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Marsh Lake
Local Advisory Council
Meeting Minutes

December 11, 2002

1. Call Meeting To Order.

The Regular Meeting of December 11, 2002 was called to order at 7:05 p.m.

1A. Roll Call.

Present were Helen Smith, Pam Blackburn, Malcolm Taggart and Pat Shaw.
Approximately 23 observers.

2. Adoption Of Agenda.

Motion # 1.
Motion by Helen Smith to accept the agenda as posted.
Second by Pam Blackburn.
Vote: 4 in favour.
Motion # 1 Carried.

3. Adoption Of Previous Meeting Minutes.

Minutes of the November 13, 2002 meeting were read by Gloria Johnson.

Motion # 2.
Motion by Pam Blackburn to accept the minutes as read.
Second by Helen Smith.
Vote: 4 in favour.
Motion # 2 Carried.

4. Discussions on Management Options for the Marsh Lake Dump.

Guest speaker David Albisser, Community Services Officer, YTG, was present to discuss improvements YTG would like to make at Territorial Dumps, but need community input to proceed. Also present were Mr. Art Dell and Mr. Ken Hodgins of Dept. Of Community Services, and Ms. Shannon Jensen, Environmental Protection Analyst from Yukon Environment. Also attending was Mr. Mike Bailie of the Mount Lorne Garbage Management Society to speak on the Mount Lorne Dump experience and Mr. Don Ford who currently holds the contract to maintain the Marsh Lake Dump.

Discussion Summary:
If Marsh Lake residents wish to improve the present situation at the Dump, the community will need to gain control. This could be achieved through gating and staffing, which will help assure garbage and materials brought to the dump are placed in the proper designated areas. With a small recycling centre, the Mount Lorne Dump was able to access funding for a shed and fund a percentage of their operations as a non-profit society.
The Community needs to take control, make a number of decisions as to the direction the community wishes the dump to proceed, create a plan, and present it to YTG to obtain initial funding.
Motion # 3.
Motion by Pat Shaw to form a Subcommittee on Solid Waste Management which will create a plan for the Marsh Lake Dump.
Second by Helen Smith.
Vote: 4 in favour.
Motion # 3 Carried.

Volunteers for the committee are John Jensen, Terry Cole, Sue Greetham, and Don Ford. Mr. Mike Bailie offered his experience as an advisor to the committee.

5. Report From the Chair & Correspondence.

Marg Dunn has been hired as Returning Officer for the by-election in Ward 2, New Constabulary. Call for Nominations will be posted on bulletin boards and in the newspapers. Deadline for nominations will be Noon, January 7th. If an election is needed it will be on January 15th. Nomination papers can be obtained from Marg Dunn.

The Lac received a letter from Marc Tremblay, Deputy Minister, Dept of Community Services YTG, in response to the LAC's request for an increase in the LAC's annual grant. There will be an increase from $9,000.00 to $11,000.00 in the next fiscal year's budget. YTG arrives at this figure using population figures.

Motion # 4.

Motion by Pam Blackburn to write a letter requesting the Yukon Bureau of Statistics separate Marsh Lake into a designated area in any future censuses.
Second by Helen Smith.
Vote: 4 in favour.
Motion # 4 Carried.

The LAC received copies of the following land applications.
From the Department of Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, Lands Branch, a copy of an application for a floating dock construction for Bachmier, Lot 58, Army Beach and from LARC, a commercial lot extension application for Menzel, Lot 117, Judas Creek and a residential lot extension application for Larsen, Lot 66, New Constabulary. These applications are to be placed on the next months agenda.

The LAC sent by email a response to LARC concerning the discussion of the Scheu & Willms application for a lot extension at Lot 68 New Constabulary.
The LAC sent a letter to Noreen Osbourne at Lands Branch, Indian & Northern Affairs Canada, asking for more information on the Bridgehead Reserve application on km 12, M'Clintock Valley Road. Copies of the letter went to Kwanlin Dun FN and Patrick Rouble, MLA for Southern Lakes.
The LAC also sent a letter to Bryony McIntyre at LARC, asking for clarification of the responsibilities of the Army Beach lot extension applicants over the issue of public signage, rocks and possibly stairway access to the beach on public land. A copy went to the MLA for Southern Lakes.

6. Question Period & New Business.

There was no new business or questions.

7. Adjournment.

Meeting was adjourned by Chair Taggart at 9:02 PM.

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