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Marsh Lake
Local Advisory Council
Meeting Minutes

June 8, 2005

1. Call Meeting To Order.

The Regular Meeting of June 8, 2005 was called to order at 7:05 p.m.

1A. Roll Call.

Present were Perry Savoie, Helen Smith and Malcolm Taggart.
Absent were Mike Larsen and Pat Shaw. Approximately 11 observers.

2. Adoption Of Agenda.

Motion # 1.
Motion THAT the agenda be adopted with the following amendments. a. add Whitfield Land Use Permit. b. add to Old Business, an update on Bayview Rd.
Moved by Helen Smith, Seconded by Perry Savoie.
Vote: Unanimous.  
                      Motion # 1 Carried.

3. Adoption Of Previous Meeting Minutes.

Minutes of the May meeting were read.

Motion # 2.
Motion THAT the minutes be accepted with one amendment under Old Business, changing the word “everyone” to “Government”.
Moved by Helen Smith, Seconded by Perry Savoie.
Vote: 3 in favour.     
                   Motion # 2 Carried.

4. Report From the Chair & Correspondence.

LARC agendas for July 13 & 14.
Received an email from Susan Skaalid, Manager Forest Operations Section within Forest Management Branch requesting Chair Taggart contact her to arrange a discussion about Firewood permit issues in Recreational leases. Taggart agreed to contact her with an invitation to an upcoming meeting.
Received a copy of the Rural Road Upgrading Program Guidelines and application form for Council's records.
Chair Taggart reported that he had spoken to Bob Allison from Dept. of Highways and the survey of the intersection of Relic Road & Judas Creek Drive should happen in June. They agreed that this was not an easy fix and would wait for the results of the surveyor's report before plans could be made.
House Number project. Council received a copy of a letter from MLA Rouble to Canada Post confirming that the community did not want to change from their new box numbers to new municipal address due to the new House Numbering project.  Rouble encouraged Council to write a letter to Canada Post confirming this decision is supported by the community.

Motion # 3.
Motion THAT Council write a letter to Canada Post with concerns about seemingly arbitrary proposals to change the residents' addresses yet again is not welcomed by any residents.  Council would like to see any plans in the future discussed publicly before being acted upon.
Moved by Perry Savoie, Seconded by Helen Smith.
Vote: 3 in favour.      
                  Motion # 3 Carried.

5. Guest Speakers: Minister for Community Services Glenn Hart and Patrick Rouble, MLA.

Minister Hart took the opportunity to present a plaque and letter of thanks from the Yukon Fire Management team to the Marsh Lake Fire Rescue Society.
Perry Savoie invited Minister Hart to remain through the entire meeting since a number of items would be beneficial for Hart to listen to.
Savoie reported on an Alcohol and Drug Abuse Summit he attended and applauded the Recreation Society for their work in this area. Savoie spoke briefly about the Society's struggle to build a community centre for Marsh Lake and reminded Hart that the territorial government should ensure the community obtains adequate funding to complete the project.
Chair Taggart brought up the ongoing issue of a Land Use Plan for Marsh Lake. After 5 years the community is becoming dismayed at the length the process is taking.  Taggart acknowledged that the involved First Nations have very full agendas at this time and may not be able to spend time on the LUP for Marsh Lake.  The community and the Council would like to see a full LUP for Marsh Lake but would be willing to look at a limited LUP and would like to know what would be involved.
Hart agreed that the First Nations are very busy but that LUP for ML is on their list.  He agreed that something should get moving on the issue soon.
Chair Taggart asked Hart about the Fuel Tax New Deal. Hart replied how the distribution is 68% to the incorporated municipalities in Yukon, 25% to the First Nations and the remaining 7% will be used for projects in the unincorporated communities like Marsh Lake. Hart suggested that since the territorial government is accountable for the allocation of the funds, they would look at community projects that fit the criteria. He stated that all unincorporated communities would need to present projects to the territorial government for approval.  Such projects will most likely include water/waste/sewer/drainage. The funds are limited and will not likely go to roads & trails.
Taggart asked about the community well project for North Marsh Lake. Hart talked about a geotech analysis YTG is expecting to be completed soon. The existing well at Army Beach would need a filter to become potable, and he talked about the risk of looking at other potential sites for a well that would have no guarantee of finding water. He wanted the community to be aware that any well must meet new health regulations.

Helen Smith brought up the ongoing issue of road clearing and sanding during winter months.  She requested the road maintenance schedule be changed to insure ploughs and sanding trucks are dispatched to Marsh Lake before the morning commuters between 6:30 and 7:00 am.
Patrick Rouble suggested some tracking could be done, since there is discrepancy between what the plough does and what residents are saying. Smith also mentioned how inaccurate radio weather reports for Marsh Lake.

Chair Taggart opened comments to the floor.
One resident stated that the Land Use Plan is taking too long. In the meantime Energy Mines & Resources is giving out agricultural leases without consultation with the community.  Also mentioned was the requests for the clearing of the right of way along Doehle Drive that have been ignored by Highways Maintenance.
The issue of greater control at the Marsh Lake dump was brought up.  The community would like to move forward to a no-burn dump, and gain greater control over the state of the dump through gating and sorting of refuse and recyclables.
Hart replied that this is an issue for communities throughout the Yukon, not just Marsh Lake.
Don Ford presented his latest draft of his flyer on how to separate and segregate refuse & recyclables at the dump.  The dump is currently a very dangerous place, from the mishandling of discarded propane & fuel tanks to people discharging firearms at the dump. He would like to see Community Services support the community's efforts to improve the dump and gain control over it.

Other issues brought to Minister Hart's attention:
Multi-use trail connecting the subdivisions.
Marsh and lake water flooding of properties and roads at Army Beach.

6.a. Discussion of Land Use Permit for Whitfield, Bayview Rd.

Mr. Whitfield was present to explain that the land use permit would be to build a septic system. His lot is an odd shape and he will need to go back 50 ft partway into the power line easement. This is the only direction he can go without interfering with a future well site. Perry Savoie had some concerns about the placement of the septic. The maps included with the permit application were not very good and Savoie agreed to take a look at the property with Mr. Whitfield, but would not be making an independent decision without first discussion the issue with Council. There was also concern that Whitfield had received a lot extension, and was going to apply for another to include this land use permit area in his property. Council's supports lot extensions for the use of well's and septic systems, but has never supported multiple lot extensions for single properties.

Motion # 4.
Motion THAT Council respond to the Land Use Application for Whitfield stating that Council have no problem with the application as it stands so long as the permit does not interfere with the walkway access to the lake.
Moved by Perry Savoie, Seconded by Helen Smith.
Vote: 3 in favour.
Motion # 4 Carried.

6.b. Committee Reports.

Solid Waste Management Society:
Gloria Johnson reported that the new recycling depot at the Marsh Lake dump was operating as of May 28. Volunteers would continue to be there on Saturdays from 11 am to 3 pm to give refunds, and other recyclables could be dropped off anytime.

7. Old Business.

Judas Creek Wetlands Signage:
Helen Smith reported that the permanent sign was installed on the beach by the Judas Creek warning residents of the bird nesting grounds on the beach and in the Marsh.

8. New Business and Question Period.

Swan Haven Sign:
A resident observed that the Swan Haven sign was still up on the highway. She had found tourists were following the sign thinking there would still be swans in the area. It was agreed that the Department of Environment would be contacted about covering or removing the sign until next spring.

9. Adjournment.

Motion # 5.
Motion THAT the meeting be adjourned.
Moved by Helen Smith, Seconded by Perry Savoie.
Vote: 3 in favour.
Motion # 5 carried.

Chair Taggart adjourned the meeting at 9:34 pm.

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