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Marsh Lake
Local Advisory Council
Meeting Minutes

January 12, 2005

1. Call Meeting To Order.

The Regular Meeting of January 12, 2005 was called to order at 7:06 p.m.

1A. Roll Call.

Present were Helen Smith, Perry Savoie, Malcolm Taggart and Mike Larsen.
Absent was Pat Shaw. Approximately 4 observers.

2. Adoption Of Agenda.

Motion # 1.
Motion THAT the agenda be adopted as posted.
Moved by Helen Smith, Seconded by Perry Savoie.
Vote: 4 in favour.
Motion # 1 Carried.

3. Adoption Of Previous Meeting Minutes.

Minutes of the November 10, 2004 meeting were presented.

Motion # 2.
Motion THAT the minutes of the November 10, 2004 meeting be accepted as presented.
Moved by Helen Smith, Seconded by Mike Larsen.
Vote: 4 in favour.
Motion # 2 Carried.

4. Discussion of LARC applications:

a. McKinnon, Lot #1103-1 Old Constabulary, Water Lot.

This application is to legalize a pre-existing dock. A question was raised as to whether the water lot needed to include as much area as requested in the application.

Motion # 3.
Motion THAT a letter be written to LARC stating that Council would support the application if it were confined to the dock and basin. There should be no need to include the entire bay and breakwater in the application for the water lot.
Moved by Perry Savoie, Seconded by Mike Larsen.
Vote: 4 in favour.
Motion # 3 Carried.

b. Middlebrook/Yuelet, Lot 27 South McClintock, Lot extension.

The question of what route the Bayview Road will be taking is still undetermined. It was suggested Council reply to LARC with the same general statement as previous applications in the area, requesting postponing decisions about lot extensions until the route of the road is finalized.

Motion # 4.
Motion THAT a reply is written to LARC stating that Council has no general objection but requesting a decision involving lot extensions around Bayview Road be postponed until the route of the new road is finalized.
Moved by Perry Savoie, Seconded by Helen Smith.
Vote: 4 in favour.
Motion # 4 Carried.

c. Musiel, near old km 1426, Alaska Hwy, new rural residential application.

Council agreed that how this application is being processed is an issue, when residents have made it clear in the past that they wish all new developments to be deferred until after the Marsh Lake Land Use Plan is in place. The LUP will help determine if the area is acceptable for rural/residential, commercial or light industrial, and until that time no one wants to see ad hoc applications springing up in the LAC area.

Motion # 5.
Motion THAT a reply be written to LARC stating that spot applications for new development in Marsh Lake is unacceptable to Council until the Land Use Plan is in place, and when new developments do occur residents wish to see them go to lottery so that everyone may have an opportunity at purchasing new lots.
Moved by Helen Smith, Seconded by Mike Larsen.
Vote: 4 in favour.
Motion # 5 carried.

5. Report From the Chair & Correspondence.

Correspondence: sent letters as per November motions.
Received: A reply from dept. of Highways concerning sanding of the Alaska Hwy in icy conditions.
LARC agendas for February 10 & 11.
Mailers from YTG Renewable Resources, Ag Branch and Dept. of Indian & Northern Development.
Received a copy of the December Marsh Lake News.

NWTel contacted Chair Taggart and informed him that the CRTC decision about extended local calling for Marsh Lake would be delayed until the spring 2005.

6. Committee Reports.

Association of Yukon Communities:
Perry Savoie reported that the AYC had current info about the New Deal funding from the federal government. Unincorporated communities like Marsh Lake, cannot access their share of the funds allotted directly, but would have YTG as the caretaker to whom the community would make demands.
AYC is also looking at a proposed deal between municipalities and peripheral communities using municipal facilities. It is important for all LAC’s to stay on top of this issue since all LAC’s use municipal facilities.
Savoie also announced that AYC is continuing it’s financial support of members attending Federation of Canadian Municipalities 2005 AGM, to be held in St John NB this year. He stated that although he could not attend, he would recommend another member of Council go, if possible, in his place.
Marsh Lake Solid Waste Management Society: Gloria Johnson reported on a Yukon Recycling Centre conference held in Whitehorse in November. The majority of depots in Yukon were represented and information on procedures and recycling was covering in the conference. The creation of a recycling centre at the Marsh Lake dump will proceed, and funding is currently being applied for.
Emergency Measures Committee: Funding has been received and 8 committee members will be taking a course and working toward developing a disaster plan.

7. Old Business.

Chair Taggart requested Council’s permission to again talk to the Yukon Government about beginning the Land Use Planning process for Marsh Lake. With the Kwanlin Dun ratification the timing should be right to get the LUP back on track.

8. New Business and Question Period.

Secretary/Treasurer Helen Smith will prepare the 2005 budget for Council. It was requested that the Council try to find $200 in the budget for a membership with the Alaska Highway Forum.

Mr. Paul Sparling, a resident of the area south of the Judas Creek, approached Council to petition the LAC to extend the physical boundary to include his property south of Judas Creek. There are 3 households in his area in agreement. Sparling is already involved as a volunteer within the community and would like an official status as a resident of Marsh Lake.

Motion # 6.
Motion THAT a letter be written to Community Services requesting information on any procedures or rules for expanding the community boundaries. Moved by Helen Smith, Seconded by Perry Savoie.
Vote: 4 in favour.
Motion #6 Carried.

9. Adjournment.

Chair Taggart adjourned the meeting at 8:49 pm.

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