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Marsh Lake
Local Advisory Council
Meeting Minutes

January 9, 2002

1. Call Meeting To Order.

The Regular Meeting of January 9, 2002 was called to order at 7:02 p.m.

1A. Roll Call.

Present were Helen Smith, Pam Blackburn, Malcolm Taggart, Patrick Rouble and Andy Townsend.
Approximately 21 observers.

2. Adoption Of Previous Meeting Minutes.

Minutes of the December 2001 meeting were read by Secretary Helen Smith.

Motion # 1.
Motion by Helen Smith to accept the minutes with the following amendment. Change Place further restrictions on Highway Signs to Request further restrictions.
Second by Pam Blackburn.
Vote: 5 in favour.
Motion # 1 Carried.

3. Report From the Chair/Correspondence.

Pam Blackburn called Judy Linton, YTG Liaison for the Army Beach Land Use Plan, with the completed Steering Committee List. The list reads, Ward 4 Councillor Pam Blackburn, Army Beach Residents Dianne Green, Roberta Kotylak, Betty Schiffkorn and member at large Diane Gau.
It was noted that one Army Beach resident attending the meeting disagreed with the Member at Large being a resident of Marsh Lake. The LAC decided that since all other candidates for the volunteer position had some connection to Marsh Lake or Army Beach directly, and not wanting to hold up the Land Use Planning process any longer, the list would be accepted.

Motion # 2.
Motion by Pam Blackburn to write a letter to Judy Linton stating the final list of volunteers to the Steering Committee. Second by Helen Smith.
Vote: 5 in favour.
Motion # 2 Carried.

Correspondence. Received:
-Mailers from Project Yukon, Yukon Arts Fund and Fire Smart.
-Christmas Greetings from Commissioner of the Yukon, Jack Cable.
-Mailer from Renewal Yukon.
-A letter was received from Pam Buckway confirming funding for the Marsh Lake Land Use Planning beginning in April 2002.
-The LAC sent a copy of the Special Meeting Minutes from November 21, 2001 to Mr. Brian Ritchie at C&TS.
-Photos of the Judas Creek Wetlands sign were sent to Shirley Ford at Yukon Fish and Wildlife Enhancement Trust Fund.
-A letter was sent to Highways maintenance about taking greater care of snow removal on the Yukon River & M'Clintock River Bridges.
-A letter was sent to Marjorie Fraser of INAC (Indian and Northern Affairs Canada) to confirm the purchase of Territorial Resources Base Maps (TRBMs) to assist in land use planning.
-The LAC sent a letter to YTG'S Highway Signage Review, expressing interest in Tourist Orientated Directional (TOD) signs for the Marsh Lake area.

4. Discussion Of LARC Application for Playground in New Constabulary.

Lucy Pumphrey of the Marsh Lake Recreation Society summarized the application for the playground in New Constabulary. A decision as to which of the two areas is to be chosen for development has yet to be made. The LAC received two emails before this meeting concerning this application, one in support and one opposing the development of a playground in New Constabulary.
Discussions were held in New Constabulary the previous week, and Councillor Patrick Rouble found the residents he spoke to were overwhelmingly in support of the development.
It was suggested that Patrick do a door to door canvassing of any residents that he has not already spoken with, who live in the immediate area of the proposed areas of development, to insure awareness and find out if there is any opposition.

Motion # 3.
Motion by Patrick Rouble to write a letter to LARC after he completes his canvassing, stating that the LAC is aware of minimal opposition and strong support for one of the two proposed areas being developed into a playground in New Constabulary.
Second by Pam Blackburn.
Vote: 5 in favour.
Motion # 3 Carried.

5. Discussion of Federal Crown Land application for Tennis Courts by M'Clintock Place.

The LAC received a copy of the Marsh Lake Community Club's recreational application at M'Clintock Place, from the department of Land Dispositions at INAC (Indian and Northern Affairs Canada). Surveyed as Lot #3, M'Clintock Place, this 5 acre parcel of land is intended for development as a tennis court and parking area.
Concern was raised over access to the boat launch ramp, on the lake by the proposed development. Although the access road to the boat launch is within the proposed lease, the intention is to leave the road open for continued use by boaters in the summer and snow mobilers in the winter. Garbage cans and outhouses developed for the tennis courts could be made available for use by other users of the area, assisting with a long time health issue about the lack of garbage and outhouse facilities by the boat launch.
The Marsh Lake Recreation Society will receive a 30 year recreational lease, and hopes to develop this site further. It is central to Marsh Lake residents and easily accessible from both the highway and the lake. It was suggested the councillor for the area, Malcolm Taggart, should contact all residents directly surrounding the area of the development to assure awareness and ask for their opinions.

Motion # 4.
Motion by Patrick Rouble, that after Councillor Taggart contacts area residents, a letter should be written to Land Dispositions at INAC, stating that residents appear to have no opposition to the Marsh Lake Recreation Society's application for a recreational lease at M'Clintock Place.
Second by Helen Smith.
Vote: 5 in favour.
Motion # 4 Carried.

6. New Business.

It was brought to the attention of the LAC that the Yukon Government is proposing the merging of the Yukon Lotteries Commission with the Yukon Liquor Corporation, for reasons of administrative efficiencies. Concern over the risk that Lotteries money, which has always been slated for recreation, arts and sports development will be rolled into general revenue and used for other purposes. A statement by the current government that they do not intend to use the Lotteries revenue for general purposes does not mean future governments will have the same intention.
Historically, the Marsh Lake community has had many dealings with the Lotteries Commission and has always found them to be efficient and fair in their dealings with applications for funding various projects throughout the community. It was pointed out that perhaps the LAC should wait and not involve itself in this issue until such a time as the merger actually takes place.

Motion # 5.
Motion by Helen Smith to write a letter to Rob McWilliams, Assoc. Deputy Minister, YTG, stating that the LAC fully supports Yukon Lotteries Commission as it presently is, and that we wish for confirmation to be given that Lotteries monies that go into the system is used only for Yukon recreation, arts and sports applications. Second by Pam Blackburn.
Vote: 4 in favour/ 1 opposed.
Motion # 5 carried.

Councillor Patrick Rouble reported that he attended the open house given by NorthwesTel when they installed high speed internet access as far as M'Clintock Place. At that time he was told Judas Creek would begin to receive service in spring 2002. The representative from NorthwesTel was unable to answer if this included Old and New Constabulary subdivisions.

Councillor Andy Townsend drafted a letter to Brian Ritchie of Engineering and Development Branch, YTG, to summarize the special meeting held in November with M'Clintock Valley River Road residents attending. The main point to the letter was that area residents wanted the project cancelled. However, the letter would list a number of alternatives, including changing to a nonsoil based agricultural lease area.

Motion # 6.
Motion by Patrick Rouble to write a letter from Councillor Townsend's draft and send it to Mr. Ritchie, and to send copies to Minister of C&TS, Pam Buckway and MLA Cynthia Tucker.
Second by Andy Townsend.
Vote: 5 in favour.
Motion #6 Carried.

Local resident Dianne Green requested LAC support for a research project she is doing on the history of Marsh Lake and area. She will be applying for funding from the Northern Research Institute for one year of research and a 2nd year for writing the book.

Motion # 7.
Motion by Pam Blackburn to supply a letter if requested giving general support for Ms. Green's project on Marsh Lake history.
Second by Helen Smith.
Vote: 5 in favour.
Motion # 7 Carried.

Councillor Helen Smith presented a letter being drafted by a Judas Creek resident to NorthwesTel expressing concern about long distance telephone charges to Whitehorse. Other subdivisions of equal or further distance to Whitehorse have no toll charges when calling the city. The letter will be in the form of a petition. Once it is completed it will be brought back to the LAC for support.

Due to Councillors being absent, there will be no regular meeting in February. The next LAC meeting will be on Wednesday, March 13, 2002.

6. Adjournment.

Motion # 8.
Motion by Andy Townsend to adjourn meeting.
Second by Helen Smith.
Vote: All in favour.
Motion # 8 Carried.
Meeting adjourned at 9:35 PM.

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