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Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can I use your background?

It is not my permission to grant. This background tends to be everyones favourite thing when they visit my site, and it makes my layout looks adorable. I know everyone wants to use it and you know what, you can! Its not mine, I never made it, I dont know where it came from. It just seems that I originated it somehow, since no other website had it before me. Maybe I did scan it as some point, or accidently made it. It somehow was on my computer back in 2001 and I used it. The origins of the background is a complete mystery to me. In other words what im saying is, the background isnt copyrighted to me. But over time, I do feel that I have ownership over it, but thats just my personal feeling... its not the truth.

2. Can I use your wall papers?

I only have one rule when it comes to taking things from my site, and the rule is on my wall papers. Please dont take them for your own site without permission and without giving me credit. I don't like having seen my wallpapers on other peoples sites claiming its theirs and its happened to a Harry Potter Wallpaper I made (people claimed it was by Warner Bros.!!!) When you ask though, I will always say yes. But I would like to keep track of there my wall papers are on the net.

3. What about all the other images?

Apart from the Bedtime Bear Image on my Recalling lyrics page (made by my mother), take whatever you want. Some images are my own scans and makings but this is a Care Bear website and is about sharing. Take all you want.

4. Where can I get the Care Bear soundtracks?

A miracle occured a few months ago when I actually found the Care Bear Movie sound track on record for a mere £10 in excellent condition. This was through a seller at This seller was called Rockrev. As far as I know, there are no more in stock. My only advice to you is to keep checking or to request the soundtrack, since its a company that seeks out rare records and cds that are requested by their customers. Apart from that, I dont have much else to tell you. I dont even know if Care Bear Movie II had a soundtrack. Rock Revelations store. Take your requests to:

5. I want to make a Care Bear Theme Bedroom, where can I get the wall paper from?

I get this question from a lot of parents and Grandparents. I have a Care Bear themed bedroom which is very effective without Care Bear wall paper. As far as I know, there is no Care Bear wall paper. However, the Care Bears Official website gives you ideas on how to achieve it with help of Carltons which sells Care Bears merchandise and furniture for the bedroom.

6. I'm a HUUUUUUUGE fan of the Care Bears!! Can you PLEASE PLEASE send me loads more Care Bear Pictures!!

I get a lot of emails from very young enthusiasts like this, before you request anything from me, can I let you know that I only have a dial up connection. For me to send you loads of files would take me a bakers dozen of hours to do, not only that, but any decent pictures I have are on offer already on my website. My answer to these Emails are a flat no.

7. Could you please...

Now, Im a nice fan of the Care Bears, and if you have a favour you want to ask of me then go right ahead, depending on the way you ask and how genuine I judge you to be, I will go out of my way to help you. For example I made a visitor a Care Bears CD for her sons first birthday recently. I dont charge for this kind of thing, this is a Care Bear community we are talking about!

8. Can you help me make a website?

Er... No. Cant you see I struggle myself? Honestly, this website is a bit crappy. If you think its good then its obvious that you are new to it all but believe it or not, so am I. I basically went to and followed their basic structure. I've not a clue about HTML or JAVA scripts.. I just go with the flow. Im the one that needs help here. Not to mention I done this website when I was ... 15? I come back here and add and change things every now and again, but anything I knew back then, has completely left me. I can't help you basically. (Im now coming on 19 if you are wondering).

Main. Care Bears Brief Introduction. Meet the Care Bears. Lyrics. Wallpapers. Baby Pictures. About Me. Links. Collecters and Traders Tips. Picture Gallery. Webrings.
