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Completed Quests (Smaralda/April '00)

Quest #2

When I heard about the rats, I rushed over to Selayna's quarters(she was my commanding officer at the time). I told her what I heard from other soldiers. She told me that she already knew and than told me I must go and stop the rats. When I was dismissed I gathered a large group beasts that was in the Navy. I told them to distract the rats while we were building some catapults to sink their ship. When everything was ready, the Navy had already been distracting them for a while. I told my troops to fire. We sunk the ship in about ten to twenty minutes. The next moring, I reported to Selayna, to tell her that we would find all the rats on the shore, dead.

by Rasconva

Quest #4

When I heard about the merchants cheating other beasts, i was kind of mad, because I once was a merchant. I went to the houses of the people that had been cheated and asked them who this merchant was and what he looked like. Later, I went to the marketplace to look for this merchant. When I found him and told him what other beasts had told me, he said it was all lies. I didn't believe him and told him he was under arrest. When heard that, he started to run. It didn't take long for me to catch him, because I was in perfect shape. When I caught him, he told me about the other merchants that cheated people. Two days later we caught the rest of the merchants and put them under arrest. Now they are in a prison waiting for their punishment.

by Rasconva

Quest #1

I sit up in the battlements,grumbling.Again my food has been cut due to our disapearing food.Sweat rolls down my eyes as the sun sends its blistering heat to the earth below.Problem with tropical cities,I think,is that it is way to hot,and heat waves are killers.I wipe the sweat from my head and think of who could be stealing our food.Whatever it is,I kill that beast,I think,fancy stealing our rations.All I got today was an apple and a small cup of water.I stare out over the horizon as the sun sinks,providing the army with little shade and coolness.I walk glummly down the atsirs where the army is having supper.An apple tart and cider."It's a feast,"I mutter"We actually have something sweet.We have ta keep thses troops,we need them,but if anything attacks,we shall be defenceless." I walk through the grounds,hearing mutters about the high ranks gaining food and the low ranks starving.I shut my ears to this and walk up the carved steps of the palace and look out.The sun is blood red,sinking in the sky.I sighed.The day is coming to an end,finally,for the summers are long,and the day has little shade.I stump up to the king's chamber,and tap on the door. "Come in."A gruff voice answers. "'Scuse me,sire,"I say,and look at the huge lizard,our king,on the masive throne,sipping a small cup of water.He has refrained from eating,much to the distress to his family,so the troops could eat.All he had had that day was a small strawberry and a damson.His huge bulk and strength was little now that he did not eat.He was unusually thin and his tail made a dry,rustling sound as it sweeped."I was thinking we could build something." "What?"He asked in an angry voice,"And what shall quench the worker's thirst?" "Well,after it is built,it shall quench their thirst,"I said,"What we should build is a well.Dig a well,to be exact." A slow smile spread across his thin features to show rows of glittering teeth."Good work,start working now,in the cool of the night,so as not to work in the blistering heat.Go!" I went down and ordered the troops.They went at it with a will,clear,fresh water stamped into their brains.We worked,including his majesty,and hit water three days later.Stone was cut and placed around the hole and a bucket and pulley was made.Then the troops,the royal family,and I took turns bathing in the cold,clean water and drinking as much as we wanted.Another problem was faced.Food.Food was rapidly disappearing,and the troops were watched closely.They were all thin,but the heat could now be stopped since the well was made.Some animals were forming something against the King,saying he hogged the food,he was the one stealing it.The King ranted and raved,saying how could he be stealing the food when he was so thin?This was enough to stop most of the troops,but some still believed the king was the thief. I was sleeping in my chamber when a knock was on the door.I just slept on a goosefeather bed,since it was too hot for sheets."G'way!" I grumbled,"Can't you see I'm trying to sleep?" "But madame,"The voice persisted,"Our King has collapsed with hunger!" "What?!"I jumped up and came out of the door.A panic-stricken ferret was there."Show me him,now!" He hurried to a room where our King,thin and weak,lay on the floor,weak from hunger."Get him into his Chambers,now!Feed him something,or he shall die!" With that,I went down into the grounds.It was midnight,and a small group lay huddled on the grounds.They dispersered,since they probably weren't supposed to be there.But two remained.They sneered.One was a stoat and one was a rat.They sneered."aww,come on!It's just one o' dose Master sergeants!Nutin' ta be afeared of!" The stoat came forward.He was the one called Rander,he called mockingly at me."Cumon,ya weakling!Ya can't hurt me,you're naught but a female!" This angered me,and with speed and agility,I jumped up and gave him a blow on the back.He instantly fell,the blow cracking his spine.The rat stood there,then ran.I tackled him and gritted in his face,"Move or die!" He was still immediatley and the guards came.The two rebellions were searched and their rooms turned over.Food lay in a heap under their beds,like a glittering heap of treasure.They were then assasinated. Now that the theft problem was solved,we had tp aquire food.Patrols were set out far and wide and finally brambles,wild strawberry plants,nuts and fruit trees were found.The city had food at last.The autum came and it was all harvested.Everything was fine.Then the winter storm struck.

by Selayna

Quest #5

A small tap was heard upon my bedroom door.I stared sleepily from uder my covers at the door,blinking.I was up on duty for most of the night,and I was very tired.I had on my little night cap,which flopped over my head.I frowned. "G'way,I'm tired.Can't it wait 'til noon?" "But sir,I mean,ma'am,there has been an assasination!" "What?" "Assasination,ma'am,a mole was found dead,poisoned,he had a purple tounge." "Yeck," I rolled my eyes, "You may come in." I had forgotten all about my little nightcap,and when the soldier walked in I had to rip it off before he saw high rank wearing one,gossip spread like wildfire here.It was Mydrio the ferret.He was of high rank too.He stood there for a moment,I blinked,then I sighed impatiently."Well?" "Oh,right,"he said,"a mole was found dead in his quarters this morning.There was the scent of weasel there,but it was very faint.We don't know who it was.And King Jet wants you to find out who it is,or you'll be stripped of your rank,lowering one rank down.Hmm,that will leave you as..." "Out please,"I said huffily,"Out." He bowed slightly and left the room,leaving me grumbling.Stripped of my rank,please.I got dressed into the army uniform and went downstairs.Already rumours were spreading about that one of the high officers did it. "I hear that it was Mydrio.They say he was never fond of moles..." "Naw,it couldn't be.I bet it was Rasconza.Rumour has it she used to poison her recruits..." "Wait,remember there was weasel scent?I bet it was Selayna!" "Maybe!" I gritted my teeth,making my way to the court of King Jet.I yawned,but quickly closed my mouth in the presence of my king,leaving my head splitting in two.I kneeled before him,my face to the stone floor.He looked at his claws,polishing them on his royal robes."You know what has to be done,right?" "Yes,my liege." "You know the consequences if you don't accomplish the deed,right?" "Yes,my liege." "Then go." "Yes,my liege."I got up and bowed slightly,and left his majesty.I grumbled as I passed the gossiping soldiers,and now everybeast thought that either Rasconza,Mydrio,or I commited the crime.I went up to the battlements,looking over the tropical land.Mydrio came up and sat by me,holding two breakfast trays. "They think we did it." "I know,but we didn't.I wonder who did.A disgrace to weasels,this poisoner is." Mydrio set the trays on the stone and we started on breakfast,watching over all the soldiers doing laps.We had not touched the food yet,but I took a sip of elderberry wine.It tasted strange,and I swallowed it.But right after,I felt bad,then I knew what it was.Poison.There was poison in my drink.Mydrio was just about to sip his beaker,but I knocked it out of his paws.My face turned into an unhealthy colour and I collapsed.Mydrio knew what was wrong immediatley and yelled.""Poisoned!Selayna's been poisoned!" Rasconza was up there in a flash and I was carried to the infirmirry. ********************************************* I awoke later,feeling totally horrible.Rasconza looked anxious.When she saw my eyes open she sighed in relief.**Luckily we gave you enough crushed mustard that you brought it back up.Wolfbane.There was wolfbane n your drink." "Mydrio,"I said,"Who made breakfast for us?" "Why,"Mydrio was in deep thought,"I think it was Rander,the weasel,yes,it was supposed ta be greensap milk,but he filled our cups with elderberry wine,said it was fit fer us high rankers.He filled it from a small cask.Why?" "Elderberry wine!The same drink found in the mole's chamber!We've found the murderer!" "Ma'am?" "Yes,Mydrio?" "Can I execute the weasel?Not meaning I hate weasels,but I hate poisoners.Please?" "Sure.But we need to test that wine." The wine was indeed poisoned.The same wine in the mole's chambers.Mydrio executed the weasel,glad to rid the world of a poisoner.I was praised by King Jet,and the gossipers were booted up to me and were forced to apologize.Many behind my back muttered about the poison not working,and I should've been killed,then they were killed.Happy day,wasn't it.I retired the rest of the day to my bed,for my much needed rest.What a nice day.In the evening,another small tap sounded on my door. "What?!"I said in an irritated voice. It was Mydrio."Ma'am,"came the voice,"'Tis mutiny,a score of soldiers are spies,and an army of crows are at their back."his voice was frightened."They want you,me,an' Rasconza killed!"

by Selayna

Quest #3

"Our Prince is dying!!" These words echoed down the hall. I turned to the young hare playing spike and balls, a betting game, and asked " What's this about the Prince?!" He replied "Tis a an illness I s'pose. You're new here, why doncha go ask the King. " Thanks" Icried flying through hall, barley missing severak=l beasts on the way. I am still not used to this place. Entering the throneroom, I see the King sitting gloomily in his seat. "What is the matter, Your Majesty?" "My son has fallen ill and none of our healers know what to do!" Back at Mount Jaceera, there is a great healer by the name of Whistler. "Milord, I will go find help!" And with that I flew off. In two weeks I made it to my old roost and the old hite bat. "Mother, your presence is asked for at my city" She agreed to come and when we retuned, we found the whole city struck by the city. Once we made it to the palace we were rushed in. Whistler looked the Prince over and told me that everyone had Firetail Fever. Giving me her satchel, she sent me to gather iceblossum, fresh copper, and some cudgel grass. After finding all these items I flew to the city and delivered the ingredients. I then helped the healer crush the items into a paste and put together the few beasts not yet ill to distribute it. Whistler said it would take a couple weeks for every thing to be normal. I set about picking up all the deadbeast and putting them a pyre as to not spread the desease. Feeling a bit overwhelmed I retired to my room. True to her word, Whistler's paste worked. Instead of flying back, she decided to become a citizen healer. Thanks to the efforts of Whistler, me, and all the other helpful beasts, the Prince and the city was saved.

by Squeaker

Tyrsk Nirrh
Jet Hellthunder, Your King