1. Call Meeting To Order. The Regular Meeting of August 10, 2005 was called to order at 7:08 p.m. 1A. Roll Call. Present were Helen Smith, Malcolm Taggart, Perry Savoie, and Mike Larsen. Absent was Pat Shaw. Approximately 3 observers. 2. Adoption Of Agenda. Motion # 1. Motion THAT the agenda be adopted as posted. Moved by Perry Savoie, Seconded by Helen Smith. Vote: 4 in favour. Motion # 1 Carried. 3. Adoption Of Previous Meeting Minutes. Minutes of the June 8, 2005 meeting were read. Motion # 2. Motion THAT the minutes be accepted as read. Moved by Helen Smith, Seconded by Perry Savoie. Vote: 4 in favour. Motion # 2 Carried. 4. Discussions of LARC applications: a. Malchow, lot enlargement, #37 M'Clintock Bay. Motion # 3. Motion THAT Chair Taggart email the Lands Officer stating that Council has no objection to the application as it stands, however, this application should be deferred until the route and road allowance for the Bayview Road has been finalized. Moved by Mike Larsen, Seconded by Perry Savoie. Vote: 4 in favour. Motion # 3 Carried. b. Whitfield, lot enlargement, #806A M'Clintock Bay. Council discussed a number of issues with this application including: Power line easement, Access to the beach, and Lot 1010A having access to the new road route. Again Council agreed the application should be deferred until the road route is finalized. Council also does not want to see multiple enlargements per property. Motion # 4. Motion THAT Chair Taggart email the Lands Officer stating that Council has a number of concerns with this application and would like to see assurances that the enlargement would not interfere with power line easement, access to the beach or road access to neighbouring lots. This application should be deferred until the route and road allowance for the Bayview Road has been finalized. Moved by Mike Larsen, Seconded by Helen Smith. Vote: 4 in favour. Motion # 4 Carried. 5. Report From the Chair & Correspondence. Correspondence: Sent: Correspondence as per motions from June 8 meeting. Received: LARC agendas for August 10 & 11. Received a copy of the planned Highways work for summer 2005. Received a letter from YESAB requesting the opportunity to include Marsh Lake in their community tour. Council requested Gloria Johnson respond to YESAB and Community Corrections Consultation about setting up meetings. Received a copy of papers from the Regional Economic Development Symposium. Electronic copies are available upon request. Received a copy of a letter from Minister Hart to MLA Rouble, clarifying eligibility for CDF funding. Mailer from Ag Branch – Infarmation. Council received an email from AYC dealing with a draft of a tender for a term position for a Planning and Policy Officer. Chair Taggart wished to inform Council that he would abstain from any discussions about the draft or the position since he was interested in applying for it. Report: Ward 5 Resignation: Councillor for Ward 5, Pat Shaw, has given a verbal resignation to Chair Taggart as of this meeting's date. Because of his new job he is unable to attend meetings. A replacement will be sought and a by-election will be held if necessary. Sewage Lagoon Closure: Chair Taggart spoke to Terry Bidniak at Community Services about the closure of the Marsh Lake sewage lagoon. Periodic closure is normal to remove sludge, however, routine sampling showed extremely heavy contamination from waste oil or diesel. Resampling will be done to determine the extent of the contamination, and the sewage lagoon may need to be cleaned out. In the meantime area businesses that pump out sewage will need to travel to the sewage lagoon at Carcross. Army Beach Well: Chair Taggart reported that a notice for Tender of Design for the Pump House at Army Beach appeared in the August 10 newspapers. The pump house design should also include room for parking of an extra fire truck. The old well at Army Beach has been cleaned out, and will be tested to ensure filtering will be adequate to make the water potable and the flow is high enough to accommodate self haul and commercial trucks. Taggart has been assured that if the flow is not adequate Community Services will seek a new well location. Land Use Planning: Chair Taggart spoke with Lands Branch and asked for an answer by September as to a clear-cut option for a limited Land Use Plan to go ahead. 6. Committee Reports. AYC: Perry Savoie reported on some issues to be brought up at the General Meeting in Watson Lake, including reciprocal insurance, New Deal funding for communities, and an ad hoc on outside users of Whitehorse city facilities. Savoie is not available to attend the meeting but will get updates. Marsh Lake Community Society: Mike Larsen reported that the tender deadline for the building closed August 9th. If the contract is awarded right away, the construction could begin right away. However, the lowest bid was still over budget. MLCS is waiting to hear from YTG on the decision. Emergency Preparedness Planning Committee: Mike Larsen reported that important mapping is being done to identify such things as dead end roads, access to water sources. Committee would like to meet with Council in camera to work out a contact structure for the plan. The committee is working toward a plan that will be readdressed every year to defuse chaos. Marsh Lake Solid Waste Management Society: Gloria Johnson reported that the Recycling Depot is seeing an increase in usage. Volunteers are stepping forward to help out and funding has been applied for to create signage, and supply bins for the depot. There has been vandalism; the depot office windows have been smashed along with a large number of reusable windows being stored outside the building. Don Ford added that combined with 5 serious arsons and evidence of guns being fired at the dump, he reminded everyone that the public should report any vandalism to the RCMP. Dump Flyer: Don Ford requested a letter of support from Council to Community Services to fund postage to have his flyer distributed to all mail boxes for residents south of Whitehorse, including Marsh Lake, Mount Lorne and Annie Lake, etc. Motion # 5. Motion THAT Council write a letter to Community Services stating that this flyer is a good first step in long awaited improvements to the dump. Moved by Perry Savoie, Seconded by Helen Smith. Vote: 4 in favour. Motion # 5 carried. 7. Old Business. Motion # 6. Motion THAT Council issue a cheque for $165.50 to Alaska Highway Forum for a non-profit Organization Membership. Moved by Helen Smith, Seconded by Mike Larsen. Vote: 4 in favour. Motion #6 Carried. Motion # 7. Motion THAT Chair Taggart and Helen Smith meet with YTG to request they go ahead with House Numbering using the information as supplied by each Councillor for their ward. Moved by Mike Larsen, Seconded by Perry Savoie. Vote: 4 in favour. Motion # 7 Carried. Army Beach Drainage: Perry Savoie consulted with Rick Cusick of Highways who didn't think the Army Beach road was sinking into the marsh. Although the road does not appear to be degrading, there is high water in the back areas. An area resident has agreed to write a letter with recommendations. Road Upgrades: The Bayview Rd route is still being negotiated. There was a nil report on the Relic Road intersection upgrade. 8. New Business and Question Period. McClintock River Boat Ramp Outhouse: Don Ford questioned why the outhouse at McClintock River boat ramp had been removed by Highways Maintenance and not replaced. Users of the boat ramp have again resorted to using the bushes in the area as a toilet. Perry Savoie agreed to phone Highways to request the outhouse be replaced. 9. Adjournment. Motion # 8. Motion THAT the meeting be adjourned. Moved by Helen Smith, Seconded by Mike Larsen. Vote: 4 in favour. Motion # 8 Carried. Chair Taggart adjourned the meeting at 8:45 pm. |