and they’re just in dire straits, in some bad circumstances and God sees the beauty in everyone that’s why it’s called “Beautiful Lady”.

Campus Radio 89.3:  What else can the filipino fans look forward to considering that you’re building a fan base in the Philippines?

Rob Rock:  Well I am really hoping that I can come to the Philippines in person and either do some promotional visits or even play live there.  I don’t think I’ll get over there until after I have recorded my second solo album.  So after that album I hope to play live in Japan and then go to the Philippines for some promotion at least.

Campus Radio 89.3:  Any closing remarks to our listeners?

Rob Rock:  I’d like to say thank you to all the fans in the Philippines.  I really appreciate your support especially supporting me in my solo album.  Please check out the album if you haven’t had the chance to pick it gonna love really rocks and I know that you hear a lot of the ballads on the radio and stuff and some great metal songs on the album as well.  Again, I just thank you for your support and feel free to check out my website at for further updates, we try to update the webpage every month and we also have a sister webpage, a fan page called .  So make sure you check out both pages and their keep you inform of all the touring dates, of all the new album releases coming, there’s photo, discography, sound clips and vocal tips.  There’s all kinds of ineteresting stuff at the pages and we invite you to check it out and again I would like to thank you all for your support and I look forward coming to the Philippines as soon as possible and God Bless you all.  I want to take this opportunity to congratulate Campus Radio 89.3 and congratulations on your 3rd anniversary and I hope you have a great time celebrating and I wish you all the greatest success this 2001.

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