1. Call Meeting To Order. The Regular Meeting of December 12, 2001 was called to order at 7:03 p.m. 1A. Roll Call. Present were Secretary Helen Smith, Pam Blackburn, Chair Malcolm Taggart, Treasurer Patrick Rouble and Andy Townsend. Approximately 9 observers. 2. Adoption Of Previous Meeting Minutes. Minutes of the November 14, 2001 regular meeting were read by Gloria Johnson. Motion # 1. Motion by Helen Smith to accept the minutes as read. Second by Pam Blackburn. Vote: 5 in favour. Motion # 1 Carried. 3. Adoption Of Minutes From Special Meeting of November 21, 2001. Minutes of the November 21 Special Meeting were summarized by Chair Malcolm Taggart. Motion # 2. Motion by Helen Smith to adopt the minutes for the Special Meeting, and to forward those minutes to Mr. G. Brian Ritchie's office at C&TS, as per agreement. Second by Andy Townsend. Vote: 5 in favour. Motion # 2 Carried. It was agreed that Andy Townsend will draft a follow up letter to Mr. Ritchie, containing the main suggestions from the meeting. 4. Discussion of Highway Rest Stop Facilities with a Guest Speaker from Transportation Services. Since no arrangements were made in time for a representative from Transportation Services to attend the meeting, this item will be delayed until arrangements can be made for a future meeting. 5. Report From the Chair/ Correspondence. Correspondence: -A letter was received from Marjorie Fraser of Northern Affairs, Land Dispositions explaining how to access information about land leases in the LAC area. Motion # 3. Motion by Helen Smith to write a reply to Ms. Fraser stating that the LAC would like to purchase 3 Territorial Resources Base Maps and will pick them up from her office when ready. The letter should also request that she send the LAC a listing of active dispositions and reservations within the LAC territory, to supplement the maps. Second by Patrick Rouble. Vote: 5 in favour. Motion # 3 Carried. -The LAC received a letter from Mr. Robin Walsh, Director of Transportation Engineering, in answer to the LAC's letter about the highway resurfacing. It was suggested by a resident that individuals should write to MLA Tucker to complain further. -A second letter was received from Mr. Walsh in response to the LAC's letter about the Yukon River Bridge rail construction. In this letter Mr. Walsh stated that no pedestrian walkway is currently planned for the bridge, but will be considered for the future. -A concern was pointed out by a resident that both the Yukon River and M'Clintock River Bridges need greater attention in the area of snow removal. Currently a snow build-up along the sides is narrowing the lanes on both bridges. Motion # 4. Motion by Helen Smith to write a letter to Mr. Doug Johnston of Highway Maintenance, requesting greater care be taken when clearing snow from the bridges and their approaches. Second by Andy Townsend. Vote: 5 in favour. Motion # 4 Carried. -A letter was received from Pam Buckway in answer to the LAC's letter requesting information about House Numbering throughout Marsh Lake. She has forwarded the LAC's letter to Mr. Dennis Shewfelt, Director of Engineering and Development Branch, to arrange a meeting and discuss the process involved. Councillor Pam Blackburn will call him to follow up on the letter. -The LAC has written a letter to LARC informing them of no opposition to the Collon application for a lot extension in Judas Creek. -The LAC wrote a letter to Mr. Mike McArthur of Transportation Maintenance Branch about the naming of Basaraba Lane off the M'Clintock River Road. 6. Discussion Of Dog Control Proposal. After discussion it was decided that a dog bylaw is needed throughout Marsh Lake. However, the public will need to be consulted as to the extent of enforcement. This item should be placed of a future agenda once more residents are informed on this issue. 7. Formation of Steering Committee For Army Beach Neighbourhood Plan. Three volunteers for the steering committee, all residents of Army Beach, came forward at the meeting. They are Dianne Green, Roberta Kotylak, and Betty Schiffkorn. A member at large, or non resident, to sit on the committee has yet to be found. Motion # 5. Motion by Patrick Rouble that Pam Blackburn should contact Judy Linton of Land Use Planning for suggestions for the non resident member of the steering committee. If approved, she will make inquiries into possible volunteers for the position. Second by Andy Townsend. Vote: 5 in favour. Motion # 5 carried. 8. Discussion Whether The LAC Should Place Further Restrictions On Highway Billboard Signs. Councillor Helen Smith spoke with Robert Magnuson about the Highway Billboard Signs review. It was suggested that the LAC decide what policy they would like to have in their community, then write to the Review, expressing their concerns and stating what policy they would like in place. After discussion, the LAC decided that the Tourist Orientated Directional signs at the entrance to each subdivision, would be the best alternative to the large billboard signs. The majority of residents agree that they do not want to see billboards cluttering the landscape along the highway. Motion # 6. Motion by Helen Smith to write a letter to the Highway Sign Review Board expressing the community's concerns about billboards and their wish to only have TOD signs at subdivision entrances. The LAC would like to be kept advised of the review in process. Also, the LAC would like to inquire about directional signage within the subdivision roads, and if any restrictions will apply. Second by Pam Blackburn. Vote: 5 in favour. Motion #6 Carried. 9. New Business. The Lac should obtain the most recent copy of the Yukon Electoral Boundaries Review, in order to find out if the LAC's concerns have been addressed. 10. Adjournment. Motion # 7. Motion by Patrick Rouble to adjourn meeting. Second by Andy Townsend. Vote: All in favour. Motion # 7 Carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:59 PM. |