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Marsh Lake
Local Advisory Council
Meeting Minutes

December 13, 2000

Meeting called to order at 7:04 p.m.

Councilors present: Malcolm Taggart, Pat Rouble, Pam Blackburn, Andy Townsend, Helen Smith

Observers 11

Motion # 1

Pam Blackburn made a motion to adopt the agenda
2nd by Pat Rouble

Motion # 2

Andy Townsend made a motion to add agenda item Report from Chair as agenda item # 3
2nd by Pat Rouble

Motion # 3

Andy Townsend made a motion to spit role of Secretary/Treasure into 2 separate roles.
2nd by Pam Blackburn

Secretary Smith read the minutes from the November 15th meeting

Motion # 4

Andy Townsend made a motion to adopt the minutes as read
2nd by Pam Blackburn


Bryony McIntyre from the Land Disposition Section of YTG spoke on government policy on lot extensions and public accesses in the Marsh Lake area.

Lands Application Review Committee (LARC)
Explained Terns of Reference (hand-out)

Explained Yukon Government Residential Lot Enlargement Policy
Application & Review Guidelines (hand-out)

Application & Review Guidelines (hand-out)

Application for Yukon Lands
Summary of Application Review & Approval Process and Application Form (hand-out)

Discussion of LAC role in the process
YTG would like comments from the LAC
LAC could get applications from YTG 2 months before the application would go to LARC
This would allow a review process for the LAC and community
Discussion followed on how the LAC would inform residents about the lot enlargement

Councilor's from their ward would notify residents of the community that could be affected by the lot or access applications.

The LAC will work on a policy and protocol to ensure a fair process.

Motion # 6

Helen Smith made a motion to ensure a proper process would be established by the LAC to let residents in the wards know about lot enlargements and access applications that may affect them.

2nd by Pat Rouble

Donna Larsen from the Marsh Lake Community Club spoke on the Club's plan to work with the LAC

Donna Larsen suggested that the MLCC and the LAC should work together to promote sports and recreation

Discussion on how funding would be accessed
Boundry issues
Change constitution

Peter Milner spoke about role of MLCC and LAC in respect to the sports and recreation funding. He gave a couple of options that would work for the community.

Motion # 7

Pam Blackburn made a motion to designate the MLCC as the Local Authority for funding, with the intention of expanding their boundaries and removing the membership fees.
2nd by Andy Townsend

Motion # 8

Helen Smith made a motion to send a letter to the Sports and Recreation Branch at YTG to acknowledge that the MLCC would become the authority for funding with the stipulation that the MLCC expand their boundary to include all Marsh Lake residents and remove their membership fee.
2nd by Pam Blackburn

All motions read out from the November 15th meeting

Motion # 9

Pat Rouble made a motion to accept all the motions that had been made at the November 15th meeting.
2nd by Andy Townsend

Motion # 10

Helen Smith made a motion to nominate Pat Rouble as the Treasure
2nd by Pam Blackburn

Malcolm Taggart gave the Report from the Chair


New Address:
Box 10310
Whitehorse, Yukon
Y1A 7A1

Bank account has been opened

Adoption of a budget for the LAC

Discussion followed

Motion # 11

Helen Smith made a motion to contact Mt. Lorne to get their letter of secretarial skills criteria and work together with the council to hire a secretarial service.
2nd by Andy Townsend

Discussion continued about our budget

Question period

Motion # 12

Helen Smith made a motion to adjourn the meeting
2nd by Pat Rouble

Meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m.

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