Free women , incidentally, among the Wagon Peoples are not permitted to wear silk: it is claimed by those of the Wagons, delightfully I think, that any women who loves the feel of silk on her body is, in the secrecy of her heart and blood , a slave girl, whether or not some master has yet forced her to don the collar.
pg 58 Nomads of GOR

Aphris of Turia, pleased with herself, assumed her place between the merchant and Kamchak, kneeling back on her heels in the position of the Gorean Free Woman. Her back was very straight and her head high, in the Gorean fashion.
pg 94 Nomads of GOR

That is why upon this barbaric world, a woman who cannot surrender herself is upon occasion simply conquered… her surrender is won often by a master who will be satisfied with no less… It is further said that the woman longs for this to happen to her, but does not know it.
Nomads of Gor pgs. 290-291

No woman, it is said, knows truly what she is until she has worn the collar.
pg 155 Raiders of GOR

The Goreans claim that in each woman there is a free companion, proud and beautiful, worthy and noble, and in each, too, a slave girl. The companion seeks for her companion; the slave girl for her master. It is further said, that on the couch, the Gorean girl, whether slave or free, who has had the experience, who has tried all loves, begs for a master. She wishes to belong completely to a man, withholding nothing, permitted to withhold nothing. And, of course, of all women, only a slave girl can truly belong to a man, only a slave girl can be truly his, in all ways, utterly, totally, completely, his, selflessly, at his mercy, his ecstatic slave, helpless and joyous in the total submission which she is given no choice but to yield.
pg 102 Hunters of GOR

The free woman was a tall woman, large. She wore a great cape of fur, of white sea-sleen, thrown back to reveal the whiteness of her arms. Her kirtle was of the finest wool of Ar, dyed scarlet, with black trimmings. She wore two broaches, both carved of the horn of a kaiiliauk, mounted in gold. At her waist she wore a jeweled scabbard, protruding from which I saw the ornamented, twisted blade of a Turian dagger; free women of Torvaldsland commonly carry a knife; at her belt too, hung her scissors, and a ring of many keys, indicating that her hall contained many chests or doors; her hair was worn high, wrapped about a comb, matching the broaches, of the horn of kaiiliauk ; the fact that her hair was worn dressed indicated that she stood in companionship; the number of her keys, together with the scissors, indicated that she was mistress of a great house. She had gray eyes; her hair was dark; her face was cold and harsh.
pg 156 Marauders of GOR

'There is a difference' laughed Hassan, 'between the pride of a free woman and the pride of the slave girl. The pride of a free woman is the pride of a woman who feels herself to be the equal of a man. The pride of the slave girl is the pride of the girl who knows that no other woman is the equal of herself.'
pg 332-333 Tribesmen of GOR women, it is no secret, in many respects, envy their enslaved sisters, their beauty, their joy, their attractiveness to men; this may explain why free women are often quite cruel to slave girls.."
Slave Girl of Gor Page 97

Veils are worn in various numbers and combinations by Gorean free women, this tending to vary by preference and caste. Many low-class Gorean women own only a single veil which must do for all purposes. The veil, it might be noted, is not legally imperative for a free woman; it is rather a matter of modesty and custom. Some low-class, uncompanioned, free girls do not wear veils. Similarly certain bold free women neglect the veil. Neglect of the veil is not a crime in Gorean cities, though in some it is deemed a brazen and scandalous omission."
pg 107 Slave Girl of GOR

I rejoiced that in at least one city on Gor the free women were not expected to wear the Robes of Concealment, confine their activities largely to their own quarters, and speak only to their blood relatives and, eventually, the Free Companion.
pg 49 Outlaw of GOR

On Gor, a woman normally travels only with a suitable retinue of armed guards. Women, on this barbaric world, are often regarded, unfortunately, as little more than love prizes, the fruits of conquest and seizure. Too, often, they are seen less as persons, human beings with rights, individuals worthy of concern and regard than as potential pleasure slaves, silken, bangles prisoners, possible adornments to the pleasure gardens of their captors. There is a saying on Gor that the laws of a city extend no further than its walls.
pg 50 Outlaw of GOR

There is no marriage as we know it on Gor, but there is the institution of free companionship, which is its nearest correspondent. Surprisingly enough, a woman who is bought from her parents, for tarns of gold, is regarded as a free companion, even though she may not have been insulted in the transaction. More commendably, a free woman may herself, of her own free will, agree to be such a companion. Such relationships are not entered into lightly, and they are normally sundered only by death.
pg 54 Outlaw of GOR

"Disgusting!" said the free woman, on the tharlarion, in the hunting costume.
I rolled over and looked up. The blond girl, by my side, the slave, cried out with misery, and dared not meet the eyes of her free sister.
"Greetings," I said.
"Do not permit me to interfere with your pleasures," she said cooly.
The slave girl whimpered and put her head down. How shamed she was before the freedom and grandeur of the free woman.
"Have you found your sport slave yet?" I inquired.
"No, she said. "But he is quite near."
"I have not been paying much attention," I said.
"You have been otherwise engaged," she said loftily. I wondered at the hatred which free women seen to bear at their imbonded sisters. The hatred, incidentally, is almost never directed at the master, but almost always at the slave. Do they envy the slaves their collars.
pg 122-123 Beasts of GOR

"Are most Gorean women slaves?" she asked.
"No," I said. "Indeed, statistically, in those parts of Gor which I am familiar, very few. Commonly, only one woman in say, forty or fifty is a slave. This varies somewhat, of course, from city to city. The major exception to these ratios is the city of Tharna, in which almost every woman is a slave...there are special historical reasons for that."
pg 246 Beasts of GOR

Free women, drinking, commonly lift their veil, or veils, with the left hand. Low-caste free women, if veiled, usually do the same. Sometimes, however, particularly if they are in public, they will drink through their veil, or veils.
Sometimes, of course, free women will drink unveiled, even with guests. Much depends upon how well the individuals are known, and who is present. In their homes, of course, with only the members of their families present, or servants and slaves, most free women do not veil themselves, even those of high caste.
pg 276 Fighting Slave of GOR

"The free woman," I said, "lies down and waits to see what will happen. The female slave kneels beside her master, and begs to please him. The free woman deems it sufficient that she should exist, the slave girl, on the other hand, is expected not only to exist, but to excel; indeed, she fears only, commonly, that she may not be sufficiently marvelous for her master. It is little wonder that most men find the free woman, in her inertness, her ignorance and arrogance, boring. It is little wonder that most men prefer to order her rival to their furs, the helpless, collared, curvaceous, lascivious, feminine slave."
pg 197 Savages of GOR

'You understand, do you not,' I asked the girl, 'the meaning of this?' 'Yes,' she said. 'You may freely enter into the state of bondage,' I told her, 'but you may not freely leave it. This thing, once it is done to you, is, one your part, irreversible. It is not then within your power to break, alter or amend it in any way. You will then, you see, no longer be a free person, but only a slave.'
'I understand,' she said. She then turned to the young man, 'I am ready,' she said, 'Make me a slave.
pg 298 Blood Brothers of GOR

"If you are a free woman, speak your freedom and advance, now, to the headman's block, or, if you are truly a slave, and have only been masquerading until now as a free woman, step now, if you wish, upon the mat of submission and kneel there, in this act becoming at last, explicitly, a legal slave." She is then expected, sometimes, kneeling to lick the feet of a soldier, who then rapes her on the mat. It is commonly regarded as an acceptable introduction for a woman to her explicit and legal slavery.
page 337 Blood Brothers of GOR

"And what then" I asked, "do you think I would bring?" He looked at me, smiling.
"What?" I asked.
"I would think," he said, "that you would bring somewhere between fifteen and twenty copper tarsks."
"Copper tarsks!" I cried.
"Yes" he said.
"Beast" I cried. "Beast"
"But remember," he said smiling, "it is slaves who are assessed and have prices. Free women are priceless."
"Yes," I said, somewhat mollified, stepping back. "Yes!" I must remember that I was priceless. I was a free woman.
pg 97 Kajira of GOR

In most paga taverns,' he said, `free women are not permitted. In some they are.'
pg 122 Kajira of GOR

In some cities an unveiled free woman is susceptible to being taken into custody by guardsmen, veiled, by force if necessary, and publicly conducted back to her home... Repeated offenses in such a city usually result in the enslavement of the female.
pg 125 Players of GOR

"If and when a free woman should utter this, in the Gorean culture, of course, this sort of thing is very significant. Indeed, in some cities such things as kneeling before a man, or addressing him as "Master" effects legal imbondment on the female, being interpreted as a gesture of submission."
pg 139 Players of GOR

Women are on the whole are not permitted in paga taverns, unless, of course, they wear collars.
pg 197 Dancer of GOR

While Free Women, technically, are priceless, they are usually, in bed, worthless. They are not worthy of kneeling and humbly holding candles within a thousand pasangs of a slave.
pg 63 Renegades of Gor

`We are free women. Men, some sorts of men, will save us. Men, some sorts, cannot so much as stand to see a tear in a woman's eye. To such men it is unthinkable that we might bear the consequences of our actions.'
`Do you think I am such a man?' I asked.
`No,' she said, `else I would have petitioned redemption from you.'
`Men such as those of whom you speak,' I said, `those who are so solicitous, so kindly, those who are so eager to render you succor, who will strive so desperately to help you, and please you, do they stir you deeply in your belly?'
`I am a free woman.' she said. `We do not consider such things.'
pg 64-65 Renegades Of GOR

`In Ar's Station,' he said, `as in Ar, robes of concealment, precisely, are not legally obligatory for free women, no more than the veil. Such things are a matter of custom. On the other hand, as you know, there are statutes prescribing certain standards of decorum for free women. For example, they may not appear naked in the streets, as may slaves. Indeed, a free woman who appears in public in violation of these standards of decorum, for example, with her arms or legs too much bared, may be made a slave.'
pg 367-368 Renegades Of GOR

The principle he had alluded to pertains to conduct in a free woman which is taken as sufficient to warrant her reduction to slavery. The most common application of this principle occurs in areas such as fraud or theft. Other applications may occur, for example, in cases of indigence and vagrancy. Prostitution, rare on Gor because of female slaves, is another case. The women are taken, enslaved, cleaned up and controlled. Indulgence in sensual dance is another case. Sensuous dance is almost always performed by slaves on Gor. A free woman who performs such dancing publicly is almost begging for the collar. In some cities the sentence of bondage is mandatory for such a woman.
pg 372 Renegades Of GOR

Her toenails were not painted, of course. Such is almost unheard of among Gorean free women and is rare even among slaves. The usual Gorean position on the matter is that toenails and fingernails are not, say, red by nature and thus should not be made to appear as if they were. They also tend to frown upon the dyeing of hair... the reservations about hair coloring are particularly acute in commercial situations. One would not wish to buy a girl thinking she was auburn, a rare and muchly prized hair color on Gor, for example, and then discover later that she was, say, blond. Against such fraud, needless to say, the law provides redress.
pg 186 Vagabonds of GOR

Any free woman who couches with another's slave or readies for such, becomes , by law, herself a slave and the property of said slaves owner.
pg 7 Magicians of GOR

"Your duties in this house, Lola," I told her, "will be numerous and complex. In particular, you will be a house slave. You will dust and clean the house and keep it neat. You will mend and sew. You will wash and iron clothing. You will shop and cook and serve. All manners of domestic tasks, trivial and servile, unfit for free women, will be yours. "
Rogue of Gor p. 130

The woman sat recently on the curule chair, wrapped in resplendent, many-colored silks. Her raiment might have cost more than any three or four of us together for worth. She was, moreover, veiled.
Page 73, captive of Gor

You yielded well, Lady Gina,' I said.
'I would never have believed I could have such feelings.' she said. 'I did not know such feelings could exist.'
'Surely you have seen writhing, screaming slave girls?' I asked.
'Yes,' she said, 'but not until moments ago did I have more than an inkling of what they might be feeling.'
She smiles.
It is no wonder the luscious little sluts are so fond of their collars.'
pg 33 Rogue of GOR
