Date: Sun, 06 Dec 1998 23:31:47 -0800
From: Ed & Lynda
MIME-Version: 1.0
To: xxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Twisty cats
Excuse me... but....
Humans have been breeding like this themselves. When "special needs"
people procreate and make more like themselves what do you call that?
Aren't they involved in the same kind of "Frankensteinery"?? And what
about breeding food animals for higher yields and specific function...
Is this 'OK' because it benefits us???
I have known many people that were the product of Thalidamide... Do you
remember that? they have similar "deformities" yet they enjoy life with
little to no pain and learn different ways to function without their
"missing parts". They can do things that most people cannot.
I knew many a farmer who let seven toed cats breed with each other
because they were quieter and more sure footed for catching mice than
their "normal" counterparts. Nature produces many "deformed" oddities,
fruit fly experiments have proven this. Those that survive and/or
flourish propagate these changes in the species, those that don't work -
die off! Are you so arrogant as to tell God and nature what is right or
wrong?? Get a grip!
Bottom line here, Leave them alone! They are not forcing these cats to
do anything they don't want to (i.e. breed), nor are they deliberately
hurting them thru artificial means. An accidental mutation is being
encouraged, so what! If a mutation occured in a human and s/he had four
arms, was reproducing and was found to be better at doing some things,
would you violate their right to live and procreate because they were a
"mutant"??? Would you vilify the parents for continuing to have these
"mutants" and/or encouraging their children to procreate for
themselves??? Let's think about this... where would this stop?
Reconsider the rights of all God's creatures to live and reproduce as
they see fit.
Ed Paulsen