1. Call To Order. The Regular Meeting of March 8, 2006 was called to order at 7:07 p.m. 1A. Roll Call. Present were Helen Smith, Malcolm Taggart, Perry Savoie and Peter Heebink. Absent was Mike Larsen. Approximately 5 observers. 2. Adoption Of Agenda. Motion # 1. Motion THAT the agenda be adopted as posted. Moved by Peter Heebink, Seconded by Helen Smith. Vote: 4 in favour. Motion # 1 Carried. 3. Adoption Of Previous Meeting Minutes. Minutes of the February 8, 2006 meeting were read. Motion # 2. Motion THAT the minutes be accepted with the following amendments. In item #5 change to Yukon Electrical and YTG EMO. In item #6 add word “major” and change would have to “may have”. Moved by Perry Savoie, Seconded by Helen Smith. Vote: 4 in favour. Motion # 2 Carried. 4. 2006 Budget Approval. Motion # 3. Motion THAT the budget be amended to include the Alaska Highway Forum membership fee and then be submitted to Community Services. Moved by Perry Savoie, Seconded by Malcolm Taggart. Vote: 4 in favour. Motion # 3 Carried. 5. Report From Chair & Correspondence. Received an offer to invite Yukon Electrical and YTG EMO to next month's meeting to discuss issues over power outages with residents. Chair Taggart spoke to Department of Highways about brush clearing on Judas Creek Drive to confirm that the north entrance along Doehle Drive and the corner around Truck Trap Creek is a more important area than the brush clearing of the south entrance road. Correspondence: -Sent as per previous meeting's motions. -Received a letter from Dept. of Highways confirming that the upgrade for Bayview Road has been put on hold since the residents are finding the issues of route and length contentious. Residents will be able to reopen the issue with highways when they are ready. -Received a copy of a letter from MLA Rouble to Minister of Community Services Hart on the issues of emergency preparedness and power outages. Issues will be brought to April's meeting for discussion. -Received letter from Dept of Highways and Public Works concerning the bumps along Doehle Drive. Highways and Public Works agreed to monitor for reasonable and safety, however the current bumps are not repairable as they are under the road. Highways and Public Works also inspected the intersection at Armstrong and Raven in New Constabulary and concluded that the intersection would be maintained with gravel and sand. It was suggested that drivers slow down for the conditions. -Received a letter from LARC stating that the licence of occupation for King in M'Clintock Place had been approved with directions for the occupant to remove the ramp from the water reserve. 6. Committee Reports. Association of Yukon Communities: Perry Savoie reported that he would be unable to attend the meeting in Carmacks in March or the AGM in Watson Lake in May. Community Society: It was reported that the 2006 Loppet had made over $4000 even with reduced attendance. The building committee would be meeting on the 29th with elections for new directors. $1200 from community development fund had been granted for summer youth employment to build new bulletin boards for areas where needed. Because they received limited funding it was suggested that Helen Smith contact the society president to discuss the areas that most needed new bulletin boards. Recycling Society: New signs had gone up at the depot and new shelves had been built for the free store. Posters for the Stop household garbage burning campaign were put up through out Marsh Lake. Vandalism was reported in the form of broken windows at the depot. EMO Committee: nil report. 7. Old Business. House Numbering: Helen Smith gave a quick background on the project. She reported a couple of on-going issues in Judas Creek including the residents' reluctance to have greenbelts given ghost numbers. She proposed either a different numbering system in Judas Creek or for the other subdivisions to go ahead and leave Judas Creek out. Chair Taggart stated that there is no guarantee that greenbelts will be protected. Ghost numbering is part of the system of mapping. The renumbering of lots is for the benefit of everyone, especially emergency services. Perry Savoie reminded everyone that greenbelts cannot just be developed. Government must make applications to in-fill. A process must be followed. Chair Taggart said that the renumbering was for the benefit of all Marsh Lake and if Judas Creek did not come on board he might propose dropping the whole project. Chair Taggart included in the report that the illegal driveways in New Constabulary along Armstrong Drive would not be numbered. Only legitimate lots on the side roads would receive numbers. Army Beach water well: Perry Savoie reported that the problems had occurred with the new well over the winter. There was silt and some freezing but after spring thaw it would be pumped out and cleaned up to check for damage. 8. New Business and Question Period. Community Land Use Planning: An inquiry came from residents about the progress of a community plan. Chair Taggart reported that the last communication with Yukon Government stated that the community could go ahead with a limited plan without the participation of First Nations, but that Community Services did not wish to proceed without the First Nations involvement. Motion # 4. Motion THAT a letter be written to Community Services stating that Marsh Lake would like to get their community land use plan underway. Council would like to have the First Nations involved, but the community would like to get the plan started until such time as the First Nations are ready to become involved. Moved by Peter Heebink, Seconded by Helen Smith. Vote: 4 in favour. Motion # 4 Carried. 9. Adjournment. Chair Taggart adjourned the meeting at 9:01 pm. |