He sat, cross-legged, behind the low table. On it were hot bread, yellow and fresh, hot black wine, steaming, with its sugars, slices of roast bosk, the scrambled eggs of vulos, pastries with creams and custards.
pg 20 Beasts of GOR


apparently identical to the apricot of Earth; references exist of the fruit being sold in marketplaces of the Tahari. "Tribesman of Gor" p 45

Arctic Gant Eggs

eggs of the migratory Arctic gant; when frozen, they are eaten like apples. "Beasts of Gor" p. 196


no description "Marauders of Gor" p. 81


a dried pressed biscuits described as baked in Kailiauk from Sa-Tarna flour. "Savages of Gor" p. 328

Black Bread

baked soft and full flavored from Gorean grains, heavy and dark, served with clotted Bosk Cream or honey. "Hunters of Gor" p. 13

Bond-Maid Gruel

a porridge served to bond-maids in Torvaldsland made of dampened Sa-Tarna and raw fish. "Marauders of Gor" p. 67


large, shaggy, long horned bovine similar to the Earth cow; cattle; served as beef is served. "Priest-Kings of Gor" p. 45


Churned from the milk of the Bosk or the Verr. "Marauders of Gor" p. 81


no description given "Marauders of Gor" p. 81.


soft, rounded, succulent candies, usually covered with a coating of syrup or fudge, rather in the nature of the caramel apple, but much smaller, and, like a caramel apple, mounted on sticks. the candy is prepared and the stick, from the bottom, is thrust up, deeply, into it. "Dancer of Gor" p 81 ( also see below Mint Sticks)

Celane Melon

similar to honeydew melon, it is served chilled and sliced.


Pressed from the milk of the Bosk they are sharp in taste and travel well resisting molds in their hard rinds. "Assassin of Gor" p. 168


Grown in Tyros. "Beasts of Gor" p. 349

Cosian Wingfish

also known as songfish due to its whistling mating song; a tiny blue salt-water fish with 4 poisonous spines on its dorsal fin; found in the waters off Port Kar; its liver is considered a delicacy in Turia. "Nomads of Gor" p. 84-85


These come from the City of Tor. staple of the diet of the Tahari Tribesmen; they are sold in a tef (a handful with the 5 fingers closed; a tefa is 6 tefs (a small basket); Five such baskets constitute a huda. In large compressed bricks they are used in trade. "Tribesman of Gor" p. 46


a voracious animal which can maim or kill a slave in moments. Some varieties are edible and considered a gorean delicacy. Varieties include: river eel, black eel, and spotted eel. "Magicians of Gor" p. 428


usually vulo eggs.. but there are many varieties available depending on the region. "Nomads of Gor" p. 1 Fish, Parsit : a silvery fish having brown stripes, the follow the 'parsit current' in the polar basin. In Torvaldsland, it is smoked and dried, stored in barrels, and used in trade to the south. "Marauders of Gor" p. 28, 56, and 63-64.


not described in detail "Outlaw of Gor" p. 29

Grunts, Great Specled

- a fish inhabiting the Thassa and caught as food for sailors. "Slave Girl of Gor" p. 360 ; White-bellied - a large game fish which haunts the plankton beds in the Polar North to feed on parsit fish. It's eggs are considered a rare delicacy.. like caviar. "Marauders of Gor" p. 59


no description given.. just that honey bees are raised. "Marauders of Gor" p. 81


foliated leaf vegetable similar to lettuce. "Tribesmen of Gor" p. 37

Kes Shrub

a shrub whose salty, blue secondary roots are a main ingredient in sullage. "Priest-Kings of Gor" p. 45.


often served sliced with melted cheese and nutmeg, a large, brownish-skinned, sphere-shaped vegetable of the Tahari usually some 6 inches in width. The interior is yellowish, fibrous and heavily seeded. "Tribesmen of Gor" p. 37


they come in two types: 1)juicy = a segmented, succulent fruit, 2) hard = rather like an apple, having one pit, commonly called the pit fruit, it is sometimes sliced and fried, and served with browned honey sauce; offering a larma, real or imagined, by a slave girl to her master is a silent plea for the girl to be raped. "Players of Gor" p. 267


yellowish, red-striped spheres. "Tribesmen of Gor" p. 45

Mint Sticks

just mentioned as tiny mint sticks in a bowl "Explorers of Gor" p 10


no description given "Mercenaries of Gor" p. 82


are commonly from the City of Tor. (referred to as Torian Olives); also Red Olives which come from the groves of Tyros. " Raiders of Gor" p. 114


no description given "Marauders of Gor" p. 81


nothing specific mentioned. "Fighting Slave of Gor" p. 275-276


These are mentioned as a menu item, but not described "Marauders of Gor" p. 81


not described "Tribesmen of Gor" p. 47.


not described in detail "Marauders of Gor" p. 102.


small, succulent purple berries. "Captive of Gor" p. 207 and 305


similar in flesh and taste to apples of earth origins Rence : a water plant, the grain is eaten and the stems harvested and pressed into paper or woven into cloth. The pith may be boiled or ground into a paste and sweetened; this paste can also be fried into a type of pancake. "Raiders of Gor" p. 7


"Most salt at Klima is white, but certain of the mines deliver red salt, red from ferrous oxide in its composition, which is called the Red Salt of Kasra, after its port of embarkation, at the juncture of the Upper and Lower Fayeen." "Tribesman of Gor" p. 238 also there are references to yellow salt as 'of the south' and on a table exist, but no other description has been found. "Assassin of Gor" p. 86


grain, specifically wheat, yellow, and since it is usually described as being cut in wedges, probably baked in a round flat pan. "Raiders of Gor" p. 114


meat; food in general. "Tarnsman of Gor" p. 43

Slave porridge

a cold, unsweetened mixture of water and Sa-Tarna meal, on which slaves are fed; in Torvaldsland, it is called 'bond-maid gruel', and often mixed with pieces of chopped parsit fish. "Assassin of Gor" p. 126


a shellfish, common esp. in the Vosk river, similar to an oyster; like an oyster. "Nomads of Gor" p. 20


Two varieties are commonly used, the White Sugar and the Yellow sugar. "She carried a tray, on which were various spoons and sugars. She knelt, placing her tray upon the table. With a tiny spoon, its tip no more than a tenth of a hort in diameter, she placed four measures of white sugar, and six of yellow, in the cup; with two stirring spoons, one for the white sugar, another for the yellow, she stirred the beverage after each measure." "Tribesmen of Gor" p. 89


starchy, golden brown, vine borne fruit; principal ingredient in sullage, a tuberous vegetable similar to the potato; often served sliced and fried. "Raiders of Gor" p. 219


a soup made principally from suls, tur-pah, and kes, along with whatever else may be handy. "Priest Kings of Gor" p. 44


Swift gazelle like animals known for their sweet meat and speed, the Tabuk is generally served roasted. "Outlaw of Gor" p. 76 and 126

Ta grapes

purple fruit similar to earth grapes comes from the Isle of Cos. "Priest-Kings of Gor" p. 45

Tambur Gulf Oysters

from the Tamber Gulf, these oysters are served raw or baked. "Captive of Gor" p. 301


porcine animal akin to the Earth pig, having a bristly mane which runs down its spine to the base of the tail, often roasted whole. "Dancer of Gor" p. 106, 108 and 281


a large carnivorous bird of the plains, is hunted and eaten by the Nomadic people of Gor. Traditionally hunted with bolos the sport lies in wether you or the bird gets to eat that night. "Nomads of Gor" p. 2 Tospit : small, wrinkled, yellowish-white peachlike fruit, about the size of a plum, which grows on the tospit bush, patches of which are indigenous to the drier valleys of the eastern Cartius. They are bitter but edible, and are sometimes served sliced and sweetened with honey, and in syrups, and to flavor, with their juices, a variety of dishes. They are also carried on sea voyages to prevent nutritional deficiencies. They almost always have an odd number of seeds, except for the rare, long-stemmed ones. The Wagon People often bet on the number of seeds. "Nomads of Gor" p. 59


grown on the oasis of the Tahari "Tribesmen of Gor" p 37


an edible tree parasite with curly, red, ovate leaves; grows on the tur tree; a main ingredient in sullage. " Priest Kings of Gor" p. 45.


type of produce sold at market; detailed description unavailable. "Kajira of Gor" p. 314


a tawny colored poultry bird, similar to a pigeon, which also exists in the wild; used for meat and eggs. "Nomads of Gor" p. 1 and 84
