Gorean enemies, if skilled, often hold one another in high regard.
pg 70 Marauders of GOR

Gorean Short Sword

The basic weapon of all Warriors of Gor. Approximatly twenty to twenty-two inches in length from hilt tip to blade tip. The blade is doubled-edged, and leaf shaped. It is narrower at the hilt base, widening to a width of three or four inches, then descending to a curved and pointed tip. The grip is generally either of polished wood or leather covered wood, with an oval cross-guard. The Gorean Short Sword is hand forged of high carbon steel. The leaf shaped blade is ideal for thrusting. Perfect for close combat, its point giving it excellent armor penetrating properties. It is generally carried in a sheath slung over the left shoulder, by means of a leather harness, but may also be worn at the hip.
This sword is mentioned in all books relating to Gor, from Book #1 - Tarnsman Of Gor and continuing throughout the series.

Long Sword

The Long sword is commonly used by the warriors of Torvaldsland. Approximately 36 inches in length, the forging of these "long swords" follows the pattern of the swords in the Damascus style. In this method, many bilits of steel, both hard (high carbon) and soft or flexible (tool) steel are beaten together under heat and folded back upon itself and beaten flat again. This is repeated many times. This folding creates a blade with both a tremendous amount of flexibility, and one that is virtually unbreakable. It also, when treated with a mild acid solution, reveals the pattern formed by the layers of the different steels. This pattern is different from blade to blade and gives the sword it's unique appearance. This blade is used as a slashing weapon, often it is used to batter an opponents shield to bits. It is carried in a belt-scabbard, or straped across its user's back over his right shoulder. Most long swords are “named” blades. Carrying the name of their maker, or are named by their owner. Names like 'Gramr'('fierce') and 'Fotbitr' ('leg biter') are often used. The warriors of Torvaldsland belive their swords, as with their ships, possesses a 'soul'.
This weapon makes its first appearance in book #8 - Marauders of Gor.


A long curved sword, used either one or two-handed, depending upon the situation. Forged in the Damascus manner, it has a wickedly curved, single-edged blade, honed to razor-sharpness. Even a light stroke of a Tahari Scimitar will pass effortlessly through the flesh, leaving a carved mark 1/4" inch deep in the bone beneath. The overall blade length is perhaps thirty or more inches, with an eight inch long "false-edge" across the back of the tip, for backhanded slashes. Used one handed from kailla back, it is incredibly deadly. Used two-handed upon the ground, it is equally terrifying.
This weapon is mentioned in book #4 - Nomads of Gor, and described further in book #10 - Tribesmen of Gor.


The typical Gorean spear is approximately seven feet in length, with a fitted wooden handle up to two inches thick, capped by a leaf-shaped, tapering head, eighteen inches in length. The handle itself is usually made from ka-la-na wood, and banded with metal near the juncture of the spear-head socket to prevent the handle from shearing when thrown.
This weapon first appears in Book #1 - Tarnsman of Gor, and appears regularly throughout the series thereafter.

Tharlarion Lance

A thick spear, approximately ten to fourteen feet long. It has a lanceolate sphear tip that attaches to a thick shaft. At the thickest part, the shaft of the lance is about four inches in width, and is often fluted to lighten it. Usualy carried when on the tharlarion, couched beneath the right arm of the user, the lance itself crossing over and above the neck of the mount, often supported by a lance-rest, which is either attached to the saddle, or worn strapped to the user's chest. It can also be thrown, though it is not designed for it.
It first appears in book #1 - Tarnsman of Gor.

Kaiila Lance

A long slender spear, eight to ten feet long, designed to be used from the saddle of a rider on kailla-back. These lances are carried in the right fist, and are flexible and light. They are used primarily for thrusting. Black in color, they are made from the poles of young tem trees, and so flexible that they may be bent almost double before they break. A loose loop of boskhide, wound twice about the right fist, helps the user to retain the weapon in mounted combat. It is seldom, if ever, thrown.
First described in book #4 - Nomads of Gor.

Kailla Lance (Hunting)

Similar to the kailla lance of the Wagon Peoples, the hunting lance of the Red Savages is commonly longer, heavier and thicker. The point of this lance is longer and narrower than the war lance, designed to pierce deeply into a kailiauk's heart. The shaft is made from temwood. The tip can be metal, carved bone or shaped stone,(depending unpon what is available) and made be lashed to the shaft with boiled sinew or rawhide, or even attached with metal trade rivet (again using what is at hand). Leather grips, hand loops, and decorations all may be present also.
Described in book #17 - Savages of Gor.

Tarn Lance

Similiar to the war lance, except that it is longer and more slender, easier use from tarnback.
Described in book #17 - Savages of Gor.


A javelin-type spear, fitted with a barbed head and used with an attached line for retrieval.
A similar weapon first appears in the brine pits of Klima in book #10 - Tribesmen of Gor, and the actual harpoon itself, is used extensively in book #12 - Beasts of Gor.


The three-pronged spearing used by fishermen and sailors of the Islands of Gor. It can be utilized both as a thrusting weapon, and as a throwing weapon. It is also used in conjunction with a hooked net, in various gladitorial arenas through-out Gor. (Rentiri) It is briefly described as being approximately seven feet in overall length, with prongs of 10" inches or more. Often used with a line attached for retrieval should it be thrown.
This weapon is described in book #6 - Raiders of Gor.


Daggers take many forms, depending upon the needs and whims of their users, and such weapons are the most common form of side-arm used on Gor. Daggers are worn openly in a belt-sheath, or concealed beneath one's clothing, often strapped to the wrist beneath the owner's sleeve, tucked into the collar behind the neck, or hidden in a boot. It isused by many freewomen as a personal means of self-defense.
Examples of these weapons can be found in every book of the series.


A narrow double-edged blade of between 9 and 12 inches in length, mounted on a shaped handle of wood, bone, or horn. It is honed to razor sharpness, and its blade tapers to a needle point. Designed for use primarily as a throwing knife, the quiva is also perfectly functional as a hand weapon and general utility knife. It is mostly used by the Nomadic Wagon Peoples of the Southern Hemisphere, who will carry matched sets of seven, in special sheaths attached to their kailla saddles.
First described in book #4 - Nomads of Gor.

Killing Knife

A throwing knife used by the Caste of Assassins. It is much smaller than the quiva, approximately six to eight inches in length, and its blade is tapered on only one side. Sometimes used in conjunction with poison, though trained Assassins typically disdain the use of poison. It is rarely used in hand-to-hand combat, designed primarily to be thrown at the body of an unsuspecting victim.
Described in book #5 - Assassin of Gor.

Battle Axe

Torvaslander - This weapon is described as a single-bladed axe of steel, with a blade of anywhere from 8 to 14 inches in width, and is mounted on a thick wooden handle and usually has a wrist thong attached to the end the handle, which enables it to be more easily retained during combat.
This weapon first appears in the series in book #8 - Marauders of Gor.

Great Axe

This weapon is similar to the Torvaldslander Battle Axe, except it is much larger, with a handle up to four feet in length. The axe blade is also much larger, and this weapon is used two-handed. Occasionally these axes will be double-headed.
This weapon makes its first appearance in the series in book #8 - Marauders of Gor.

Great (Peasant) Bow

A non-recurved long bow made from the wood of the ka-la-na tree or sometimes of temwood. Unstrung it is over six feet in length, and can require a pull of up to 120 lbs. The bow=string itself is usually made of hemp or sinew lashed with silk thread. The arrows of the bow are temwood, and fletched with the feathers of the vosk gull. Each such arrow is approximately three feet in length, and can be tipped with several different types of arrowheads, of these, the flight tip (a long narrow three-sided metal spike designed for extreme penetration) and the sheaf tip (a wide double or triple edged blade designed to inflict maximum tissue damage upon impact) are the most common. It is commonly carried slung or strapped over the shoulder of the archer when not in use, and is accompanied by a belt or shoulder quiver containing forty (or more) arrows. Its use requires the archer to wear a bracer of thick leather upon the forearm of his bowarm, and to use an archer's glove, or leather finger tab to protect his hands and arm from the string when fired.
This bow makes its first appearance in book #1 - Tarnsman of Gor, and appears regularly there after.

Short Bow

This re-curved bow is much smaller in size than the great bow, and is better suited for use in close spaces or from the back of a kailla, tharlarion or tarn. It is often carved from a single, flexible piece of tem wood or ka-la-na wood, though such peoples as the Wagon Peoples and the Red Savages craft shortbows of layered wood and horn, which gives such bows much greater strength and durability. The arrows used by the shortbow are also much shorter than those employed by the great bow.
First mentioned in book #1 - Tarnsman of Gor, further described in books #4 and #7, and seen throughout the series afterward.


A standard infantry weapon of Gor. It consists of a heavy, flexible bow of tempered steel, 18" across (when drawn), mounted on a heavy wooden stock about two feet long, with a trigger mechanism built into the shaped handle. It can use several types arrows (quarrels) of spiked, smooth tipped or broad bladed quarrels, striking with enough force to penetrate wooden walls, doors or human bodies with relative ease. It has an effective range of approximately 150 yards. Slow to reload, it is commonly re=drawn through use of a "goat's-foot" hook or a cranequin (bow crank). Quarrels, or "bolts," are carried by the user in a belt-case or quiver.
First appears in book #1 - Tarnsman of Gor, and is afterwards seen often throughout the series.

Crossbow (Cavalry)

Similar in most respects to the larger crossbow, though instead of possessing a heavy metal bow, it has a much lighter bow of layered wood and horn. Slightly smaller in overall size, it is equipped with a metal stirrup at the firing end, enabling it to be more quickly restrung. It is originally mentioned quite early in the series as a "light crossbow" or "sporting crossbow."
Described in book #17 - Savages of Gor.

Gorean Warrior's Shield

A circular shaped shield made of several layers of bosk's hide generally seven to nine layers thick stretched over a lightweight framework of wood or horn, generally about twenty-four to thirty-six inches in diameter. The shield is often banded with strips of iron to further strengten it. The shield, thought seemingly small, is sufficient in size to protect the areas where a fatal blow may be struck, yet it may also be used as a covering in sever weather. It is worn upon the user's arm, usually the left one, and is carried slung across the back while traveling. The shield is usually painted and sometimes carries a design or device that denotes the warriors city-state.


The most commonly used helmet is the standard Gorean war helmet. It is described as a close-faced helmet which encloses the entire head, with a distinctive "Y" shaped opening in the faceplate to admit air and to allow breathing. This style of helmet was perfected and much in use during the heyday of the city-states of Greece. Mounted atop each example of this type of helmet is a crest plate, upon which can be displayed the symbol of a city or organization. The crests themselves adorn the top of the helmet either crosswise, from one side of the neck to the other, or lengthwise from the back of the neck to the upper forehead like half-fans. The helmet itself can be painted or lacquered in any color, to represent a grouping, city or caste. This type of helmet is first described in book #1 - Tarnsman of Gor, and appears regularly in later books.

Another type of a helmet is that often worn by the Desert Tribesmen and warriors of such cities as Turia and Tor, as well as by the Nomadic warriors of the Wagon Peoples. This helmet is cone-shaped steel, often fitted with a nasal guard of narrow flat construction. Such helmets may be trimed with a ring of fur or fabric which encircles the brow, or with either a cloth covering or chain mail at the back of the helm, that covers the neck. These helmets are closely fitted to the wearer's head, padded with a thick cloth cap. This helmet type first appears in book #4 - Nomads of Gor.

A final example of helmetry is the helm worn by Northern warriors. It is in effect, a steel or iron bowl. A single metal brow=band encircles the head, with two or more curved metal straps attached to it in the pattern of an "X", covering much of the wearer's skull. Curved plates are riveted in place to fill the gaps between the strapping, resulting in a layered metal cap with covers the entire head. These helmets are often fitted with cheek and neck guards, chainmail, camails, or even metal faceplates which conceal the face, or portions of it, like a metal mask. The horns of animals, or metal spikes may be attached to the helmet as decoration, though this usually makes them rather bulky and difficult to wear in combat.
This type of helmet makes its first appearance in book #8 - Marauders of Gor

War Club - Savages

A carved, shaped club of wood or bone, often mounted with a stone or metal head of some sort. This weapon is probably approximately two to three feet in length.
This weapon is mentioned in book #18 - Blood Brothers of Gor.


The favored weapon of the Warriors of Wagon People. The bolo consists of three long leather straps, each about 5 feet in length, terminating in a leather sack which contains a heavy rounded metal weight. Developed for hunting, it also can be used as a weapon of war. Thrown low, the long straps with their approximate ten-foot sweep, strike the victim, and the weighted balls, whip about the victim's legs, entangling and tightening the straps. Thrown high it can pin a man's arms to his sides, thrown at the throat it can strangle him, thrown at the head the whipping weights can crush his skull. Once a victim is entangled with the bolo, another weapon is then utilized to dispatch the victim.
This weapon first appears in book #4 - Nomads of Gor.

Spiked Hand Wraps

Heavy cloth or leather strips bound about the hand, with projecting spikes which cover the wearer's knuckles.
Described in book #14 - Fighting Slave of Gor.

Spiked Leather

A pair of spiked leather balls which are worn upon the hands of gladitorial fighters, the spikes of these devices can be very long.
Mentioned in book #14 - Fighting Slave of Gor.

Knife Gauntlets

A pair of thick leather gauntlets, upon which are mounted crescent shaped knife blades. Sometimes used by gladiators in arena combats.
Mentioned in book #14 - Fighting Slave of Gor.
