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Marsh Lake
Local Advisory Council
Meeting Minutes

June 13, 2001

1. Call Meeting To Order.

The Regular Meeting of June 13, 2001 was called to order at 7:05 p.m.

1A. Roll Call.

Present were Chair Malcolm Taggart, Secretary Helen Smith, Pam Blackburn, Treasure Patrick Rouble and Andy Townsend. Approximately 8 observers.

2. Adoption Of Previous Meeting Minutes.

Minutes of the May meeting were read by Secretary Helen Smith.

Motion # 1.
Motion by Pam Blackburn to Accept the Minutes as read.
Second by Andy Townsend.
Vote Unanimous.
Motion # 1 Carried.

3. Report From the Chair/ Correspondence.

-a letter was sent to Yukon Electoral Boundaries Commission and a reply received.
-an answer was received from Pam Buckway concerning our request to suspend any new billboards in the Marsh Lake LAC area until after the review.
-a cc of a fax from Gary & Diane Pettifor to LARC about their application for a lot extension.
-a reply from LARC concerning earlier correspondence about LAC relationship plus acknowledgement of correspondence plus minutes from LARC meetings pertaining to Marsh Lake applications.

-Secretary Helen Smith reports the bill for the Judas Creek Wetlands sign came to approximately $250. She will look into using the remaining money for a permanent sign designed by Renewable Resources.

Motion # 2.
Motion by Helen Smith to pay Inksperations for the Judas creek Wetlands sign.
Second by Andy Townsend.
Vote Unanimous.
Motion # 2 Carried.

-Chair Malcolm Taggart contacted Census Canada about how the enumerator for Marsh Lake is behind on door to door contacts. He learned there is only 2 enumerators for Marsh Lake, one for Judas Creek and one for the rest of the LAC area. Since there is no cut off date the enumerators will continue until the survey is complete. To make an appointment with the enumerator, his phone number is 633-7924.

-Councilor for Judas Creek Helen Smith attended the Canada Post meeting for Judas Creek residents. Lack of advertising for the meeting may have contributed to the low turnout of only 3 residents. Canada Post wanted to make a decision about the placement of residential mail pickup boxes through the Judas Creek subdivision. An informal survey by Smith found residents were split 50/50 as to whether they wanted boxes at the Judas Creek Commons Bakery or at various locations throughout the subdivision. Irregardless, a set of boxes will be located at the south entrance to Judas creek to accommodate those living along the highway south of the Judas creek Subdivision. No decision was announced at the meeting.

-Further correspondence was received from the Institute of Public Administration of Canada with a survey result.

-Received from C&TS was an Infrastructure report on water and waste disposal. It was noted that the LAC has no jurisdiction over the Marsh Lake dump. According to the report, a groundwater monitoring system is installed at the dump but is not monitored.

Motion # 3.
Motion by Pam Blackburn to write C&TS stating we are aware of the ground water monitoring system, to ask for any results from testing them and why they aren't presently being monitored on a regular basis. Also a request for any long term plans not already noted in the report. A cc of this report should be sent to Environmental Health and to MLA Cynthia Tucker.
Second by Helen Smith.
Vote: 5 in favor.
Motion # 3 Carried.

Correspondence was also sent out to C&TS concerning house numbering in the Marsh Lake area.
-to the Yukon Liquor Control Corporation requesting notification be sent to the LAC of any commercial liquor applications in the LAC boundaries.
-a phone conversation with Mr. Stetkiewicz of LARC about Army Beach Land Planning. He would like to attend a meeting of the LAC to talk about the process. However, it would be impossible to fit him into the schedule until the Autumn so no date was set.
-Chair Taggart has not made further contact with the RCMP Liaison Officer about attending a meeting, but will try again for sometime in the Autumn.

Patrick Rouble reports the concern for loose dogs in New Constabulary is on going and will continue to monitor the problem.

4. Question Period and New Business.

Treasure Patrick Rouble met with Sheila O'Hanlon of C&TS with the new budget.
Councilor Pam Blackburn reports that the Highway Garbage Cleanup organized by the Marsh Lake Fire Rescue Association went well. However, one area of concern was around the pulloff at the Marsh Lake sign and the pull off across the highway. The condition of the ditches show they require a garbage bin and an outhouse at each location. The Marsh Lake sign is in a worn state and requires maintenance or an upgrade. The new boat ramp at M'Clintock River should be included in the request for outhouses and bear proof garbage bins, as well as the public parking area at McClintock Place.

Motion # 4.
Motion by Pam Blackburn to write a letter to C&TS about outhouses and garbage bins at the above 3 locations plus attention given to the Marsh Lake sign. Cc to Dept of Tourism and MLA Tucker.
Second by Helen Smith.
Vote: 5 in favor.
Motion # 4 carried.

Pam Blackburn brought up the possibility of mosquito control in the M'Clintock/ Army Beach areas. Since it is too late to implement controls for this year, research needs to be done into methods and procedures for next year.

Motion # 5.
Motion by Pam Blackburn to write C&TS about mosquito control options and procedures. Cc to MLA Tucker.
Second by Helen Smith.
Vote: 5 in favor.
Motion #5 Carried.

-An announcement was made stating that the July 1st parade and barbeque, sponsored by the Marsh Lake Community Association, would be held as usual.

-A discussion was held about having the next LAC meeting in August. It was decided to put up notices announcing no meeting in July.

Motion # 6.
Motion by Malcolm Taggart to not have a meeting in July. The next meeting would be August 8, 2001.
Second by Helen Smith.
Vote: 5 in favor.
Motion # 6 Carried.

5. Adjournment.

Motion # 7.
Motion by Helen Smith to adjourn meeting.
Second by Andy Townsend.
Vote: All in favor.
Motion # 7 Carried.
Meeting adjourned at 8:40 PM.

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