.....::Welcome to::..... ..:.Fires of Hell.:.. ... .......:::RULEZ:::...... 1..Pleasez do not IM da painterz.. tell a listkeeper if you need something done 2..Plezz be patient...our painterz are taking their time to make the best of the painting they can for you 3..NUDE av's are up to the painter if they choose to paint it but if they do not want to dont get all pissed off some have little kids around 4..Plezz NO FIGHTING in this room...this room is to be a service to the community of virtual places so do not fight in our room ...one reason we made this room is to get away from the fighting in other areas 5..HAVE A GREAT TIME!! we dun care if you mega as long as it is not really busy or crowded .. if it is and you are asked to demega plezz do so.. plezz do not go overboard on gesture playing it lagz the painters and otherz in the room ENJOY YOUR STAY!! ....:::LOOKING FOR HELP:::.... We are currently looking for professionals in the following areas ...::PAINTERS::... ...::LISTKEEPERS::... ...::GESTURE MAKERS::... ...::FRAME MAKERS::... ...::BOUNCERS::... ...::PROGRAMERS::... ....................................................... THANX FOR COMMING TO ...::Fires of Hell::... ...::This Page is Also under Construction::...