1. Call Meeting To Order. The Regular Meeting of March 10, 2004 was called to order at 7:07 p.m. 1A. Roll Call. Present were Perry Savoie, Mike Larsen and Malcolm Taggart. Absent were Helen Smith and Pat Shaw. Approximately 7 observers. 2. Adoption Of Agenda. Motion # 1. Motion THAT the agenda be adopted as posted. Moved by Perry Savoie, Seconded by Mike Larsen. Vote: 3 in favour. Motion # 1 Carried. 3. Adoption Of Previous Meeting Minutes. Minutes of the February 11, 2004 meeting were read. Motion # 2. Motion THAT the minutes be accepted as read. Moved by Mike Larsen, Seconded by Perry Savoie. Vote: 3 in favour. Motion # 2 Carried. 4. Discussion of LARC application for lot enlargement for Fromme, Lot#84, Judas Creek Drive. The area applied for is an access to the lake, between Lots 83 and 84. Local residents have a petition they are presenting to LARC requesting the access to the lake be kept open. It was pointed out that only landowners with lakefront property were approving of the closing of this access through the applied for lot enlargement, however, there are dozens of houses on the opposite side of the road that require this access as a foot path to the lake. It was stated that all lakefront accesses in Judas Creek are required for use by residents without lakefront property, visitors, emergency services to access lake water, and animal corridors. Motion # 3. Motion THAT Council reply to LARC stating that they are generally opposed to complete closure of accesses, that a large number of residents are in opposition and emergency services would like the access to remain open in order to serve the community. Moved by Perry Savoie, Seconded by Mike Larsen. Vote: 3 in favour. Motion # 3 Carried. 5. Discussion of Dog Control in Marsh Lake. This issue has been discussed in the past, but it was agreed that dog control is an on-going problem and should be reviewed periodically. Complaints ranged from residents being accosted while walking on the roads, to large groups of dogs on private property barking and destroying the quiet peaceful lifestyle the residents of Marsh Lake are seeking. Motion # 4. Motion THAT a letter be written to MLA Rouble requesting that he keep Council informed as to the status of YTG's response to the dog problems in surrounding communities, and the options available to Marsh Lake by way of dog control. Moved by Mike Larsen, Seconded by Perry Savoie. Vote: 3 in favour. Motion # 4 Carried. 5. Budget for 2004. Budget will be deferred until next meeting. 6. Report From the Chair & Correspondence, and Old Business. Correspondence sent as per motions of February meeting. Correspondence received: -LARC agendas for March 11 & 12, 2004. -A letter from Energy Mines & Resources in response to Council's appeal of the subdivision and subsequent enlargement of lot 14 Army Beach. Old Business: Motion # 5. Motion THAT an invoice be sent to the AYC requesting funding to send Councillor Perry Savoie to the FCM AGM in Edmonton in May. Moved by Mike Larsen, Seconded by Perry Savoie. Vote: 3 in favour. Motion # 5 carried. Motion # 6. Motion THAT a letter be written to the Bank of Montreal to update the signatures on the MLLAC chequing account. Moved by Perry Savoie, Seconded by Mike Larsen. Vote: 3 in favour. Motion #6 Carried. 7. Report on AYC Business. Perry Savoie reported that at the special meeting of the LAC on February 18, 2004, the following resolution was drafted: Resolution 2004-1. WHEREAS: The Marsh Lake Local Advisory Council has discussed the possibility of all Advisory Boards and Planning Committees acquiring a vote at the Association of Yukon Communities Board level, and WHEREAS: The Council has also discussed the potential problems trying to pick a representative for all Advisory Boards and Committees and fund this position, plus organize a sub committee meeting whereby input from all concerned parties can be discussed and voted on for presentation to the Board of Directors, (AYC); The Council moves the following: THAT the Marsh Lake Local Advisory Council is in favour of such a position on AYC subject to AYC providing rules and direction for funding, election, meeting structures and any other pertinent advice that will make the position one that will provide a fair and representative position to the AYC Board and still represent all advisory Councils and Planning Committees. Motion # 7. Motion THAT the resolution 2004-1 be accepted. Moved by Perry Savoie, Seconded by Mike Larsen. Vote: 3 in favour. Motion # 7 Carried. 8. New Business. Don Ford informed the LAC that the Marsh Lake dump will once again be used as a staging area for tires to be shipped south for recycling. He requested the Council write a letter acknowledging this notification. Motion # 8. Motion THAT Council write a letter to Pat McInroy at YTG Community Services acknowledging notification that the Marsh Lake dump will be used as a staging area for tires being shipped south. Moved by Mike Larsen, Seconded by Perry Savoie. Vote: 3 in favour. Motion # 8 Carried. 9. Adjournment. Motion # 9. Motion THAT the meeting be adjourned. Moved by Perry Savoie, Seconded by Mike Larsen. Vote: 3 in favour. Motion # 9 Carried. Chair Taggart adjourned the meeting at 8:37 pm. |