You can be the master of a planet. Being a master has its advantages. It takes 5 days to become a master of a planet. You can only be a master of an unknown planet.
Stats or Cash
You, as a master, can pick to grow 2 times as fast in one of the four stats (pl,hp,sp,en) or get paid $500 a day.
Teaching A Move
As master you can make up a move that you will automaticaly know (you must run it by me and I will tell you if it is ok) and be able to teach others. While teaching the move you get the stats as if you were training alone and so does your pupil. You can charge money for others to learn this from you.
You will have to build a store to buy items and for people to work. It takes 10 days to build a store.
You can build a school to teach more students at once. A school costs $5,000 for materials and takes 10 days to build.
You can build a Community Hospital for members to heal while on your planet. Materials cost $7,000 and it takes 12 days to build.
You now have a planet as your team base so you can have as many members on your team as you please.
Training Rooms
You can build a training room on your planet. You can charge money for other members to get into your chamber. Only one person in a room at one time. Here is what you can build (pick one):
- Gravity Chamber=4,000pl ~ 400hp ~ 400 points to be split between en+sp a day. Stay in for 5 days you must rest 10 days. Stay in for 10 days must rest 20 days. Stay in for 30 days you go to the hospital for 60 days!
- Time Chamber=30,000pl~3,000hp~3,000 points to be split between en+sp in 1 day. Can not go in again for 25 days.(NO ANDROIDS)
- Fire Chamber=can only train in here for 2 days and cannot go in again for 15 days. 6,000pl~700hp~700en~600sp a day
- Ice Chamber=can only train in here for 2 days and cannot go in again for 15 days. 7,000pl~600hp~600en~700sp a day
You can have members join your army to do missions you would like them to do. You can have:
- 1 Captain who will lead the others and get the orders from you. He will get all the details of the missions and tell the members of your army what to do. He will be paid $100 a day no matter what he is doin. This Captain will know your move that you teach when he is declared a Captain (if he is take out of rank he will lose all knowledge of the move).
- 2 Generals who will get the items ready for the missions. They are paid $500 a day to purchase items.
- 2 Assasins who will be provided sniper rifles by the Generals (or buy them themselves). With these sniper rifles they can kill an enemy with one shot and no battle. The sniper must be on the planet of his target. They start off at 50% acuracy and improve after every succesful kill.
- 1 Explosives Expert who can destroy team bases and any building made by a master of a planet. He will need a C-4 brick and a detination devise (which should be provided by the General). It takes 2 days to set the bomb and you can detinate it from anywhere in the universe. He is paid $100 a day.
- 3 Personal Gaurds that will protect you from any attackers. They will know your move and be paid $200 a day, but will have to stay with you.
- Piolits that can fly the ATU that holds 20 people.
- As many Infantry as you please. The Infantry can learn your move in half the time and will be paid $50 a day no matter what thier doing. They are the defense of your planet and they can be used as a group attack.
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