1. Call Meeting To Order. The Regular Meeting of January 8, 2003 is called to order at 7:00 p.m. 1A. Roll Call. Present is Helen Smith, Pam Blackburn, Malcolm Taggart, and Pat Shaw. Approximately 16 observers. 2. Adoption Of Agenda. Motion # 1. Motion by Malcolm Taggart to add to agenda item #4, Discussion of Proposed Residential Lot Enlargement Application for Taylor Lot 18, Army Beach. Second by Helen Smith. Vote: Unanimous. Motion # 1 Carried. 3. Adoption Of Previous Meeting Minutes. Minutes of the December 2002 meeting were read. Motion # 2. Motion by Pam Blackburn to accept the minutes with the following amendment. Change phrasing of Menzel's 'residential lot enlargement' to read "Commercial lot enlargement application". Second by Helen Smith. Vote: 4 in favour. Motion # 2 Carried. 4. a. Discussion of Commercial Lot Enlargement Application for Menzel, Lot 117A, Judas Creek. It is noted by Council that Mr. Menzel is unable to attend this meeting because he is out of the country. However, since this is the last time Council will be meeting before the application deadline, discussion of this application cannot be delayed. Mr. Menzel currently runs a Bed and Breakfast with one cabin, on the property at Lot 117A Judas Creek. He has purchased a backhoe, which he keeps on the property. Mr. Menzel received a Residential Lot Enlargement in 1999, which doubled the size of the original lot. The lot currently boarders the recreational ski trail reserve on one side and greenbelt on another. Neighbours present at the meeting brought up a long list of concerns over this application which includes: -an increase of 4 more cabins on one lot, septic and water overuse, industrial equipment in a residential area, industrial equipment on a commercial application, the terrain of the property is steep and not suitable for commercial or industrial applications, encroachment onto recreational reserve and neighbourhood greenbelt, and the impact on a quiet residential neighbourhood. It was noted that the Marsh Lake Land Use Planning Committee is expected to address the need for future commercial and industrial areas. Motion # 3. Motion by Pat Shaw to reply to LARC stating that Council opposes the Menzel Commercial application as is. This is not an ordinary residential lot extension application and there are too many concerns from neighbours that need to be addressed. Council would prefer such applications be deferred until after the Marsh Lake Land Use Plan is in place. Second by Pam Blackburn. Vote: 4 in favour. Motion # 3 Carried. 4.b. Discussion of Residential Lot Extension Application for Larsen Lot 66, New Constabulary. The Larsen's are applying for a lot extension in order to install a proper septic field. The property has only one adjoining neighbour, with road on 2 sides and greenbelt behind. This extension would square off their property line with their neighbour's lot extension. Neighbours have shown no opposition to this lot extension. Motion # 4. Motion by Helen Smith to reply to LARC stating that the Council has no opposition to this application provide it meets all usual criteria, i.e.: does not encroach on any trails or easements and doesn't more than double the size of the original lot. Second by Pat Shaw. Vote: 4 in favour. Motion # 4 Carried. 4.c. Discussion of Proposed Residential Lot Enlargement Application for Taylor Lot 18, Army Beach. Council has received a letter from LARC stating the intention of Taylor, Lot 18, Army Beach to apply for a lot extension. Neighbours attending this meeting stated they have either already received a lot extension or have applications in the process. Ms. Taylor's application would bring her lot property lines even along the frontage with her neighbours. Motion # 5. Motion by Helen Smith to reply to LARC stating the Council has no objection to this proposed application. Second by Pam Blackburn. Vote: 4 in favour. Motion # 5 carried. 5. Discussion of DIAND Application for Federal Crown Lands Water Lot, Bachmier adjacent Lot 58 Army Beach. This Water Lot application is for a dock and is intended to be a replacement to a dock built in 1978. The new dock will use pilings and standards set by DIAND and Canada Coast Guard. There have been no objections from neighbours. Motion # 6. Motion by Pam Blackburn to reply to DIAND stating the Council has no objections to this application provided it is built as planned to Coast Guard and DIAND regulations. Second by Helen Smith. Vote: 4 in favour. Motion #6 Carried. 6. Report From the Chair & Correspondence. By-election in New Constabulary: Returning Officer Marg Dunn reported that there have been no nominations for the position of Councillor for Ward #2. Nominations will remain open for 6 more days, with no new public postings. If no one steps forward in time, the Minister will appoint someone by next Monday. The appointee can be chosen from outside the New Constabulary area. Correspondence: Received a letter from LARC informing Council of the intention of Taylor to apply for a lot extension in Army Beach. Send a letter to Yukon Bureau of Statistics requesting Marsh Lake become a designated area in any future census. 7. New Business and Question Period. A question was brought forward concerning the huge increase in tires at the Marsh Lake Dump. Don Ford, maintenance contractor at the Dump, answered that scrap metal contractors removing automobile metal for salvage bring the unwanted tires to Marsh Lake Dump. Along with other sources, the number of tires at the Dump has increased from 146 in June to over 6,000 tires at present. Chair Taggart announced that although there are no more scheduled public meetings for mapping of the Marsh Lake area, to be used by the Land Use Planning Committee, this will be an ongoing project. Anyone wishing to add more information is asked to contact Gerome McIntyre at YTG. 7. Adjournment. Chair Taggart adjourned the meeting at 8:22 pm. |