This is home to most of the Demons of the univese
This is the home planet of most Ying
This planet is inhabited by the Yang
Retnoms cover this planets surface
This peaceful planet is protected and populated by the Nogdi
There are 10 unknown planets in this universe that you can find. There are 40 sectors of open space that you must search. It takes 1 day to search a sector. If you find a planet then you may name it and be a master of it. You can set up defenses on it (see items). You have to build a store for people to buy items from and to work at (if you dont have a store you cannot buy items or work). It takes 10 days to build a store. It is then up to you to tell or not to tell which sector your planet is in.(see masters for more info)
New Found Planets
Planet Chibi
Master= Majin Tampion
Chibi:: transforms your opponent into chibi form. This takes 1/8 of your opponents stats away. (L-4 move)
Master= Jeano
Now Has A Look Out Tower
Transform:: you transform into at huge beast and all of your stats are increased by 30%. Except for your speed which decreases by 10%. (L-5 move)
Master= Android #00
Brosa:: drains your opponent of his life force. Does level 2 damagebut instead of just taking it off, that HP goes to you. Takes level 2 EN. (L-3 move)