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Marsh Lake
Local Advisory Council
Meeting Minutes

August 8, 2001

1. Call Meeting To Order.

The Regular Meeting of August 8, 2001 was called to order at 7:04 p.m.

1A. Roll Call.

Present were Chair Malcolm Taggart, Secretary Helen Smith, Pam Blackburn, Treasurer Patrick Rouble and Andy Townsend.
Approximately 14 observers and 1 delegate.

1B. Amendment to Agenda.
A discussion about the LARC application for Lot extension at #118, Judas Creek Dr. to be added to the agenda.

Motion # 1.
Motion by Helen Smith to adopt the amended agenda.
Second by Patrick Rouble.
Vote: Unanimous.
Motion # 1 Carried.

2. Adoption Of Previous Meeting Minutes.

Minutes of the June meeting were read by Secretary Helen Smith.

Motion # 2.
Motion by Helen Smith to accept the minutes with the following amendments. Correct the spelling of Stetkiewicz. Strike Patrick Rouble arraigning a strategic planning meeting. Strike Pam Blackburn doing research into mosquito control.
Second by Andy Townsend.
Vote 5 in favour.
Motion # 2 Carried.

3. Report From the Chair/ Correspondence.

-Received a news release from YTG Land Claims and Implementation Secretariat with 1 copy of the Five Year Review of the Umbrella Final Agreement.
-YTG Economic Development sent one copy of the Yukon Business Directory.
-Received copies of 2 letters from LARC to Sam & Carol Cawley plus
a copy of 1 letter from LARC to McClintock Place Association concerning rezoning in M'Clintock Place.
-Received a copy of a letter from Minister of C&TS Pam Buckway to Donna Teboe of the Marsh Lake Community Club officially recognizing them as the authority for sport and recreation in Marsh Lake. It was noted by observers present that this has not been passed in the MLCC bylaws yet.
-Received a copy of the Yukon Education survey summary of Marsh Lake students.
-Received a copy of a letter from CTFN to the Marsh Lake Community Plant.
-The LAC received a copy of the Highway Signs Regulations and a letter from C&TS about changes to the same. It was brought to the attention of the LAC that a sign has appeared on the highway by South M'Clintock advertising CFET radio, despite assurances by C&TS that no new permits would be issued for signs on the highway this year.

Motion # 3.
Motion by Malcolm Taggart to send a friendly email to Rob of CFET Community Radio in Tagish, requesting the sign be removed from the highway.
Second by Andy Townsend.
Vote 5 in favour.
Motion # 3 Carried.

-Chair Taggart received a courtesy call from Highways about the repaving of the Highway by M'Clintock Place. The work is scheduled for completion by August 31.
-The LAC sent a letter to C&TS about Garbage Cans and Outhouses at ML Highway Rest Stops.
-The LAC sent a letter to H.A. Dell, at C&TS about Groundwater Monitoring Wells at the Marsh Lake Dump.
A reply was received stating monitoring would resume and was being contracted to Laberge Environmental Services. Samples will be taken 4 times the first year and once yearly afterwards. The development of a 10 year plan is due by January of 2002.

Motion # 4.
Motion by Helen Smith to write a reply to H.A.Dell confirming receipt of his letter and requesting to see the results of the groundwater samplings as soon as available. The LAC should also ask to be kept informed about the 10 year planning exercise.
Second by Andy Townsend.
Vote: 5 in favor.
Motion # 4 Carried.

4. Update on Army Beach Neighbourhood Plan.

Delegate from LARC, Judy Linton, presented a summary of what stage YTG is with the Army Beach Land Use Plan. She outlined the status of process & procedure.
-Prompted by a large number of lot extension applications and the contentious issue of narrowing access trails to the lake.
-In the fall of 2000 LARC drafted and submitted a report on issues and topography of the accesses. It was found there was a great deal of variety from one access trail to the next. No recommendations were made at this time.
-The applications pending were reviewed enmasse at a LARC meeting. It was recommended at this time to review the possibility of a land planning study for the Army Beach neighbourhood to find out what the community wants.
The public process would involve the Army Beach residents, the Marsh Lake LAC and the general public since Army Beach is a widely used public recreation area.

The first step now for LARC is to see that a steering committee be formed.
Second step is to decide on issues and analyse those issues.
Final step is to develop a draft plan for review by the community. If accepted by the majority, it will go to the government Minister as an "Advisory Document".

No public meeting has been planned as yet. This presentation is an introduction of the neighbourhood plan.
LARC must make a formalization of "intent to make a land use plan". LARC wants a public meeting to have the community initiate process of a steering committee.

It was suggested that Pam Blackburn, Councillor for Army Beach/South M'Clintock, be the LAC contact on this issue. Chair Taggart suggested that LARC go forward with the planning meeting.

5A. LARC Application for Lot extension at #118, Judas Creek Drive.

Helen Smith summarized the LARC application for a lot extension at #118, Judas Creek Drive. The LAC letter in reply to the application had already been sent to LARC because the deadline date for reply was August 8. To summarize, the Councillor, after talking with residents in surrounding lots, could see no reason to object to the application as long as the extension did not interfere with the access to ski trails that exists along the power line trail.

5B. Agricultural Application #733, across highway from New Constabulary.

The LAC received a letter from Randy Lamb at the Agricultural Land Application Review Committee, Yukon Renewable Resources. After discussion, it was suggested the LAC defer answering this letter until further research could be done. A copy of the application with a map would be needed. There was some concern that a local resident's trap line may run in this area. It was also suggested that comment be directed to LARC with a copy to Mr. Lamb at ALARC.
It was also brought to the attention of the LAC that a structure is going up across the highway from the south entrance to Judas Creek. Since this area is within the LAC boundaries, a letter to Land Resources at DIAND should be written to ask about any land use permits in that area.

Motion # 5.
Motion by Pam Blackburn to defer discussion of this application pending further research. A letter would be written to Mr. Lamb requesting a copy of the application and a map.
Second by Andy Townsend.
Vote: 5 in favor.
Motion # 5 carried.

Motion # 6.
Motion by Helen Smith to write a letter to Marjorie Fraser at Land Resources, DIAND to ask about any land use permits in the area of the south entrance to Judas Creek.
Second by Pam Blackburn.
Vote: 5 in favor.
Motion #6 Carried.

6. New Business.

Donna Larsen reported on the Marsh Lake Community Club's expansion and move to change its name to the Marsh Lake Recreational Society. A new constitution is in progress.
She gave a summary of how more funding is available and how the Society will be coordinating new proposals for recreational projects in the Marsh Lake area. Currently the Society supports an application for a playground in New Constabulary and tennis courts in M'Clintock Place by the boat ramp. They would also like to consider this area by M'Clintock Place as a location for a future community centre.

Donna Larsen also presented a follow up to the Department of Education's Survey of school children in the Marsh Lake area.

Andy Townsend brought up the possibility of approaching YTG to put a name on a currently unnamed road off the M'Clintock River Road. The road is approximately 400 yards long. It was suggested the road be named after a long time resident in that area, who has since passed away. Townsend agreed to find what department to apply to.

Helen Smith reported on the progress of box numbers being assigned by Canada Post. She has a phone number for anyone who hasn't yet received a new number. The post office has stated that mail will begin to be redirected on September 17, 2001.

It was brought to the attention of the LAC that there are no stop signs on the side streets leading off Judas Creek Drive. In the event of an accident, it would be difficult to assign liability. It was also suggested that the intersection of Army Beach Road where it joins the M'Clintock access road be included in this request.

Motion # 7.
Motion by Helen Smith to write a letter to Transportation Services requesting stop signs be placed at the intersections of all side roads off Judas Creek Drive, and the intersection of Army Beach Road and the M'Clintock access road.
Second by Pam Blackburn.
Vote: 5 in favor.
Motion # 7 Carried.

7. Adjournment.

Motion # 8.
Motion by Helen Smith to adjourn meeting.
Second by Andy Townsend.
Vote: All in favor.
Motion # 8 Carried.
Meeting adjourned at 9:35 PM.

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