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Marsh Lake
Local Advisory Council
Meeting Minutes

April 9, 2008

1. Call To Order.

The Regular Meeting of April 9, 2008 was called to order at 7:05 p.m.

1A. Roll Call.
Present were Malcolm Taggart, Helen Smith and Peter Heebink.
Absent was Perry Savoie.
Approximately 7 observers.

2. Adoption Of Agenda.

Motion # 1.
Motion THAT the agenda is adopted as posted.
Moved by Peter Heebink, Seconded by Helen Smith.
Vote: 3 in favour.
Motion # 1 Carried.

3. Adoption Of Previous Meeting Minutes.

Minutes of the November, December 2007 and February 2008 meeting were read.

Motion # 2.
Motion THAT the minutes be accepted as read.
Moved by Helen Smith, Seconded by Peter Heebink.
Vote: 3 in favour.
Motion # 2 Carried.

4.a. Introduction of New Councillor for Ward 2, New Constabulary.

Chair Taggart welcomed Michael Vernon as the new Councillor for Ward 2, New Constabulary. Vernon had been sworn in at the Yukon Government office in Whitehorse.

4.b. Actual 2007 and Budget 2008.

Treasurer Smith presented the budget for 2008. The budget would be amended to include the cost of the by-election in Ward 2. The new contribution agreement for 2008 would be signed with the 2008 Budget.

Motion # 3.
Motion THAT the Actual for 2007 be handed in to Community Services.
Moved by Peter Heebink, Seconded by Michael Vernon.
Vote: 4 in favour.
Motion # 3 Carried.

4.c. Discussion of Shoreline Reparation Applications.

Council received applications for shoreline reparation from Savoie, Lots 19-1a & 19-2a, Army Beach and Byram, Lots 13 & 14, Grayling Place. Council expressed no objection to these applications. Council had questions about the Pearson, Lot 1018 & 1019 South M’Clintock, Land Application, since it did not clearly state whether it was for a lot extension or licence to occupy for the purpose of shoreline reparation.

Motion # 4.
Motion THAT Council reply to Lands Branch with no objection to the Savoie or Byram applications. Council would ask to clarify the Pearson application and if it is for a Licence to Occupy for the purpose of shoreline reparation to offer no objection.
Moved by Helen Smith, Seconded by Michael Vernon.
Vote: 4 in favour.
Motion # 4 Carried.

5. Report From the Chair & Correspondence.

Council received a letter in opposition to Marsh Lake house numbering from L. Blaise at 89500 Alaska Highway.
Received a copy of a response from Yukon Energy Corporation to Army Beach and South/North M’Clintock residents’ questions concerning lake water level controls, etc.
Received a copy of a letter from Community Services A/Minister Lang to John Streicker concerning Land Use Planning.
A local contractor asked Chair Taggart about the proposed Waterfowl Special Management Area and how this would affect shoreline reparations in the M’Clintock Bay area. Chair Taggart agreed to report on any information he received about this issue.
House Numbering Update: due to confusion at Community Services because of the retirement of the person handling the project, the printing of the maps to go to Emergency Services was overlooked. Chair Taggart has gone over the maps at Community Services and they were to inform Taggart when the maps were printed and distributed.

6. Committee Reports.

Nil Report.
Community Society: John Streicker announced the upcoming AGM in May, the production of a year long calendar for distribution, and the society would host a BBQ on the May long weekend to be held at Army Beach day use area.
FireSmart: Streicker reported that the rules for applications now included the need for a letter of support from the Council. The Fire Rescue Society would be holding their highway litter cleanup sometime in May.
Solid Waste Society: Gloria Lommerse reported the upcoming Household Hazardous Waste Collection Day on Saturday, May 10. Attendant Clay Peacock had agreed to work off the remainder of his winter hours working on ski trail improvements once the snow is gone.
Emergency Measures Committee: Nil Report.

7. Old Business.

Community Trails:
Chair Taggart reported that Inukshuk has the trail maps ready for a final check.

8. New Business and Question Period.

Marg Dunn offered to place new posters up around the community with the updated Ward Councillors listed.

The Community Society announced they were investigating concepts for a sign at the highway entrance to Doehle Drive, with directions to the community centre. They requested input for design and information to be included on the sign.

A resident of Bay View Road requested information on when construction of the new Bay View Road would begin. Chair Taggart agreed to follow up on the progress of the project.

Councillor Vernon brought to the attention of Council the poor spring condition of Armstrong Drive in New Constabulary. Council informed him it probably wasn’t necessary to call Highways about the road as they generally take care of this every spring.

9. Adjournment.

Chair Taggart adjourned the meeting at 8:52 p.m.

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