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89.3 Campus Radio FM (RGMA Network Inc. a GMA Company)
Rob Rock Interview on November 23,1998 
by Van Murphy


*Impellitteri interview featured on the last day of 89.3 Campus Radio and Galaxy Records "Eye of the Hurricane" Radio promo aired over the Philippines. Listen in as vocalist Rob Rock talk about the band and the album.
CAMPUS RADIO: I've got Rob on line at line-2 actually. Alright sixteen after four and believe it or not we got the man behind the music "On and On" Rob Rock of Impellitteri live direct from Orlando, Florida. Okey Rob got any message for our friends here in the Philippines before we go further?
ROB ROCK: Alright Van. I'd like to thank the listeners for tuning in today. Please check out our music. The name of the band is Impellitteri and the new album is "Eye of the Hurricane" and it should be out in the store near you or give this station a call they can tell you how to hook up with us and make sure you check out our website at
CR: How about Impellitteri line-up, tell us about it.
RR: Oh the line-up of the band has been the same since like 1991 concerning the core of the band which is Chris Impellitteri on Guitar, Rob Rock on vocals, James Pulli on bass, and then, Ed Roth has always been our keyboard player since we add the keyboards a couple of years back with "Screaming Symphony" album and the drummer like I said Ken Mary has been doing the studio albums and now that the last two(2) tours that we have done we're gonna try to get Glen Sobel to do the new album which we're on the process of writing now.
CR: Yeah, we look forward to that. You know "On and On" has been incredibly making great waves and smoothly catching the Christian hearts of people here in the Philippines. Tell us something about the theme of the music "On an On".
RR: Well, the theme of "On and On" is basically a love relationship, I like to write songs that have double meaning and let the listener decide and apply it to their own lives and hearts. And you know relate to it on their own level in their own experiences in life so I am not really comfortable telling you what the song is about because that is what about to me. But the way I write the songs I write it so the lyrics can be taken more than one way. In one way that the songcould be interpreted is that it's a love song between two people that have had trouble in their relationship and how one person really has true love for this person and how they wait and forgive them for what has happened because they truly love them and that they will always be there. That their love will go on and on. In the same way, It's the same love that JESUS CHRIST has for us in a spiritual way. How he went through the cross and He died for us and was raised from the dead and He continues.... He goes on and on and his love goes on and on for us and How we should. That he will be coming back soon and How  we'll  just wait for His love to come back and redeem us and that's the song, It's a song about hope. It's about staying strong when things were tough and about How God's love continually goes on and on.
CR: Yeah! That's music "On and On". By the way, what's your mailing address in case your fans here in the Philippines might want to get in touch with you?
RR: Like I said, my website is and from that page you can hook up to the Impellitteri page and that's why I direct people to the Rob Rock page because it's so much simpler to say and remember than Impellitteri. My mailing address is Rob Rock, P.O. Box 720425, Orlando, Florida 720425-32872, USA. You can write to me at that addres or you can e-mail me at
CR: Thank you Rob. You are wonderful! 'Got any message before we go?
RR:  I would like to thank all the listeners in the Philippines for checking out Impellitteri and Rob Rock music. Please buy yourself the "Eye of the Hurricane" album and I am sure you're gonna enjoy it.  It's great  positive strong rock and roll. It's got high energy. it's got great melodies and It's really good hard rock music and also has some great ballads on there and again we just thank you for listening and keep your eyes open and hopefully we'll get to come to tour in the Philippines soon.
CR: Yeah!.We'll be glad to have you here. Impellitteri's " Eye of the Hurricane"  is the first release of the Band in the Philippines, What's your hopes and thoughts on this matter?
RR: Well, I am very happy that the cassette of the "Eye of the Hurricane" is coming out in the Philippines and my hopes and prayers are that I could get to come to the Philippines and play live and sing live for you guys. I hope that Impellitteri maybe next time we do our Japanese tour we could go over to the Philippines and also play for everyone here in the Philippines. Thank you again for your support and God  Bless you all.
CR: That's Rob Rock direct from Orlando, Florida, ladies and gentlemen. Thanks Rob!.
RR: Alright Van, I hope that's enough for you. If you need anything else let me know and God Bless you guys. Thank you for playing our music, we really appreciate it. You guys take it easy and keep on rockin' we will talk to you later, Goodbye.