1. Call Meeting To Order. The Regular Meeting of June 12, 2002 was called to order at 7:07 p.m. 1A. Roll Call. Present were Pam Blackburn, Helen Smith, Malcolm Taggart, Patrick Rouble and Pat Shaw. Approximately 12 observers. Chair Taggart introduced Mr. Pat Shaw, a resident of M'Clintock Valley Road, as the new Councillor for Ward 5 by acclamation. 2. Adoption Of Agenda. Motion # 1. Motion by Helen Smith to adopt the agenda. Second by Pat Shaw. Vote: 5 in favour. Motion # 1 Carried. 2. Adoption Of Previous Meeting Minutes. Minutes of the May 8, 2002 meeting were read by Secretary Helen Smith. Motion # 2. Motion by Pam Blackburn to accept the minutes as read. Second by Patrick Rouble. Vote: 5 in favour. Motion # 2 Carried. 3. Discussion of Application for Subdivision of Lot 1044, Alro Properties (Lueck), South M'Clintock. Motion # 3. Motion by Pam Blackburn to write a letter to YTG Land Development Branch, requesting that the Land Use Planner send out copies of applications in a more timely fashion. In many cases the LAC has found out about applications through residents or public notices and have had to request copies of applications from Lands Branch. Applications such as those for subdivision must be replied to before a 90-day deadline has passed. Second by Patrick Rouble. Vote: 5 in favour. Motion # 3 Carried. After discussion of the Application for Subdivision of Lot 1044 in South M'Clintock, the Council decided to pass the following points on to LARC. 1). In general, the LAC cannot support any applications until after the Marsh Lake Land Use Plan has been completed. Future development and any issues over the need for lakefront property can be dealt with by the LUP. 2). There is strong opposition of this subdivision application by neighbours. 3). The applicant received a lot extension approximately 5 years ago, and is now applying to subdivide the extended lot. This application goes against the current trend throughout Marsh Lake of extending lot sizes to allow for cottage lots to be turned into country residential lots. 4). There is an issue of where the high water levels really are, and how development will affect wildfowl in the area. This should be dealt with before any further development takes place in South M'Clintock. Motion # 4. Motion by Pam Blackburn to reply to LARC stating the above points. Second by Patrick Rouble. Vote: 5 in favour. Motion # 4 Carried. 4. Report From the Chair/ Correspondence. Correspondence: Sent: - The LAC sent a letter to Brian Ritchie of YTG Land Development, thanking him for attending the May 8 meeting and requesting that his department suspend any further work on the M'Clintock Valley development until after the Marsh Lake Land Use Plan has been completed. - A letter was sent to LARC replying that there was no opposition to the Sipple application in South M'Clintock. - The LAC sent a letter to Georgi Pearson of Community Operations, YTG, thanking her for the results of the groundwater testing at the Marsh Lake Dump, and a copy of the Mosquito Control survey for Marsh Lake. The letter further requested her department to continue with the Mosquito Control review. - The LAC sent a letter to Ms McPhail of Yukon Liquor Corporation about notifying the LAC of applications for licensing within the LAC area. -The LAC sent a letter to Chief Carvill of CTFN welcoming their participation in the Marsh Lake Land Use Plan process. Received: -A mailer was received from YTG titled Yukon Economic Outlook 2002. -The LAC received from Indian & Northern Development, a copy of Waterfront Application #15378, Perrin/Haddock, Army Beach, for the building of a dock. Deadline for comments was June 6, 2002, before this meeting. No comment would be needed by the LAC. -The LAC received a letter from Bryony McIntyre of LARC, stating the Army Beach Neighbourhood land use study recommendations will be reviewed at the July 10, 2-002 meeting. Individual land applications will be scheduled for review in the autumn. -The LAC received a reply from NorthwesTel concerning a review of long distance telephone rates from Marsh Lake to Whitehorse. They currently have an application before the CRTC, and are waiting for the results. Reports: Treasurer Patrick Rouble reported that he has sent a letter to YTG Community Services, concerning the need for an audit of the Marsh Lake Local Advisory Council books, as required in the Municipal Act. An estimate from a local auditor of $2,400. which isn't a full audit, is currently expected to come out of the Council's yearly budget of $8,400. 5. New Business. Secretary Helen Smith reported that she received a phone call from Mr. Art Dell of the Association of Yukon Communities, requesting the Marsh Lake LAC contribute to a wish list being formed by the AYC, for federal Strategic Infrastructure Fund. With the deadline only a few days after the phone call, Smith put together a short-list including an alternate water supply at Army Beach, a footbridge at Army Beach Campground, and a contribution to the funding of a Marsh Lake Community Centre building. Secretary Smith is currently applying to YTG for funding to upgrade the Judas Creek skating rink. Motion # 5. Motion by Patrick Rouble to write a letter stating that the LAC supports Helen Smith's application for funding to upgrade the stating rink to include new puck board, more fill and surface work in preparation for future paving. Second by Pat Shaw. Vote: 5 in favour. Motion # 5 carried. Although the LAC had hoped to adjourn until August, they have received a new LARC application to review with a July 24th deadline, making a regular July meeting necessary. Next regular meeting will be Wednesday July 10, 2002. 6. Adjournment. Motion # 6. Motion by Helen Smith to adjourn meeting. Second by Pam Blackburn. Vote: All in favour. Motion # 6 Carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:20 PM. |