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Marsh Lake
Local Advisory Council
Meeting Minutes

August 13, 2008

1. Call To Order.

The Regular Meeting of August 13, 2008 was called to order at 7:05 p.m.

1A. Roll Call.
Present were Perry Savoie, Peter Heebink and Malcolm Taggart.
Absent were Michael Vernon and Helen Smith.
Approximately 6 observers.

2. Adoption Of Agenda.

Motion # 1.
Motion THAT the agenda be accepted as posted.
Moved by Perry Savoie, Seconded by Peter Heebink.
Vote: 3 in favour.
Motion # 1 Carried.

3. Adoption Of Previous Meeting Minutes.

Minutes of the June 11, 2008 meeting were read.

Motion # 2.
Motion THAT the minutes be accepted with one amendment, to add the word “additional” to Item #7.
Moved by Peter Heebink, Seconded by Perry Savoie.
Vote: 3 in favour.
Motion # 2 Carried.

4.a. Guest Speaker from AYC, Bev Buckway, to discuss ‘perceptions’ surveys.

Bev Buckway, President of AYC and Tom Paterson, Executive Director and Lindsay Agar, AYC Training Coordinator introduced themselves to Council. Buckway stated that AYC will be continuing on after their AGM with the mandate of “Strengthening Inter-Governmental Relations Through Participation”. All Council members were requested to fill out the surveys posted on the AYC website. Buckway also issued a plea for all members to attend the yearly AYC AGM. Councillor Savoie stated that as a volunteer council, members are faced with time and financial constraints that prevent members from attending every AYC meeting during a year. Savoie also stated that he would be prepared to share the travel and AYC responsibilities with other Marsh Lake Council members who would like to become involved with AYC.

4.b. Application for Licence to Occupy for Koepke, Lot 22, South M’Clintock.

This application falls under the standard Licence to Occupy for shoreline reparation.

Motion # 3.
Motion THAT a reply be sent by email to Lands Branch stating that Council has no objection to this application for Licence to Occupy for shoreline reparation.
Moved by Perry Savoie, Seconded by Peter Heebink.
Vote: 3 in favour.
Motion # 3 Carried.

5. Report From the Chair & Correspondence.

Received an email from R. Whittaker concerning his automated weather station for Marsh Lake that requires a new base. Council agreed to pass the request on to the Community Centre as a possible new home for the weather station. Received copy of the approval for Water Lot Lease and Licence of Occupation for Byram, Lots 13 & 14, Grayling Place. Received package from Yukon Legislative Assembly Select Committee on Human Rights announcing public meeting in Marsh Lake on Thursday, October 2 at 7:00 pm.

Received package from Alaska Hwy Tourism Assoc. for their “Stay Another Day” campaign.

House Numbering Project: Chair Taggart reported that he had followed up on the new House Numbering street maps and stated that they had been printed and distributed to police and emergency services.

Community Services requested a report on any missing street signs. Chair Taggart asked that each Councillor check on their ward and report any missing street signs to Community Services.

6. Committee Reports.

nil report.
Community Society: Greg Newton, the newly appointed manager for the Community Centre and Simi Morrison, recreation director, reported on a busy summer of activities including the Kid’s Day Camp, the July 1st Celebration, Father’s Day Celebration and the Dog Show. The Southern Lakes Bike Loppet saw 115 riders start out at Marsh Lake and travel through the Southern Lakes communities. The 2nd annual Loppet is scheduled to start in Tagish in 2009 and rotate through the other communities in following years. Coming up will be the Volunteer Potluck and Dance on August 30th, the Jackalope will begin once a month steak nights and Sunday Brunches should begin in November. Amidst criticism that people have been turned away from previous Sunday Brunches, Morrison reminded people to book ahead to reserve a table at these popular brunches.
FireSmart: Chair Taggart announced he was looking for volunteer labour for a day of log cutting and clearing of ski trails. Anyone interested should contact him.
Solid Waste Management Society: Gloria Lommerse reported that the society had received an invitation to join the newly formed Yukon Recycling Association and would fill out the application and drop it off at Raven Recycling. Chair Taggart stated that the Yukon Government’s Waste Management Strategy Study will be contacting all the recycling societies to get input into recommendations for the future of recycling and waste management in the territory. Lommerse also reported that the society has not received the contracted funding from Community Services since April and the society was out of funds and would not be able to meet payroll at the end of August.

Motion # 4.
Motion THAT the Council cover payroll with Council funds if necessary. Chair Taggart would speak with Community Services and stress that the Society’s funds are needed immediately.
Moved by Peter Heebink, Seconded by Perry Savoie.
Vote: 3 in favour.
Motion # 4 Carried.

EMO Committee:
nil report.

7. Old Business.

Pipeline Right Of Way:
Chair Taggart had previously spoken with Forestry at Energy, Mines & Resources about getting permission from Trans Canada Pipelines for the purpose of logging the pipeline Right of Way through Marsh Lake. He agreed to follow up on this effort.

8. New Business and Question Period.

M’Clintock Place Recreation Lease:
Councillor Savoie reported that the Community Society holds a recreation lease on a piece of land at M’Clintock Place, but has not followed through on any plans to develop the property. The issue falls under the long awaited need for a Land Use Plan for Marsh Lake. Council agreed to support the society’s efforts to retain the land for recreational use and Chair Taggart agreed to discuss the issue with the society’s president.

9. Adjournment.

Chair Taggart adjourned the meeting at 8:44pm.

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