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Become a citizen of Tyrsk Nirrh!

You walk up to a relatively short, bespectacled Monitor and before you can begin to say anything, he says,"You'd like to earn citizenship, wouldn't you? Well, juzt anzer these few queztionzzzz:
Your name, pleaze? 

What gender are you? 
Female Male

What zpeciez are you?  For a full list of all species in the Redwall series, click here
Any species submitted that's not on this list will not be accepted. This also has many odd species. Check it out.

In the unlikely caze that you are zome other zpeciez, juzt what are you? 

What itemz do you carry? 

What iz your e-mail addrezzzz? 

How did you happen to arrive at thizzz fair city? If Hiz Majezty likes your answer, you may get deedzzzz.
Yes, I wish to receive the occasional guaranteed worthily humorous jokemail and I hate spam.

Tyrsk Nirrh
Jet Hellthunder, Your King