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Marsh Lake
Local Advisory Council
Meeting Minutes

May 9, 2001

1. Call Meeting To Order
The Regular Meeting of May 9, 2001 was called to order at 7:05 p.m.
1A. Roll Call
Present were Chair Malcolm Taggart, Secretary Helen Smith, Pam Blackburn, Treasurer Patrick Rouble and Andy Townsend.
Approximately 15 observers.

1B. Amendment to Agenda.
Remove Delegation from the RCMP Community Policing Officer until next meeting.

Motion # 1
Motion by Helen Smith to Adopt the Agenda with Amendment.
Second by Patrick Rouble.
Unanimous Agreement.
Motion # 1 Carried.

2. Previous Meeting Minutes.
Minutes from the April 11, 2001 meeting was read by Secretary Helen Smith.
Amendments to the minutes were:
Chlorine has not always been added to the well water at the Firehall until recently. The minutes should read that chlorine has been added periodically.
The mailing address of John Baufeld was added.

Motion # 2
Motion by Pam Blackburn to Accept Amended Minutes.
Second by Patrick Rouble.
Unanimous Agreement.
Motion # 2 Carried.

3. Report From the Chair/ Correspondence.

A reminder for all Marsh Lake residents to participate in the federal census on May 15th. This will be the first time Marsh Lake will be treated as a separate population.

Chair Taggart received a call from Canada Post about attending the LAC meeting. He encouraged them to arrange for their own meeting and suggested Inn On The Lake as the location, since a large turnout could be expected.

Following motions in the last LAC meeting, letters were written to the following:
1. The Dept. Of Education concerning the student population survey in Marsh Lake.
2. C&TS about Highway Billboards.
3. LARC letter concerning LAC relationship and procedures in addressing LARC applications.

Chair Taggart met with the LARC officials to discuss the content of the letter. The LARC members apologized for any misunderstandings that have occurred. They now understand that a LAC Councillor cannot always attend their meetings. They will acknowledge all correspondence from LAC. LARC will be sending copies of the minutes from their meetings.

No new LARC applications were received.

New brochures were received from YTG Economic Development on Mining in the Yukon, and E Commerce.

5. Discussion on Electoral Boundaries for Mount Lorne.

A letter and map was received from the Yukon Electoral District Boundaries Commission, inviting the LAC to comment on or make suggestions as to present Boundaries and how they would like to see them changed. The subject was opened for discussion at which time the following points were made:
-The Mount Lorne electoral district, at 1547 voters, is presently 450 voters larger than the average target size of 1100.
-Marsh Lake would be too small by itself for an electoral district.
-The communities outside the Whitehorse City limits continue to grow.
-Although Mount Lorne Electoral District currently includes a number of subdivisions inside the city limits, it was pointed out that these communities have differing needs and living standards compared to the subdivisions outside the city limits. There are levels of Municipal services that the subdivisions within the city limits must deal with, unlike the Mount Lorne, Golden Horn or Marsh Lake areas, which are completely outside the city.

Motion # 3
Motion by Andy Townsend to write a letter recommending the Electoral District Boundaries Commission consider redrawing the Mount Lorne District to follow the city limits boundary.
Second by Pam Blackburn.
Vote: 5 in favor.
Motion # 3 Carried.

6. Discussion about Land Application Review Committee (LARC) that a land use plan be carried out for Army Beach.

Because there has been a division in the residents of Army Beach as to land use in that Subdivision, all Lot Extension applications for the Army Beach area have been put on hold until the LARC can go through a land use plan with the residents. LARC has asked the LAC for input.
After discussion it was decided that the following points would be passed on to LARC.
-that mailings and general meetings may not be enough to get full opinions from residents.
-that LARC does a house to house survey of the full time residents of Army Beach in order to obtain opinions from all residents.

Motion # 4
Motion by Helen Smith to write a letter to LARC encouraging them to proceed with development of a land use plan at Army Beach, on the condition that they contact all full time residents through a house to house survey.
Second By Pam Blackburn.
Vote: All in favor.
Motion # 4 Carried.

7. Question Period and New Business.

Budget for the 2001 calendar year has a $170. surplus. Motion to present it to YTG was passed at the April LAC meeting.

House numbers within subdivisions. With the coming of postal service, a decision needs to be made to standardize house numbers in the Marsh Lake area.

Motion # 5
Motion by Pam Blackburn to inquire to C&TS as to what happened to the plan to organize house numbers, originally asked for by the Marsh Lake Community Club the same year the streets were named.
Second By Patrick Rouble.
Vote: All in favor.
Motion # 5 Carried.

Dog Bylaws: Patrick Rouble has obtained a copy of the YTG Dog Bylaws, but would like to wait for the RCMP delegation to be present to discuss the legal options.

Helen Smith announced that The Yukon Fish and Wildlife Enhancement Trust, has granted the LAC up to $1500. to have an interpretive sign made and placed by the Judas Creek Marsh Wetlands. This sign will address concerns over ATV activity through the Wetlands, and encourage all visitors to be cautious of nesting birds in the area.

Motion # 6.
Motion by Helen Smith that a letter be written to the Yukon Liquor Control Board asking that the LAC receive notification of any commercial liquor licence applications in the Marsh Lake LAC area.
Second by Andy Townsend.
Vote: All in favor.
Motion # 6 Carried.

9. Adjournment.

Motion # 7.
Motion by Patrick Rouble to adjourn meeting.
Second by Helen Smith.
Vote: All in favor.
Motion # 8 Carried.
Meeting adjourned at 9:10 PM.

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