It walked on four extremely long, slender, jointed stalks that were its supporting legs, and carried its far more muscular, jointed grasping legs, or appendages, extremely high almost at the level with its jaw, and in front of its body. Each of these grasping appendages terminated in four much smaller delicate hooklike prehensile appendages, the tips of which normally touched one another. I would later learn that the ball at the end of its forelegs from which the smaller prehensile appendages extended, there was a curved, bladed, hornlike structure that could spring forward, this happens spontaniously when the legs tip is inverted, a motion which at once exposes the hornlike blade and withdraws the four prehensile appendages into the protected area beneath it.
Priest Kings of Gor pgs 80-81

General Information

Coming Soon


"It is said that below the mountains that Priest-Kings know all that occurs on Gor."
"Nonsense," said Misk.
"But perhaps I shall show you the Scanning Room someday, We have four hundred Priest-Kings who operate the scanners, and we are accordingly well informed. For example, if there is a violation of our weapons laws we usually, sooner or later, discover it and after determining the coordinates put into effect the Flame Death Mechanism."

I had once seen a man die the Flame Death, the High Initiate of Ar, on the roof of Ar's Cylinder of Justice, I shivered involuntarily.
pg 125 Priest Kings of Gor
