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Welcome to Tyrsk Nirrh!

Completed Quests (Hydros/March '00)

Quest #3

I took my pick of twoscore of my army to be archers and slingers, a score of trackers and twoscore of close-range fighters. I told my trackers to track the rats and than have them report to me, so they could tell me where this band of greatrats were. Than I took my whole army and set up my archers about twenty yards away and fired some fire arrows in the camp. Then I told my close-range fighters to charge the camp and and slay any beast that would not surrender.

by Rasconva

Quest #2

I took a small group of expert swordsman to the settlement, to tell them they were on King Hellthunder's land. They said they did not care. We told them if they did not move their settlement, we would slay all the beasts of that settlement. After a short talk with the leader of the settlement, we worked out an agreement. They could stay on the land if they gave us most of their fit and able beasts to be in King Hellthunder's army.

by Rasconva

Quest #5

I stood on the battlements of the castle, my eyes checking over the army. I sighed. The recruits were spreading rumors again. I strode down, tweaking an ear, flicking a cheek. One recruit, a rat, dropped a peice of parchment. I took no notice of him. I called at the top of my voice, "All in order?" "Sir, yes sir!" I smiled. I was not the highest rank, but Rasconva had left me in charge for the day. I called, "Our King is wanting herbs. He has none he wants. I need one volunteer to gather lavender!" The troops banged their spearbutts on the ground. I looked to the rat that dropped the parchment. He had a hopeful expression. I pointed to him and mouthed, "Come here." He shuffled forward and I called, "This trooper shall go!" There was lots of murmuring and I called haughtily, "Do you not think my choice is right?" "Sir, no sir!" "Good." I turned to the ferret, "I need a handful by noon." I then turned to the rest. "Tonight we will be going on a mission! There has been a sighting of rats abroad and they must be terminated! Is that clear?" "Sir, yes sir!" "Good. Twenty laps around the coutyard, go! I turned and the rat was still there. "Well,get going!" He scurried off just as Jet marched up. "Are my herbs ready?" I saluted and said, "Yes, sah!" He nodded. "Good. I need that lavender to scent my court. Carry on, soldier!" He walked off to watch the troops, got bored, and returned to his queen and family. ~**************~ It was late at night and firefly laterns lit up the grounds brightly. Rasconva was in front, and I was beside her. Rasconva called in a loud and officious voice, "Hup two, hup two!" And the army marched off. When we got there, the whole place was deserted. Fire embers burned and cooking smells were faint. We noticed something was wrong and we trotted back to the palace. The rats were attacking it. I shouted, "Calipto,open the gates for us!" The gates opened and we filed in, shutting the doors in the faces of the rats. Rasconza came up and said, "In my quarters." I met her in her corners. She shook her head. "Selayna, Selayna, what did you say today? "I-I said what we were doing tonight. Why?" "There is a spy in our midst. Selayna,you must do something." She faced out of her rock crystal window and saw the rats retreating. "You must find the spy,or the King's party shall be ruined. And we don't want that, do we?" She looked at me, her eyes burning into me. "Think, find the spy." ~********************~ The next morning I awakened with sunlight in my eyes. I blinked hard and sat up. A smile spread slowly across my face. Of course! I got up and changed into my drill suit. I hurried to Rasconza's quarters and tap-tapped on her door. After I was allowed in I explained and was allowed to be in charge of the troops for the morning. I went down after breakfast. "Good morning, troops!" "Morning, ma'am!" I hauled the rat out by the ear and shook him, ignoring his cries of pain. "This is a spy!" The troops gasped and I continued. "How do I know? Why,I was thinking, not like this rat here. He dropped a piece of parchment yesterday, and I paid no attention. After I said what we were doing last night, he was still here. Know why? He was listening, and gathering lavender was an excuse to report back to the rat camp." I took his shield and looked behind it, and there was his parchment, sealed on with pine resin. I ripped it off and read aloud, "Found out from soldiers where herbs are. Will gather poison. Operation Poison King will commence tonight at party." I shook the rat's ear and he squealed, and I called, "This is how he found out that we wouldn't be here last night. Spies must be dealt with!" Before anyone could blink,I had my sword out and cleaved him in two. I smiled. "Twenty laps around, now!" They scurried off. I was the kindest corporal,and I didn't even look at the fallen rat. Being a trooper was tough.

by Selayna

Quest #1

I was waddling along by a brook,not sure where to go.I was hoping to find Tyrsk Nirrh,the monitor city,so I could live there.I looked into the dephs and saw little minnows swimming along peacfully.I got up and tripped and fell into a bush.I heard a noise and wisely decided to stay put.Suddenly a huge army of rats came into view,not at once,but in fives.They came sneaking up,past the bush,and into the dephs of the trees. One rat scurried by,stopped,and came back.Suddenly an arm shot into the bush and dragged me out.I screamed.Suddenly a big rat came up and shouted"What're you doing?You'll attract attention!" "But my liege,"He said"I have found a spy!" "Lemme see!"He came up and sneered at me.He was huge,with long,pink scars running on his face and he wore a long,black cape with a fox skull atop his head.A long sword was at his side and he had teeth necklaces strung on his stocky neck.His teth were yellow and he had rancid breath.He laughed"What have we here?Dinner,I see!"He grabbed me and held me by the back leg.I growled and bit deep into his paw.He yelled and dropped me,yelling"Get that babe!" I hurtled through the bushes,the rat army chasing after me.I ran into a clearing and stopped.There stood the city,Tyrsk Nirrh.The rats stopped,too,which gave me time to run and yell"Open the gates!" The gates opened and a female weasel appeared.She looked of high class and shut the door in the faces of the rats.She looked down on me,frowning"What do you want,here,little one?"Her voice was full of worry. I told her why and she took me to the courtroom.There lay the huge monitor king,wearing a cloak and a crown.She took me to him and I was told to kneel.The weasel reported to the king and he thought awhile,finally saying to the weasel"Selayna,keep the child underwraps,nothing must touch her.She is very valuable to us.But keep her away from the Black Sector,she must not see it." SElayna took me to a room,with two recruits,Cenzara and Calipto,guarding me.She said sternly to both"Give the child what she wants,don't lose her.If you do it's my head"She walked off down the hall to other matters. Calipto was an ermine,and all year ermine,and Cenzara was a regular minitor,strong and fierce. I was put in the room and was attended to.I was fed,groomed,and other things.Then they left me on my room to do what I please.I looked out the window,watching Selayna drilling the troops.I sighed.If only I could be a troop. Later the door opened and a ferret called Shirren walked in.I was asked many questions,then I was fed supper.Why all the questions?I was a babe,I didn't understand anything. The guards were changed,and I soon got bored.It was late in the night,and I could hear the snoors of the guards.I opened the door and snuck past them,down to the courtroom.I saw a hallway leading off,and I remembered earlier that day. "What is that place?" "Black Sector,child." "Why can't I go there?" "Becuase,child."Then she would answer no more questions. I wandered down that hall,I was so curious.I heard sounds like'where is that message?' and 'he's not dead yet?Why?!' I ran into a dark figure and Selayna hoved into view.She picked me up and went back upstairs.She twisted a ferret's nose and cuffed the other one's ear.They stood up and she sent me into my room.After the door closed yelling was heard all over the palace,and I covered my ears to Selayna's yelling. The next few days were the same,but one day I heard a word.War.What was war? I asked Calipto but she would not talk about it.One day Selayna took me onto the battlements and we saw the army.It was a huge army,and the leader strode forward.The bite had a scab where I bit him and he was very scary-looking.Then our King,Jet,opened the gates and strode out.They were having a one-to-one battle.I was pushed into the paws of Shirren and Calipto and she callled"Get the child inside,she is not fit to see this." I heard terrible screaming and fighting,then silence.The city cheered and the rat army ran,mad that their leader was defeated.I now live in the city,being taken care of many beasts.

by Selayna

Quest #4

The evil searats onboard the vessel notice Belladonna stir. Snickering wickedly, they advance upon the bound figure, harrassing her with their blade points and sneering. She glares furiously at them and struggles against her bonds, bringing herself into a mad frenzy to be free. She snarls and snaps at her tormentors, and they back off in shock and fear. The leader, a huge, ruthless sea rat named Sirleti Bloodspike, steps forward. A hushed silence descends upon the entire crew, who quickly move to make an aisle for their captain to walk through. He sneers at the sight of his captive, and lifts her chin with his saber-blade. Her piercing eyes glare back defiantly. "You will obey and respect me at all times, weasel, or you will face my wrath." he growls, but the only reply he gets is a ball of spit aimed directly at his eye. "You can sure talk tough to a tied-up captive, rat, but can your actions match your words? I dare you to cross swords with me--you and you alone. Defeat me, and you will gain the respect of your crew. C'mon, cap'n, you're not afraid to fight with a poor, weak, female weasel, now are you?" She hears the snickers and murmurs of the crew, and continues. "Your crew will forever know you as a coward and a failure if you do not accept my challenge. What do you say, you lily-livered, yellow-bellied, cowardly excuse for sea-slime?!" Enraged at being addressed in this way, and knowing his crew, already on the verge of mutiny, will revolt against him on the grounds of his being unable to lead, he swings his sabre easily and slices the thick ropes that hold the weasel like a knife cuts butter. This was just the chance Belladonna had been waiting for. As soon as she was free, she reached for her dagger in her boot to throw at the cap'n like lightning--only to find that it has been taken. She hears the insulting laughter of the captain as she quickly looked about the deck for a weapon. The rat was upon her before she knew it, cutting down with his blade. It just barely grazes her arm before she is able to dodge to the side, where she grabs an unsuspecting crewbeast and steals the dirk that hangs at his side. The captain, getting up, begins to charge her again, her back to him. Just before he is upon her, she whirls around and buries the long dirk into the chest of the rat. His eyes open wide in shock and his paws scramble wildly in the air for a few seconds, before he falls heavily to the deck, stone dead. Taking his sabre, Belladonna then faces the crew and begins giving out orders, making herself the new, undesignated captain. She orders them to change their course and head back to Tyrsk Nirrh.

by Mydrio

Tyrsk Nirrh
Jet Hellthunder, Your King