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Last updated on 30th January 2004
I really dont like this page...I just cant figure out why it narrows down at the bottom... anyone with html experiance can help me here?
Update 01/30/04 - Hi ya, Yes, this is my first update in... who knows how long, but just letting you know I have fixed things around here and updated it heavily (was getting a bit messy. I have actually made a FAQ page, I beg people to go there before emailing me a question.
Update 08/11/03 - Hey all, I have some news for you. I was in Virgin Megastore on Friday and you know what I found? Brand new Care Bear video that comes with what is a Limited Edition Cheer Bear Im guessing. Only costs £12. And it also said Volume one, so there are more to come, Ive learnt that this video was released on 4th Auguest 2003. To people in the US, Im not sure where these videos would be for you but I think its worth checking for it. Site news, Im going to start a FAQ and a comments page. I get a lot of emails about my site, comments and questions (and thank you to all who have, its appreciated.) but I am, to be honest, getting a bit tired with the same questions such as "Where do I get Care Bear Wallpaper?" "Where do I get a Care Bear bed sheet?" Can I make it plain that I am just a fan of the Care Bears, I dont know everything, I know as much as you know. Please consider this when you email me. I will always help in anyway I can, but most of the time Im pretty useless. About Harry Potter, Im not longer depressed about it. I have got over it. Lol. Im just eagerly waiting for the next one. :)
Update 06/17/03 - Just tidying it up a bit you know. ;)
Update 04/17/03 - Im taking down my forum, because its pointless. lol.
Update 04/06/03 - Well, my birthday was alright, I think I was a bit tired. I got lots of cute presents from parents and my very great boyfriend Bink (muah). Now, I thought you would all like to know that the Official website is now open, I dont know when it opened, but I just checked on it and there it was lol.
Update 04/01/03 - No, I havent updated again in a while, firstly I have been having trouble with logging on. Secondly, the programme I use to make graphics has been damaged on my computer, I cannot use it, thirdly, I am very stressed with coursework, I will get back to updating this regulary, if I ever finish that dread place that is a school. I also want to share big news with the people in the UK, Care Bears merchandise has been spread from Woolworths, Tescos and to Birthdays. This is as far as I know. I suppose everyone has the videos and new plushes but in Birthdays are Care Bears which are about 30" in a huggable material for £19.99, so get down there! I have bedtime bear myself, which my lovely boyfriend got for me. And lastly, I will mention that its my birthday in two days time (Thursday 3rd April). And its my 18th! Im going to see Phantom Of The Opera for the occasion. Well this has to be the longest update I have ever done, and oh, I have changed the 'Site Of The Week'... I should really called it 'Site Of The Month' lol.
Update 02/24/03 - Sorry about me not updating in a while. I have been very busy! I have just come back to change this Site of the week, because its been the site of the month! lol. So there is a new one. :)
Update 01/25/03 - I have re arranged a lot of things...thats about it lol. It took a while though lol.
Update 01/23/03 - I have added to new pages. One is the Awards page. Where I have an award waiting to go out to other Care Bear sites. If you want this award email me your site and I will look it over. The second one is Site Of The Week page. Which I definately want you to check out each week.
Update 01/22/03 - Hello all, I have added another cutie link which you must check out. Its a new adorable website dedicated to the Care Bears.
Update 01/14/03 - I have added a Webring Page so its more clear to look at the webrings instead of looking at them randomly on this front page. I have kept them there but also added a page for them.
Update 01/04/03 - I have changed the layout, thats the colours (YES! You can read everything now!) and I've but a links menu on every single page. THIS took absolutely forever so please appreciate it! I just made it so it is easier to get around.
Update 01/03/03 - Hope everyone had a great new year! I have added a new link in the links page of 80's Rave Faves.
Update 12/26/02 - GREAT NEWS!! For people that are in England. Care Bears 2002 has come to England! I dont know how and when but I got two Care Bears with the videos from my local Woolworths. So get to your local Woolies on the double before they disappear! Also, I hope everyone had a great christmas for those who celebrate it.
Update 12/11/02 - This is actually news, and its old news, however I just want to mention it. Care Bears now has an Official site. But dont expect much. I have added this to my links page. And since all we have dreamed of is an offical Care Bear site...its taking a very long time to open! When someone finds it open...tell me!
Update 12/10/02 - OMG! 8000 hits! Thank you all so much! I have put a new link into the links page...and that Wishing Stars Galaxy. CHRISTMAS SOON!
Update 12/02/02 - Was invited to join a webring! HOW SWEET! Check her site out, it has cute music! Wishing Star's Galaxy
Update 11/23/02 - At least I thought I had a link exchange with! They still havent linked me! Grrness!
Update 10/21/02 - Link exchange with
Update 10/16/02 - What do you think of my new banner? Huh? huh? No its not that great...but I thought we needed a change. Agreed?
Update 10/15/02 - New webring, well an updated one actually... also, shortning down this update thing, its getting far too long!
Update 10/14/02 - There is a Care Bear quiz at the Druda website, the banner is underneath my updates. Which one are you? Im happy to be cheer bear :)
Update 10/08/02 - Updated my links page again, I have a button and link now for other websites. I have joined several web rings as well.
Update 10/07/02 - Updated my page on shout outs...about time, I didnt even recognise the names I had on there!
Update 09/27/02 - Added another link, another picture, and changed lay out a bit.
Update 06/10/02 - Added another picture
Update 03/02/02 - Added a Picture Gallery
Update 12/04/01 - Added another wall paper.
Update 09/01/01 - I have added my own forum called 'Keep The Care Bear Spirit Alive'. I have added a Collectors and Traders Info Page
Update 08/18/01 - Adopted an adorable Care Bear Cub, you can adopt one for yourself at Friend Bears website.
Update 08/12/01 - Put Forum and Chatroom up, Note these do not belong to me its just a recommendation. I added the English Care Bears Day Dream Bear, Surprise Bear and the English version of Harmony Bear in the 'Meet The Care Bears Section' I scanned the pictures of them, please ask before taking them. I also added Noble Heart Horse.
Update 08/11/01 - Added A baby photo Album of the cubs from Care Bear Movie II which Id like to thank Friend Bear for letting me put them up on my site. , changed banner slightly.
Update 08/10/01 - Added a links page, each link has my own personal review, took out the recommended links and put them in the links page
Update 08/05/01 - Changed layout slightly, changed lay out to main page, Guest book and the poll.
Update 08/02/01 - Added another wall paper in the wall paper secion, note I made this wall paper but the images came from Alyssa's Care Bear Dreamland
Update 08/01/01 - Added 2 more wall papers in the wall paper section. Added another recommended link, check it out!
Update 07/30/01 - Changed Font and changed the layout a bit. Also added a Wall Paper section. Added 'About Me'
Update 07/24/01 - Added Lyrics and images with the lyrics.
Update 07/22/01 - Adopted Proud Heart Cat.
Update 07/21/01 - Care Bear Webring.
Update 07/19/01 - Added Guest Book and Poll.
Update 07/17/01 - Added more Meet The Care Bear pages.
This Website was Born on 16th July 2001
Main. Care Bears Brief Introduction. Meet the Care Bears. Lyrics. Wallpapers. Baby Pictures. About Me. Links. Forum. Collecters and Traders Tips. The Caring Board. Picture Gallery.
