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Tyrsk Nirrh's Calendar

I was messin' around and decided to rename all the months. I took the five elementals, the five Moxes (those of you out there that play Magic: the Gathering will know what I mean) and the Monitor lizard gods, then traced the etymology (word evolution) backward and stuck a Latin-sounding ending on it. Here is Tyrsk Nirrh's calendar:

Month number Tyrsk Nirrh month name IRL month name Pronunciation Origin
1 Jaeitius January Jy-eh-shus One of the Moxes, jet
2 Feroxia February Fair-ohks-ee-uh One of the Monitor gods, Feroxia, goddess of ferocity, traced from "ferocious"
3 Hydros March Hi-dros From the elemental water
4 Smaralda April Sma-ral-duh Another Mox, emerald
5 Erdas May Air-das The elemental earth
6 Erythros June A-reeth-rohs From Mox Ruby
7 Pyros July Pie-rohs The elemental fire
8 Dynamos August Die-nuh-mohs The elemental power
9 Deinos September Dee-nohs The Monitor god Deinos, god of terrifyingness, traced from "terrify"
10 Aeiros October Eye-rohs The elemental air
11 Perleus November Pair-loo-uhs The Mox called pearl
12 Sappheiros December Saff-eye-rohs Mox Sapphire

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Tyrsk Nirrh
Jet Hellthunder, Your King