My father (my teacher, mentor, friend, advisor, intellectual adversary.... my smile) died in August 1999, I still have my mum, a brother and sister, three nephews and two neices, no pets.
My dearest, closest friends consist of Bart, Jasmine, Cameron and Panayioti (Pan).
I love to pleasure my body, and I can give it readily for the promise of pleasure... but will not let anyone inside my mind.
I love to write, I love to travel. That in a nutshell, is the joy in my life.
Seems illogical to try and expand on the makings of me, when there is so little space to cram 35 years of life and experience.
Letting people in, has always been hard. Showing people who I am has been near impossible. I have this inherent distrust for everyone..... there is no benefit to be had from opening one's life like in the pages of a book. Not those you know, at least. So these "pages" are now the introduction that I have been shying from, avoiding..... but the anonimity makes it easy.