This is experiment # 17 in the lab manual. A brief
introduction of Wilson and Widlar current sources and the steps to carry
out the lab are given here. To get a good insight of Current mirrors (current
sources) read the manual.
Current mirrors are used as current sources for biasing
circuits on ICs because they require a few elements and occupy very small
space thus they can be easily fabricated on ICs to supply small biasing
currents to circuits.
Circuit # 1 is Wilson current source. In the current
mirror both of the transistors are matched (we can add more branches to
the right of the circuit like the one which is on the right to get more
stages of current mirror) so they have same value of 'B' so that their
collector current are equal for same value of VBE. The
resistor R1 is the circuit we want to give biasing current or consider
it as a load.
If we ignore small base currents, the current Iref
be equivalent to
Iref = -(VEE
+ 0.7)/(Rref + RA) ------
The relation between I1 and
Iref is obtained by applying KVL in the lower loop
(neglecting base currents we have IEA = Iref and IEB
= I1)
= 0 ------ (ii)
Now using diode current expression ID = IS*e^(VD/nVT)
(actually ID = IS*(e^(VD/nVT)
-1), but since in forward region the
exponential term is quite big so we can omit 1) to make a relation between
forward base emitter junction voltage of transistors (VBE)
and current passing through it, we can write the above equation (ii) in
the following form (using n = 1 and VT = 26mV @ room
I1 = (VT/RB)ln(Iref/I1)
+ Iref(RA/RB) ----- (iii)
This last relationship defines a Wilson current source.
If Iref and I1 are not too much different then their ratio
would be equivalent to 1 and above relation can be approximated as
I1 = Iref(RA/RB)
(I1/Iref) = (RA/RB)
------ (iv)
If we remove RA from the circuit, we are left with a Widlar Source which
is used to provide small amount of bias current to the circuits. The expression
for Widlar source will be
I1 = (VT/RB)ln(Iref/I1)
---- (v)
Design circuit # 1. Choose RA = 2K, RB as a variable
resistor ranging upto 10K.Choose maximum value of RB for this part. Choose
R1 about 2 to 3K. Now select a value
of Rref to get Iref = 1 mA.
Now select two values of RB for which I1
is less than Iref and two values of RB for
which I1 is greater than Iref.
Also make sure that your transistors would not go into saturation
should be quite higher than 0.3V).In each case measure I1,
Iref, RB, and Vce of both transistors to make sure that they
are not going into saturation.
Make circuit # 1 a Widlar source by removing RA. Now choose two values of RB for which Iref is greater
than I1. Measure I1, Iref, RB, and Vce of both transistors for these two
Compare the measured values of I1 for both of the
sources with the values calculated from equation (iii) (for Wilson) and
(v) (for Widlar). Over what range of I1
can you use
the approximation in equation (iv) without appreciable error?