Contact Information

Dead link? Message board woes? Character registation? Unanswered Questions?

All these troubles are best brought to either Axel (Akira) or me (Snowfire), as, thus far, we are the only ones with power here in papillon territory (mwahhahahahaha!). We go by many names, and can be gotten ahold of in various ways....

aww... Kyrie
position: Creator, Webmistress, Hikari Alpha
characters of importance: Snowfire
email:wraithlypredator (@) (minus the parenthesis, of course)
AIM: Kurusumigama
MSN Messenger: wraithlypredator (
ICQ: 156040381

position: Muse, Messageboard guy, Jitsuko Alpha, partner in crime
messageboard name: jadekitsune (tremeble in fear upon reading it!)
characters of importance: Akira, Sakul
email:jadekitsuune (@)
AIM: jadekitsuune
MSN Messenger: keylessempire (@hotmail)
Yahoo! IM: jadekitsuune
ICQ: 112674539 (rarely used anymore)

Hopefully you'll be able to get ahold of one of us... somehow... ^_^

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