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Collectors and Traders

I am not a collector, but since a lot of Care Bear fans are collectors, this page is set up to give you advice on where you can get your collection to a high. Above is the picture of my Care Bears. Its actually rather dated, my whole room is filled with Care Bears now, its practically a Care Bear themed room. People do keep asking me my age...
I think just about every collector knows about going to eBay. At eBay you will find a lot of rare Care Bears, but sometimes gets very pricey (Recently some one sold a Noble Heart Horse for over $900). Another place to would be Amazon has become a good place to find anything Care Bears. It has almost anything for the new Care Bears and all the movies are available here. For rarities just go to zShops, which works the same way as eBay almost.
A lot of websites on Care Bears are just dedicated to peoples collection with want lists and lists of Care Bears they have for sale. Most of the time Care Bears you find on a website are going cheap. Look around on search engines or look at the big websites like and use its web rings. Also search on Yahoo webrings, they have a lot of collecting websites.
If you go to it will always give you updates of whats newly available.
The ultimate Care Bears shop is at Unfortunately though for us people out of the US, they do not ship internationally. Bummer.
Main. Care Bears Brief Introduction. Meet the Care Bears. Lyrics. Wallpapers. Baby Pictures. About Me. Links. Collecters and Traders Tips. Picture Gallery.