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Marsh Lake
Local Advisory Council
Meeting Minutes

March 21, 2001

1. Call Meeting To Order

The Regular Meeting of March 21, 2001 was called to order at 7:07 p.m.

1A. Roll Call
Present were Chair Malcolm Taggart, Secretary Helen Smith, Pam Blackburn, Treasurer Patrick Rouble, and Andy Townsend (arrived later).
Approximately 21 observers and 3 delegates.

1B. Amendment to Agenda.
#6 - Correspondence will be combined with #4 - Report from the Chair.

Motion # 1

Motion by Pat Blackburn to Adopt the Agenda with Amendment.
Second by Helen Smith.
Unanimous Agreement.
Motion # 1 Carried.

2. Adoption Of Previous Meeting Minutes.

Amendments to previous minutes:
- That the LARC denial to Ian Pumphry's application was for purchase of his commercial lease.
-That the Yukon Government required the Marsh Lake Community Club extend its boundaries.

Motion # 2

Motion by Patrick Rouble to Accept Minutes As Amended.
Second by Pam Blackburn.
Unanimous Agreement.
Motion # 2 Carried.

3. Delegation from the Department of Highways:

John Cormie, Deputy Minister for Communities and Transportation.
Robert Magnuson, Director, Transportation Maintenance Branch.
Robin Walsh, Director, Transportation Engineering Branch.

The following is a summary of the topics that were presented to the LAC meeting:
-Winter maintenance schedules and shifts along the Alaska Highway south to Jakes Corner.
-Snow removal and sanding. How sanding aggregates have been reduced to 3/8" (10 ml) to reduce windshield damage.
-How all sand is premixed with salt before stockpiling to prevent freezing up of stockpiles.
-How alternates to sand and salt have been explored but were found to be inadequate and excessively expensive.
M'Clintock River Bridge:
-that skid tests are done on the M'Clintock River Bridge to test ice on deck.
-that the design of the bridge currently exceeds standards for 100 km per hour speed limit.
Upgrades for summer 2001:
-Yukon River Bridge railing upgrade.
-Upgrade of surface of Highway adjacent to the M'Clintock Place old lodge.

Questions to the Highways Delegation were summarized as follows:
-Since rebuilding M'Clintock Bridge is considered too expensive, could the bridge be better marked?
Since the bridge currently follows the National Standard for signage, could street lights improve visibility in the dark? Highways is waiting for spring thaw to place bridge markers, and will attempt to keep signs and markers cleaner during winter.
-Concern was expressed about the school bus stop at the M'Clintock Valley Road on the south side of the bridge. Lack of visibility for traffic coming off the bridge. Some solutions were suggested and the Highways will pursue them.

-Residents of New Constabulary asked about chip seal on the gravel road. It was pointed out that NC does not fit the criteria for traffic volumes or maintenance cost to warrant chip seal yet.
-Calcium chloride used on the gravel roads to cut back on dust, which is killing trees, was a concern. Highways offered no better solution and pointed out that having trees further back from the road could be beneficial to visibility.

The maintenance schedule of the snow plow and sander were discussed. The present schedule has the plow operating against commuter traffic. It was suggested the schedule be changed to place the equipment ahead of the early school bus.

4. Report From the Chair/ Correspondence.

Chair Taggart received a notice from C&TS that the applications for rezoning of Lots 45, 60 and 65 M'Clintock Place, discussed at the last meeting, have been withdrawn or suspended. The original application for a zoning variance on Lot 64 allowing an eating establishment has gone forward for decision. The LAC has no comment on this application as it has gone through the required consultation process. Notification also went to M'Clintock property owners.

A copy of a letter was received from McClintock Place Association to Cynthia Tucker stating how they want to see rezoning addressed.

A letter was sent to LARC about the Tuton/Pettifor applications in Army Beach, stating that the 5 area residents present at the last meeting were strongly opposed to the applications for lot extensions over public access to the lake.

The LAC has received a booklet from Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society titled 'Economic Benefits of Protected Areas'.

A representative from Foothills Pipeline will be at the April 11th LAC meeting to introduce themselves to communities along the proposed route of the Alaska/Canada pipeline.

The Community Policing Officer from the RCMP will be attending the April 11 meeting at 8:30 pm to discuss police presence in the Marsh Lake area.

New correspondence-
A letter concerning LARC application for Menzel, Lot 2 Army Beach, and dated January 23, 2001, was misaddressed and only reached the LAC this week. LARC was holding back on the application until they heard from the Marsh Lake LAC. The application was discussed at the December 2000 LAC meeting.

Motion # 3

Motion by Pam Blackburn to write a letter to LARC stating the LAC found no reason to object to this application so long as it doesn't interfere with existing trail network.
Second by Helen Smith
Vote: 5 in favor.
Motion # 3 Carried.

5. Discussion Of LARC Applications.

Discussion of applications for Watson, Lot 16 Army Beach and Gorrell/Kluhini Holdings, Lot 17 Army Beach found no opposition and general support to the extension of the lots on the foreshore to match the neighbouring waterfront boundaries.

Motion # 4

Motion by Andy Townsend to write a letter expressing general support at the meeting to the above applications.
Second By Pam Blackburn
Vote: 5 in favor.
Vote # 4 Carried.

Discussion of LARC application for Treskatis, Lot 809 South M'Clintock. Pam Blackburn interviewed neighbours in the area and found they were in favor of this application, since it would bring the Treskatis Lot into alignment with lot extensions already granted to surrounding neighbours. No comments were offered by the observers at the meeting.

Motion # 5

Motion by Pam Blackburn that a letter be written to LARC in support of the above application.
Second by Patrick Rouble
Vote: 5 in favor.
Vote # 5 Carried.

7. Question Period / New Business.

-Chair Taggart received a phone call about the high chlorine content of the well at the Firehall. The maintenance chart revealed it is presently higher than normal.

-The issue of dogs running loose in the Marsh Lake area needs to be addressed. It was suggested YTG's dog law be investigated and a volunteer will keep a log of reported dog problems in New Constabulary until the next meeting.

Firesmart- South M'Clintock has acres of deadfall the residents would like included in the 2001 season. Mike Larsen wants to target the most extreme areas first. The deadline for this year's funding is June 15th. It was suggested the application be made ASAP as funding is limited.

Chair Taggart suggested the LAC lobby C&TS to regulate billboards along the Highway in the LAC Boundary area. The billboards should be limited to local businesses. There have been numerous complaints over the years about the invasion of billboards advertising Whitehorse businesses reaching further and further south along the Highway. This topic will be on the agenda for April 11th.

It was suggested the LAC address the Extreme Alliances for the Thunder On Ice Snowmobile Races about their cleanup schedule for this year and future years. As of the day of this meeting, the area used for the event had yet to be cleaned up.

Motion # 6.

Motion by Pam Blackburn that a letter be written to Extreme Alliances with a cc to their sponsor NMI Mobility to make a friendly request for their cleanup schedule.
Second by Andy Townsend
Vote: 5 in favor.
Motion # 6 Carried.

Canada Post should be reminded of their intention to have a public meeting to discuss the Wood Street Post Office closing. Helen Smith will call them with this reminder.

8. Adjournment.

Motion # 7.

Motion by Patrick Rouble to adjourn meeting.
Second by Helen Smith.
Vote: 5 in favor.
Motion # 7 Carried.

Meeting adjourned at 9:50 PM.

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