1. Call To Order. The Regular Meeting of June 9, 2004 was called to order at 7:10 p.m. 1A. Roll Call. Present were Perry Savoie, Malcolm Taggart, Pat Shaw and Mike Larsen. Absent was Helen Smith. Approximately 6 observers. 2. Adoption Of Agenda. Motion # 1. Motion THAT a report by the Marsh Lake Community Society be added to the Committees Reports. Moved by Mike Larsen, Seconded by Pat Shaw. Vote: Unanimous. Motion # 1 Carried. 3. Adoption Of Previous Meeting Minutes. Minutes of the May 12, 2004 meeting were read. Motion # 2. Motion THAT the minutes be accepted as read. Moved by Perry Savoie, Seconded by Pat Shaw. Vote: 4 in favour. Motion # 2 Carried. 4. Report From the Chair & Correspondence, and Old Business. Two letters were sent as per May's meeting motions. Received was -Letter from YTG Highways concerning proposed changes to the Motor Vehicle Act and a copy of the phone in survey for it. -Received a LARC application for Stubenberg, Lot 737 Johnston Road. Motion # 3. Motion THAT Council request a deferral of the deadline for this application, in order for Council to have time to speak with area lot owners and the Fire Society about a suitable emergency access to the lake. Moved by Perry Savoie, Seconded by Pat Shaw. Vote: 4 in favour. Motion # 3 Carried. -Received the LARC Agenda for July 8. -Received an invitation from Elaine Taylor, Minister of Tourism, to the “Welcome to the Yukon” event in Watson Lake on July 4. Chair Taggart turned down the invitation to Watson Lake but will meet the Mayors tour in Marsh Lake on July 5th. Council has received notification from NWTel that the Extended Local Calling area application to CRTC has been delayed until late summer because of an intervener. NWTel would like the Council to respond to the suggestion that all Marsh Lake residents are affluent and therefore should pay the whole cost of receiving local calling to Whitehorse. Council would like to make the following points in a letter to the CRTC: a. Marsh Lake has not been broken out as a separate census area so there is no way of knowing the income profile of the community. b. The Advisory Councillors have local knowledge of the area and the people who live here, and can confirm that there is a wide variety of residents who are retired, or own businesses, or commute to Whitehorse for jobs (not all of which are government jobs) or are on social assistance or are living subsistence lifestyles. c. Council would have agreed to an application which brought all surrounding communities into the local calling area at the same time, but since this application is in the process, would like to deal with it. Motion # 4. Motion THAT a letter be written to the Secretary General of the CRTC with the above points. Copies of the letter should be sent to Whitehorse Mayor Ernie Bourassa; Patrick Rouble, MLA Southern Lakes; Larry Bagnell, MP for Yukon; Dallas Yeulett at NWTel; Rodger Rondeau of UCG. Moved by Pat Shaw, Seconded by Mike Larsen. Vote: 4 in favour. Motion # 4 Carried. 5. Committee reports. AYC. Perry Savoie attended the Association of Yukon Communities AGM in Haines Junction. Among the items the Council would be interested in were, a resolution passed concerning YTG's handling of the Dawson situation, which was of concern to all municipalities as well as the Association. There was also a presentation by the Canada Winter Games committee that stated there could be involvement of surrounding communities. Motion # 5. Motion THAT Council send an invitation to President of the committee Piers McDonald to speak to Council and community at the September meeting. Moved by Perry Savoie, Seconded by Pat Shaw. Vote: 4 in favour. Motion # 5 carried. FCM. Savoie also attended the Federation of Canadian Municipalities AGM in Edmonton on May 28 to June 1. He reported that the theme of “Bridging the Gap” and the federal New Deal of Prime Minister Martin's has all other parties committed to going forward with the concept. There is a group called the InfraGuide, which is committed to helping communities to achieve goals through projects which reduce greenhouse effects. Overall Savoie found similarities with the concerns of all other small communities in southern Canada. Motion # 6. Motion THAT expense invoices for Perry Savoie's two trips be paid as submitted. Moved by Mike Larsen, Seconded by Pat Shaw. Vote: 4 in favour. Motion #6 Carried. Marsh Lake Solid Waste Management Society Report. Gloria Johnson reported that the attendant for the summer of 2004 at the dump had started work, although funds to pay him had not been received from YTG yet. As part of the attendant's duties he will be handing out a questionnaire. There had been a phone complaint to Chair Taggart about smoke from an uncontrolled burn at the dump blanketing Army Beach. A fire in the pit was later put out. The AGM for the Society will be on June 16th. Marsh Lake Community Society. At the AGM in May, the society elected new board members. 1 seat remains open for a resident of Ward 5 until the 28th of July meeting, at which point the seat will be filled if no resident of ward 5 steps forward. The Society voted on an operating budget of $214,000, most of which is for planning of the community building, with $7,000 consulting fee and $5,000 for the survey. They have hired a project manager and there is a request for proposals for an architect and an ad to hire a Recreational Director to put together programs. There is funding set aside for youth group projects, the 2005 Loppet and additional playground equipment for New Constabulary, plus landfill and maintenance costs of $5500. There is a July 1 Canada Day celebration planned in conjunction with the Fire Rescue Society. They have budgeted $500 toward moving the cook shack from the top of the old playground down to the skating rink. On July 5th the Alaska Highway Mayors tour will arrive at the Inn on the Lake. The meeting is hosted by the Community Society and the Fire Society and the Chair of the LAC is invited. Minutes and budget are now posted on the Marsh Lake website at www.marshlakeyukon.net. The Society finds itself in a deficit budget this year by $4,000, which will come out of reserves. The next meeting will be July 28. 6. Old Business. House numbering project update. Chair Taggart has received the proposed maps, and will distribute to each Ward Councillor for inspection. He requested each Councillor to look for missing roads, unnamed roads, misspelled or unclear names and flag the maps with any problems or changes. These changes can be dropped off at Chair Taggart's so that he can take all the changes into YTG at one time. Dog Control issue. MLA Rouble reported on a pilot project for a temporary dog yard and education campaign in the Carcross area with the assistance of the CTFN. During the six weeks of the project, 4 dogs were picked up and none had to be destroyed. Residents of the area showed responsibility and the majority of dogs were controlled. A copy of the final report will be forwarded to the Council. 7. New Business and Question Period. Councillor Mike Larsen requested a subcommittee be formed to work on an emergency plan for Marsh Lake with Emergency Measures Yukon. Larsen will seek residents of Marsh Lake to serve on this short-term committee. Motion # 7. Motion THAT a subcommittee be formed to create an emergency preparedness plan for Marsh Lake. Moved by Mike Larsen, Seconded by Perry Savoie. Vote: 4 in favour. Motion # 7 Carried. 8. Adjournment. Motion # 8. Motion THAT there be mo meeting of the Council in July. Moved by Pat Shaw, Seconded by Perry Savoie. Vote: 4 in favour. Motion # 8 Carried. The next meeting will be on August 11, 2004. Motion # 9. Motion THAT the meeting be adjourned. Moved by Mike Larsen, Seconded by Pat Shaw. Vote: 4 in favour. Motion # 9 Carried. Chair Taggart adjourned the meeting at 9:15 pm. |