![]() The crowd are on their feet awaiting the arrival of the next superstar, They have seen the rest and now are looking for the best...The titontron flickers into action as the crowd stand on their feet, They look up as they see Lita, The Queen Of Xtreme walking in the back, She is looking happy as she continues to walk with her three championship belts in hand, She has the B*tch Belt around her waist, The Xtreme on one arm and the treasured Bonded Souls around the other, She is walking with a purpose as she reaches the famous curtain, The camera quickly switches to the ring when the fans go wild! "Who's That Girl" hits around the PA system and the crowd know who's coming, As the fans are cheering Lita appears at the top of the ramp with her title belts still in hand, she walks down the ramp with the fans cheering, She enters the ring and pulls out a video tape, She then jumps onto the top rope and raises her arms in the air, the crowd cheer and woner what the video tape is when she jumps down and grabs a mic, she raises it to her mouth and starts to talk as the crowd listen! ::Lita:: Steven Richard's...The man that is here to censor all bad things, all things that he believes are unacceptable, But tonight he thought he could censor me! The question is, Can Steve Richards censor me? And the answer is....No! Steven Richards came out here earlier and told me that I would not hold my Xtreme championship by the end of the PPV, I dont quite know if he knew what words were coming out of his mouth, But to be honest, It quite frankly sucked! You see who the hell does Steven think he is? Does he think that he can come on out here and try and pursued everyone to believe that what he says is true? Because I can assure you, No wait...I can guarantee you that I WILL have my Xtreme championship around my waist by the time the PPV is over with! You see back in the WWF, I must say that Steven did succeed in censoring, Take Jerry Lawler, The Kat, The "Good" Father, And quite a few more, But let me take Steve back to reality on this one and tell you something about me...about the Queen of Xtreme! You see when i first came to this place there was no sound of censoring, The TRF hasn't got anyone dumb enough to even TRY it, But now we have Steve Richards, the man that thinks he can come on his debut and hang with me, He thinks he can take my championship belt, he actually thinks that i am going to sit back and let this happen, But you know what, I'm Not! It all boils down to the fact that Steven Richards doesn't have the balls to censor me! But you know what, say Steven does make it to the PPV, He comes out during my match, which I will get to later, and he attempts to beat me...Reality will come and hit Steven right back in his face when I moonsault his ass like I will everyone else's and get the 1....2....3! One down and four more to go! I dont know if Steven Richards even has a contract in this place yet, but you know, I dont care...If he doesn't then he can, because if he doesn't turn up at the PPV, Then it looks like i am going to have to hunt his ass down and take matters into my own hands, I hope i have made my self clear Stevie, because when the PPV comes, I will have my title, and i will beat your ass for it! I mentioned earlier that I am having a match at the PPV, It wasn't on the card when I last looked and to be honest I thought why the hell wouldn't they want me in the PPV, The first TRF PPV and they wouldn't want The Queen Of Xtreme in a match? There must be some mistake, Until Daddy's little...Well, I wont say what came out to the arena and flapped her gums, I was of course waiting for this suprise and I was prepared, I didn't know what to expect, Will it be bad? Or good? And this suprise was definitely good...People have been asking me, How can you say this is good? Its going to be you against 5 people!? And the answer is simple, Not even 5 people can keep me down, Im the Queen of Xtreme, the one and only! And Stephanie McMahon thinks that by throwing 5 people in my way is going to stop me then she can think again! Maybe it will set me back a little...I am human after all, But stop me? ::Laughs:: Nothing can stop me! But there is something that I would like to know about this match...Who are my opponents going to be? And seeing as I dont know, It looks like I am going to have to take some guesses! And of course say a little something about each one of my opponents! The first...Who could that be? I mean I have a wide range in the back, and the first person that pops into mind would be Jeff Jarrett! You ask me why? Because I Havant seen him around in the past couple of days, He has been the same as any other, he walks in here with the threats and the trash talking, and then when it comes down to it...He runs! Of course he wants to make it in the big leagues, But it seems that it was only a dream, and thetas the best he can do, But if Jeff is the one that i am facing...Or one of the people, I can tell you all here in this arena tonight, and the people in the back that he wont stop me, Only make me stronger, and kicking his ass will be my pleasure! That's one down and four to go, Oh but wait, Have I forgotten Steve Richards? Because counting him that would mean three...Its funny how I am on the number three and im thinking of Terri, maybe because that's the highest number she can count too, but anyway moving on....Terri Runnels? I hear she is already in a match, a match for the #1 contender shot for my B*tch belt, and let me just repeat myself there and say MY B*tch Belt! You know its funny that the women who are in this match Havant been around lately, and it all boils down to one thing, and that is they are running scared! Not of each other of course, I mean come on we have some blonde bimbos and a women that looks like a man all in one ring, who cant wrestle to save their lives and they would be running of each other? I dont think so, The person they are running scared of....Is me! You see ever since i have been here i have only faced the women once, and that must have scared them silly! ::Smirks:: But the one person who i would expect to have shown her little face would have been Trish Stratus, That's right, Now i haven't seen her since she got humiliated in front of the whole nation...But to be honest, would you show your face after that? ::Smirks:: Oh, Maybe im wrong, Because I seem to remember seeing her in not just one...But TWO hardcore matches! One was when I beat her ass for this title right here! And two was the one where I demolished her ass, Plain and simple! And come to think about it, I dont think she has shown since, But if anyone does see Trish before the PPV, then just let her know what she is getting into, and I can assure you that it isn't good! And as for the other women....Hell, I cant even be bothered to waste my breath one such worthless pieces of crap! ::Laughs:: But I want to be a good sport and wish all of the women good luck...and like I always say, You gonna need it! Now that's three people who I think may be coming into the gauntlet this Sunday! Another person could be....Oh I think I have got somebody, I will give you a hint, somebody that reaks...No No, Not Chris Jericho...But somebody who thinks its a good kind of reak! Now we know it certainly isn't Y2J Chris Jericho! ::Laughs:: But that person is....EDGE! Edge...Yet another person who is after one of my titles, and yet another person that was just a one hit wonder! He comes in here with Christian and talks about taking mine and Rocks championships, and then he realised what he was getting himself in for! He noticed that me and The King of Kings are the true bonded souls of this federation, and nothing can stop that! But doesn't Edge have a match already? Oh that's right, the match for the #1 contender slot for the Bonded Souls championships, along with his chuckle brother Christian! Its funny how those two work, they come out with their blonde with them, what's her name? Lizzy? Dizzy? Oh something like that! But they try and impress us! That's right, with their little hoesbeast comments, and their so reaking of awesomness, but the word reality comes back in to play one again and Edge and Christian will realise that IF, and that's a strong IF, They do happen to win that match tonight its quite simple that they will reak alright, But what of...I cant say on a family show! So that's four people gone....and one to go! That's right, One to go, and who will that person be? You know I may be wrong with these guesses, but the simple fact is, Whoever you through my way, I will through right back, and succeed in keeping my championship around my waist! Now, Just one more guess...Actually, I think I am wasting my time with all this guessing stuff...So you know what, I am going to tell you who I WANT it to be...and that would be only one person, only one little girl, That may give it away....so Stephanie McMahon, You would be the person that I would like to see as my last opponent! The women that claims to be the most dominant person around here, well, step into the ring with me honey and I can tell you that you will be put to shame! But I did want to say thank you for making this match for me, Not only on the very first TRF PPV am I going to win a match and beat just ones persons ass! But I am going to win a match and beat 5 peoples ass! But Steph, I am going to give you the privilege of being part of that...Hell, I know I cant make the match, and I cant decide who's in it, But I can hope cant I? ::Smirks:: and Stephanie, you would be top of my list! Me and you go way back dont we Steph? That's right, When HHH was around he made you have a championship match against me, isn't that right? But what he wanted didn't come true, because the fact is...He made your ass...Get KICKED! ::Laughs:: That must have been one of my favourite matches yet, hearing my boss screaming for mercy, and hearing my boss pleading me to stop the pain I was putting her through! But did I? No, Because I retained my title and to this day and the best women's champion the TRF has ever seen! And that's the....Unlucky...Five! The five people that I would want to see in that match, the five people that I would LOVE to see in that match! As i came out here today i wasn't expecting to talk so much about the present, because i wanted to talk about the past a little bit aswell...But you see I seem to have ran out of time, I have places to go, and people to see, You know the things us one and only Triple gold holders have to do...But dont worry, if you didn't notice, when i first came out here I had a video tape in hand, and I still have it, Now this is a copy of all the matches that I have participated in whilst I have been here, cages, table, whatever you want...Its there! And i was going to spend some time going over the results and the wins with you, But seeing as i have no time left i will leave you with the tape to watch yourself, and if the other superstars in the back get a little jealous with what they are seeing, dont worry, you may be on the receiving end of it soon enough, because in the gauntlet match that is set for this Sunday...Nobody is safe, and that is a fact! Lita drops the microphone and collects each title from where she left them, Then takes the Xtreme championship and places it over her shoulder, she takes the B*tch belt and places is across her other shoulder, and last but certainly not least she takes the bonded souls title and puts it around her waist, She walks out of the ring with the crows cheering, she then slaps the hands of the fans with smiles across their faces, and a smirk on hers, she reaches the top of the ramp when she raises her titles in the air, she turns around and walks backstage where she enters her locker room and waits for the next superstar to appear, The camera fades! © MizzHardy@aol.com |