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In Memory of Jessica Ann Koopmans

This is a page dedicated in Memory of Little Jessica Koopmans who was taken from this world way to young.
Jessica Ann Koopmans was a 5 year old child from Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada who on May 4th/2001 was going two doors away to play with a friend. She never made it.
An extensive search was made for this little angel but to no avail. Her body was found on May 11th in a field just south of Fort MacLeod by a woman walking her dog.
From her picture she looked like a wonderful little girl so full of life and promises. She was born 03/06/96 and had brown hair and blue eyes.
She wanted to be a ballerina when she grew up.

Today Friday May 18th, Little Angel Jessica was laid to rest. Dance to your hearts content Jessica. You will always be the ballerina you wanted to be.

My heart and prayers go out to the Koopman Family with this terrible tradgedy.
Rest In Peace "Angel Jessica" You are with God now.

This is a poem I got from when I was looking on stuff about angels

Little Angel
Oh my dearest, precious little one
There is nothing I can do or say
For God has called you to his side
Receiving your wings on this day

I want to hug you so tight
But this is just not meant to be
With so many tears in my eyes
I cannot hardly talk, or see

Why God, what can be your need?
That you called their baby away
Leaving my heart in sorrow
On this tearfully sad day

My Lord, my God far above
I try to understand
But it is so very hard here
For a woman or a man

Lord, let them know about us
And of the love in our heart
Where they are now, we will come too
Our love not to lessen or depart

Author Gerry577

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