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Marsh Lake
Local Advisory Council
Meeting Minutes

January 10, 2001

Meeting called to order at 7:05 pm

Councilors present: Malcolm Taggart, Pat Rouble, Andy Townsend, Pam Blackburn, Helen Smith

Observers: 8 present

Malcolm Taggart read the Agenda

Motion # 1

Pam Blackburn made a motion to adopt the agenda.
2nd by Andy Townsend
Helen Smith read the December 13, 2000 minutes

Motion # 2

Pat Rouble made the motion to adopt the minutes as read.
2nd by Andy Townsend
George Stetkiewicz from the Community Services Branch of YTG addressed the council with information about the rezoning application in the McClintock Place area.
He discussed the different types of zoning:
RV Recreational

Erwin Hobe presented his application for rezoning.

Motion # 3

Moved by Pat Rouble
2nd by Pam Blackburn
That the Marsh Lake Local Advisory Council is satisfied with the process to date of the Erwin Hobe's rezoning application for a restaurant at Lot 64, McClintock Place and do not wish to offer comment.

Discussion followed on process.

George would give more information on the rezoning process to the LAC
George will mail ASAP the new rezoning applications from the McClintock Place area to the LAC


Motion # 4

Moved by Helen Smith
2nd by Pam Blackburn
That existing public accesses be kept to at least a 6 meter width protecting the accesses to waterfront and greenbelts.


Discussion followed on LARC applications

Motion # 5

Moved by Helen Smith
2nd by Andy Townsend
That the LAC is against gating public roads.

Donna Larsen made a formal request to the LAC to make a formal request to Community & Transportation Services to initiate a land use plan for the Marsh Lake area.

Perry Savoie would offer his time to work on a land use plan.

Marg Dunn suggested that we request the minutes from the LARC and FedLac meetings to keep us informed.

Discussion followed on the Administrative Assistant position.
Criteria will be established

Motion # 6

Moved by Pat Rouble
2nd by Helen Smith
That the LAC will put forward a request for proposal for supply of an Administrative Support Service based on the Mt. Lorne scope of work outline.

Report from the Chair

Motion # 7

Pam Blackburn made the motion to adjourn.
2nd by Andy Townsend

Meeting adjourned at 9:45 pm

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