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Meet The Care Bears and the Care Bear Cousins!

Here are two group pics of the Care Bears and The Care Bear cousins. To see individuel pictures and descriptions go back (press back on your server)

Meet the Care Bears

The Care Bears: (Left to Right) Tender Heart Bear, Wish Bear, Friend Bear, Good Luck Bear, Love-A-Lot Bear, Grumpy Bear, Cheer Bear, Fun Shine Bear, Bedtime Bear and Birthday Bear.

Meet The Care Bear Cousins

Meet The Care Bear Cousins: (From top Left clockwise) Cozy Heart Penguin, Playful Heart Monkey, Gentle Heart Lamb, Swift Heart Rabbit, Treat Heart Pig, Loyal Heart Dog, Proud Heart Cat, Lotsa Heart Elephant, Bright Heart Racoon and Brave Heart Lion is sitting on the top.

Thank You For Caring

Keep The Care Bear Spirit Alive! Main. Care Bears Brief Introduction. Meet the Care Bears. Lyrics. Wallpapers. Baby Pictures. About Me. Links. Forum. Collecters and Traders Tips. The Caring Board. Picture Gallery. Webrings.