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Marsh Lake
Local Advisory Council
Meeting Minutes

June 14, 2006

1. Call To Order.

The Regular Meeting of June 14, 2006 was called to order at 7:08 p.m.

1A. Roll Call.

Present were Helen Smith, Perry Savoie, Peter Heebink, and Malcolm Taggart. Absent was Mike Larsen. Approximately 7 observers.

2. Adoption Of Agenda.

Motion # 1.
Motion THAT item 4a is removed from the agenda.
Moved by Helen Smith, Seconded by Peter Heebink.
Vote: 4 in favour.
Motion # 1 Carried.

3. Adoption Of Previous Meeting Minutes.

Minutes of the May 10, 2006 meeting were read.

Motion # 2.
Motion THAT the minutes be accepted as read.
Moved by Peter Heebink, Seconded by Helen Smith.
Vote: 4 in favour.
Motion # 2 Carried.

4.b. Discussion of House Numbering project.

Terry Bidniak presented Council with the fourth draft of the maps for the house numbering project. He requested the ward Councillors each check over their maps, confirm spelling of names like M'Clintock, and return the maps for a final draft. Once the maps are signed off then they will be sent for cabinet approval, after which letters will be sent to each property owner with the new addresses and a request that the new street numbers be displayed.

4.c. Agricultural lease application #833, O'Grady, (old) km 1422, Alaska Hwy.

Chair Taggart explained that the first flagging of the proposed lease area was different by 250 meters, too close to the highway and overlapping the pipeline easement. The amended application shows a trapezoid diagram, which is trying to avoid a rocky outcropping and compensate for the avoidance of the pipeline easement. Three points were made concerning the application:
1. The reconfiguration of the applied for area shows a lack of understanding of the area terrain and disregards the need for care in planning such applications.
2. Concerns that the applied area will interfere with possible future development of the Caribou Lake Road
3. Council stressed that they have remained consistently opposed to spot development in the Marsh Lake area until after a land use plan is in place.

Motion # 3.
Motion THAT a letter be sent to YESAB outlining the three items of concern.
Moved by Perry Savoie, Seconded by Helen Smith.
Vote: 4 in favour.
Motion # 3 Carried.

5. Report From the Chair & Correspondence.

Received a reply from Lands Branch with the Bernier lot extension application approval, which arrived before Council was able to respond. It was noted that Council would need to address response deadline concerns with YESAB.
Council received a reply from Dept of Highways concerning the trucker's pull off. No solution to the outhouse and garbage issue was given, and Highways suggested that if the issue continued the best solution would be to close the pull off.
A letter was received from Employment Standards announcing the minimum wage increase to $8.25 per hour on May 1,2006.
Received a copy of a letter from Community Affairs concerning travel funding regulation for LAC members.
Received a copy of the 2007 Canada Winter games volunteer application form.
Received a poster from the Alaska Highway Tourism association Received the YESAA newsletter for June 2006.
Chair Taggart reported on the CDF application for community trail planning.
Yukon Energy has put an application for a 20 year plan. Included in this is an application to control the Marsh Lake dam to raise the southern lakes water level by 12 inches during non-flood years. More information is available on the YEC website. Public consultations are scheduled and residents are encouraged to attend.

6. Committee Reports.

Perry Savoie reported on correspondence concerning information on Municipal waste facilities, an invitation to submit information being gathered for future elected official on the topic of "What we wish we knew."
Census 2006: There had also been complaints over the census for 2006, some rural residents having been duplicated by sending or phoning in their information and later being canvassed door to door.
Marsh Lake Community Society: John Streicker, the new Recreation Coordinator was introduced. He reported on the Society's AGM and the plans for the Canada Day grand opening. Notices have been posted and he will be emailing details around the community.
Emergency Measures Committee: nil report.
FireSmart: nil report.
Marsh Lake Solid Waste Management Society: Gloria Johnson reported that an application had been submitted to the Community Development Fund for project money to set up the dump for the change over to a transfer station. Don Ford reported that the household garbage transfer cans should arrive this summer and the hazardous waste shed will be rebuilt in its new location.

7. Old Business.

Army Beach drainage issues: Perry Savoie gave an update on the work done to assess the Army Beach drainage issue. Resident Gary Pettifor volunteered a large amount of time to canvass residents and reported that there was general agreement for improvements that could address the recurring problems. Savoie will keep Council up to date with any progress on this issue.

8. New Business and Question Period.

Land Use Planning:
Residents asked Council if any progress had been made with regard to land use planning. Chair Taggart reported that a reply had yet to be received from the Community Services minister from Council's most recent request for action.

Marsh Lake Newsletter: Rob Alexander reported that the June issue of the newsletter would be delayed until after the July 1 Grand Opening of the new Community Centre.

Motion # 4.
Motion THAT there will be no regular meeting of the Council in July. Next meeting will be August 9.
Moved by Perry Savoie, Seconded by Helen Smith.
Vote: 4 in favour.
Motion # 4 Carried.

9. Adjournment.

Motion # 5.
Motion THAT the meeting be adjourned.
Moved by Helen Smith, Seconded by Peter Heebink.
Vote: 4 in favour.
Motion # 5 carried.

Chair Taggart adjourned the meeting at 8:33 pm.

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